And it shall come to pass, ...from one sabbath to another,
shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD.
Isaiah 66:23
"There is a great difference between "keeping the Sabbath in the message of the third angel" today, and holding the Sabbath outside the message.
Sister White wrote:
"As far as the Sabbath is concerned, he occupies the same position as the Seventh Day Baptists. Separate the Sabbath from the messages, and it loses its power; but when connected with the message of the third angel, a power attends it which convicts unbelievers and infidels, and brings them out with strength to stand, to live, grow, and flourish in the Lord."—"Testimonies," Vol. I, p. 337.
We have seen it in party after party and in faction after faction, for that matter, all these years.
The power of the Sabbath-reform truth comes today from the place of the Sabbath as the testing truth in the definite gospel message of Revelation 14."
W.A. Spicer 1937