At the Marriage Feast

Mary had assisted in the arrangements for the feast, and she now spoke to Jesus, saying, They have no wine. These words were a suggestion that He might supply their need. But Jesus answered, Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come. John 2:3,4
This answer, abrupt as it seems to us, expressed no coldness or discourtesy. The Savior's form of address to His mother was in accordance with Oriental custom. It was used toward persons to whom it was desired to show respect. The words, Mine hour is not yet come, point to the fact that every act of Christ's life on earth was in fulfillment of the plan that had existed from the days of eternity.
Mary said to those serving at table, Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it. John 2:5. Thus she did what she could to prepare the way for the work of Christ.
The word of Christ supplied ample provision for the feast. So abundant is the provision of His grace to blot out the iniquities of men.