Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Hebrews 11:3
"Evolution is dead without its billions of years. Darwin needed
exorbitant and reckless withdrawals from the bank of time for his Stuff Happens Law to make humans from bacteria. If the solar system is far younger than the current consensus age of 4.5 billion years, it would imply the Earth is young. And if the Earth is young, Big Science would shudder with horror. The thought of young-Earth creationists saying “I told you so!” is too distasteful for academia to imagine or permit.
exorbitant and reckless withdrawals from the bank of time for his Stuff Happens Law to make humans from bacteria. If the solar system is far younger than the current consensus age of 4.5 billion years, it would imply the Earth is young. And if the Earth is young, Big Science would shudder with horror. The thought of young-Earth creationists saying “I told you so!” is too distasteful for academia to imagine or permit.
For such a small object to be active is remarkable.
Present Day Endogenic and Exogenic Activity on Mercury (American Geophysical Union Geophysical Science Letters, 14 Aug 2022).
This paper revealed surprising evidence of current activity on
Mercury, the innermost rocky planet.
As a small body not much larger
than our moon, Mercury should be dead and cold despite its proximity to
the sun (which only heats Mercury’s surface).
An occasional meteor
strike might change things, but earthquakes? (or Mercuryquakes?)
could such a small sphere keep its core liquid long enough to produce
endogenic (interior-generated) changes that continue to the present day?
We use before and after (temporal) image pairs collected by the Mercury Dual Imaging System to identify 20 surface changes on Mercury that formed between 2011 and 2015. We identified at least one change likely resulting from a newly formed impact crater with bright rays that extend away from the site. If all the changes result from impact events, then the present-day rate of impactors striking the innermost planet is 1,000 times higher than models predict. Therefore, we investigate other sources for these detected changes. We located several changes on steep slopes near tectonic landforms, consistent with ongoing tectonic activity. Additionally, we identified several changes in areas adjacent to hollow formations, consistent with present-day activity." CEH