"In the latest issue of a widely-circulated science magazine, Bill Nye ‘the Science Guy’ defiantly
defends his evolutionary beliefs and says that even if he ends up ‘going to Hell,’ it still won’t prove that the earth is young.
“Let’s say that I am, through my actions, doomed, and that I will go to Hell,” Nye told Popular Science. “Even if I am going to Hell, that still doesn’t mean the Earth is 6,000 years old. The facts just don’t reconcile.”
The Popular Science article, subtitled “How a mild-mannered children’s celebrity plans to save science in America—or go down swinging,” features images of “the Science Guy” throwing punches at the camera. Nye says his goal in debating Ham earlier this year was simple: “I want[ed] to destroy him.”" ChristianNewsNetwork
Who knows the explanation of things?
Ecclesiastes 8:1 NIV

“I held strongly to the view that [the debate] was an opportunity to expose the well-intending Ken Ham and the support he receives from his followers as being bad for Kentucky, bad for science education, bad for the U.S., and thereby bad for humankind,” Nye wrote in the Skeptical Inquirer column. “I do not feel I’m exaggerating when I express it this strongly.”
Now, several months after the Skeptical Inquirer commentary, another magazine is spotlighting Nye’s anti-creation views. In a front page story titled “Bill Nye Fights Back,” the September issue of Popular Science describes Nye’s evolutionary beliefs and his perspective on the February debate with Ham.“Let’s say that I am, through my actions, doomed, and that I will go to Hell,” Nye told Popular Science. “Even if I am going to Hell, that still doesn’t mean the Earth is 6,000 years old. The facts just don’t reconcile.”
The Popular Science article, subtitled “How a mild-mannered children’s celebrity plans to save science in America—or go down swinging,” features images of “the Science Guy” throwing punches at the camera. Nye says his goal in debating Ham earlier this year was simple: “I want[ed] to destroy him.”" ChristianNewsNetwork
Who knows the explanation of things?
Ecclesiastes 8:1 NIV