"There’s no escape; new measurements show far less lithium than predicted by the big bang, and more fine tuning than would be expected by chance.
Measurements made by Italians deep underground confirm an old problem in cosmology: not enough lithium-7, but too much lithium-6.
National Geographic sums up the problem simply: “That curious deficiency suggests that astrophysicists either don’t fully understand the big bang, they suggest, or else don’t fully understand the way that stars work.” Such a quandary suggests they could understand neither.
The so-called “fine structure constant” called “alpha” is a dimensionless relationship of three fundamental constants,

National Geographic sums up the problem simply: “That curious deficiency suggests that astrophysicists either don’t fully understand the big bang, they suggest, or else don’t fully understand the way that stars work.” Such a quandary suggests they could understand neither.
Cosmic Fine Tuning
PhysOrg presented an update on the subject of fine tuning. The article begins by re-stating the curious values of fundamental constants that make our universe habitable:
Within physics there are certain physical quantities that play a central role. These are things such as the mass of an electron, or the speed of light, or the universal constant of gravity. We aren’t sure why these constants have the values they do, but their values uniquely determine the way our universe works. For example, if the mass of electrons were smaller, atoms would be smaller. If the gravitational constant were larger, you’d need less mass to create a black hole, and neutron stars might not exist.
The so-called “fine structure constant” called “alpha” is a dimensionless relationship of three fundamental constants,
* the charge of the electron,
* Planck’s constant and
* the speed of light.
Thought to be invariant, there were reports a while back of variations observed between different parts of the universe." CEH
When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, ....What is man,
When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, ....What is man,
that thou art mindful of him?
Psalm 8:3,4