"There were two parties in line waiting for steak. Somebody had cut in front and then started being picky and finicky about the steaks and taking too long, and then, somebody else spoke up and said something I guess the other party didn't like. Then, it just looks like it turned into an all-out brawl," former employee Dylan Becker said.
A viral video circulating on social media shows the chaos of customers punching and screaming at each other over steak.
"The social media videos depict the chaos of the scene at the time, and most individuals were gone upon police arrival," Sgt. Glenn Vandegrift from the Bensalem Township Police Department said. "Thankfully, there were no serious injuries resulting from the fight that we are aware of. Only a few, minor injuries were sustained."
"All I wanted was some steak," one person is heard saying in the video.
The brawl is one of the first documented incidents where meat shortages
resulted in a public fight among 'hangry' consumers. Americans will have
to get used to third-world conditions ....From declining herds, labor shortages, soaring shipping costs, snarled
supply chains, and rising commodity costs, many of these inputs are
increasing costs." ZeroHedge