On the "Christian" Mystic Sid Roth's program--
These False Preachers:
(channeling, numerology, McPherson & portals)
Kunneman claims there will be signs in the Lightning this year as he does his routine of closing his eyes and does his fake channeling nonsense supposedly from God. He claims there will
be something "great" with Canada, Mexico & the U.S. this year and the prophecies of Joel will begin to be fulfilled in 2020. He also claimed in the extended program that the "bamboo curtain" is about to fall on North Korea. In the extended program he goes on to speak in tongues as he claims to see "evil" over the east coast....
*uhm....his claim about Mexico, Canada & the U.S. is just ripped from headlines about Trump trying to renegotiate NAFTA with them. That gives Kunneman a 50-50 chance something "great" will come of it since no one knows what will happen. Again, as far of North Korea falling...uhmm...there's a 50-50 chance that North Korea's regime could come to an end depending on international events. He's just taking headlines and repeating possibilities that could happen.
Pierce delves into numerology claiming that "8" means a new beginning as part of 201"8". He claims this will be the year of "Divine Visitation". This year he claims is about "days, doors, angel's & war" as a result of an angel appearing to him with "red eyes". In the extended program he claims

Vera brings more numerology based on the difference between the numbers in 2017 vs. 2018. He claims that "God showed" him that the fires in California & floods are due to the immorality in California. He claimed God told him that He (God) was going to "empower the church to go back to the days of Aimee Semple McPherson"...also he claims God told him that there was going to be a cure for breast cancer & humble sports jocks who claim to be believers but don't live like it. He also claims that God said He would bless the American economy for supporting
*He might be right about the immorality of California--BUT--1) "God" didn't show Him anything because 2) McPherson was a fake and taught falsehood. She was not only a charismatic who started the Four Square Gospel Church but was also kicked out of her own church after her & her lover tried to shake down the church for money by faking their kidknapping and taking off to Mexico...so NO Mr. Vera, God is holding up McPherson for anything....
****Sid Roth brought up a previous episode where it was claimed God used Wonder Woman in a vision to show the rise of women in the church...ARE THESE PEOPLE SERIOUS??? God uses "wonder woman" as a symbol???
But hey, for only $39 you can buy their dvd set of these predictions AND AS A BONUS, "ANGELS OF WAR" by Pierce where he will tell all that the "red" eyed angel told him!!! Yeah, he supposedly gets a message from heaven and he wants to sell that message....mmm...I don't see Paul, Daniel, Ezekiel, etc. selling their vision messages...
In their greed they will make up
clever lies to get hold of your money.
But God condemned them long ago,
clever lies to get hold of your money.
But God condemned them long ago,
2 Peter 2:1,3