And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17

And the Spirit & the bride say, come...Revelation 22:17 - May We One Day Bow Down In The DUST At HIS FEET ...... {click on blog TITLE at top to refresh page}---QUESTION: ...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? LUKE 18:8
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Black Holes Archives PAGE
Black Holes Archives PAGE
And though I .... understand all mysteries, and all knowledge;
...and have not Love, I am nothing
1 Corinthians 13:2
1 Corinthians 13:2
Galaxy Batteries?
Milky Way Mystery
Universe Battery Charger Mysteries
"Blown Away"
Wave Transport
Upending Evolutionary Cosmology
What's Swirling Out There?
Shaking Spacetime for What?
"Black Holes"
Quasar 3C279
When the Creation does the "Impossible"
Black (Loop) Hole?
How about this for how they "form"......
Black Hole Oceans (Cosmic Steam Baths)
IN the NEWS - Jer. 17:9 Meets Horses in France
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked... Jeremiah 17:9
"Ears are cut off, eyes removed, an animal is emptied of its blood.....Armed with knives, some knowledge of their prey and a large dose of cruelty, attackers are going after horses and ponies in pastures across France in what may be ritual mutilations.
Police are stymied by the macabre attacks that include slashings and worse. Most often, an ear – usually the right one – has been cut off, recalling the matador’s trophy in a bullring.
Up to 30 attacks have been reported in France, from the mountainous Jura region in the east to the Atlantic coast, many this summer, the agriculture minister said Friday. One attack was registered in February, according to the newsmagazine Le Point. With each attack, the mystery only seems to grow.
Damajean faced down two attackers last Monday. He himself was injured in the arm in a struggle with one intruder wielding a pruning knife as the other slashed the sides of two ponies, now recovering but “traumatized,” he said. The men fled in a vehicle.The following day, an attacker or attackers bled a young pony in the Saone-et-Loire. In another case, some of a horse’s organs were removed.
A donkey who reportedly participated in the past in the Christmas market in Paris was killed in a gruesome attack in June.
Speculation is widespread as to how barbaric acts, some surgical, could be perpetrated without solid knowledge of equine anatomy or on a horse in a pasture presumably able to flee."
"Ears are cut off, eyes removed, an animal is emptied of its blood.....Armed with knives, some knowledge of their prey and a large dose of cruelty, attackers are going after horses and ponies in pastures across France in what may be ritual mutilations.
Up to 30 attacks have been reported in France, from the mountainous Jura region in the east to the Atlantic coast, many this summer, the agriculture minister said Friday. One attack was registered in February, according to the newsmagazine Le Point. With each attack, the mystery only seems to grow.

A donkey who reportedly participated in the past in the Christmas market in Paris was killed in a gruesome attack in June.
Speculation is widespread as to how barbaric acts, some surgical, could be perpetrated without solid knowledge of equine anatomy or on a horse in a pasture presumably able to flee."
IN the NEWS - Occult & Black Lives Matter
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse! Galatians 1:8 NIV
"Black Lives Matter (BLM) Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors, along with BLM Los Angeles Co-Founder Melina Abdullah, discussed the “spiritual” component of the movement, explaining the
practices and “rituals” performed to remember and “invoke” the spirits of deceased African Americans.
“We speak their names … [and] you kind of invoke that spirit, and then their spirits actually become present with you,” Abdullah, a professor at California State University, stated during the discussion hosted by Fowler Museum at UCLA.
"Black Lives Matter (BLM) Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors, along with BLM Los Angeles Co-Founder Melina Abdullah, discussed the “spiritual” component of the movement, explaining the
practices and “rituals” performed to remember and “invoke” the spirits of deceased African Americans.
“We speak their names … [and] you kind of invoke that spirit, and then their spirits actually become present with you,” Abdullah, a professor at California State University, stated during the discussion hosted by Fowler Museum at UCLA.
“In my tradition, you offer things that your loved one who passed away would want, whether it’s honey or tobacco or things like that,” she said, referring to the creation of an “ancestor altar,” which is sometimes practiced in African cultures.
“Why would we not honor the people who have been stolen from us and are asking for us to fight for them?” Cullors asked. “They want us to remember them because … they know what it takes for them to be remembered.”
She explained that even in using hashtags people are “literally almost resurrecting the spirit so they can work through us to get the work … done.”
IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Haunting Swedish Cemeteries & Streets

"....activists burned a Qur’an in the southern Swedish city of Malmo, sparking riots and unrest after more than 300 people gathered to protest, police said Saturday."Breitbart
"Two men of Middle Eastern descent have been arrested in the kidnapping, rape, and torture of two boys in a cemetery near Stockholm, according to reports.A pair of underage boys were discovered naked and badly beaten in a cemetery in Solna, Sweden, on Sunday morning.
“The boys, who were found undressed in a cemetery, are said to have been subjected to a torture-like assault that lasted a large part of the night,” Aftonbladet reports.
The victims were transported to a local hospital, where they revealed to police they had been kidnapped the previous night and brutalized for hours.
“Two men have been arrested on suspicion of aggravated assault of two victims of crime discovered by passersby in a cemetery,” Swedish police wrote in a statement.
The suspects are both adult males in their 20s, one from Iran and the other of Tunisian descent."
Creation Moment 8/31/2020 - God's 4 Letter Alphabet
I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
Psalm 139:14
"The information in DNA is spelled out using four different chemical ‘letters’: A, T, C, and G.
These letters have a vital property which allows information to be transmitted: A pairs only with T, and C only with G.
Due to the chemical structure of the bases, each pair is like a rung or step on a spiral staircase, the famous ‘double helix’ shape.
Each DNA molecule has two strands, effectively the sides of the spiral staircase.
The letter pairs form the steps, with A always opposite T and C always opposite G. The two strands can be separated and copied independently to form TWO spiral staircases, such that the new strands are exact copies of the original information.
The copying is far more precise than laboratory chemistry could manage, because there is editing (proof-reading and error-checking) machinery, again encoded in the DNA.
This machinery keeps the error rate down to less than one error per 100 million letters.
Q: But, since the editing machinery itself requires proper proofreading and editing during its manufacturing, how would the information for the machinery be transmitted accurately before the machinery was in place and working properly?
Lest it be argued that the accuracy could be achieved stepwise through selection, note that a high degree of accuracy is needed to prevent ‘error catastrophe’ in the first place—from the accumulation of ‘noise’ in the form of junk proteins specified by the damaged DNA."
Psalm 139:14
"The information in DNA is spelled out using four different chemical ‘letters’: A, T, C, and G.
These letters have a vital property which allows information to be transmitted: A pairs only with T, and C only with G.
Due to the chemical structure of the bases, each pair is like a rung or step on a spiral staircase, the famous ‘double helix’ shape.
Each DNA molecule has two strands, effectively the sides of the spiral staircase.
The letter pairs form the steps, with A always opposite T and C always opposite G. The two strands can be separated and copied independently to form TWO spiral staircases, such that the new strands are exact copies of the original information.
The copying is far more precise than laboratory chemistry could manage, because there is editing (proof-reading and error-checking) machinery, again encoded in the DNA.
This machinery keeps the error rate down to less than one error per 100 million letters.
Q: But, since the editing machinery itself requires proper proofreading and editing during its manufacturing, how would the information for the machinery be transmitted accurately before the machinery was in place and working properly?
Lest it be argued that the accuracy could be achieved stepwise through selection, note that a high degree of accuracy is needed to prevent ‘error catastrophe’ in the first place—from the accumulation of ‘noise’ in the form of junk proteins specified by the damaged DNA."
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Judges 3:20 - Deepest Verse to Ponder
I have a message from God unto you.
Judges 3:20
"CAN there be a person here present to whom God has never sent a message?
Possibly the question may startle you.
The very thought of the great invisible God sending such a message seems to you strange and unlikely.
To me it is far more surprising that anyone should imagine He has never done so!
Is He your Creator?
And has He who made you launched you forth on the tempestuous sea of life to drift in solitude without compass or guide?
We know that He has made you immortal—is it possible that
during that short life which is a preface to eternity, upon which that never ending period depends—is it possible that He has left you without any sort of communication?
Does it seem likely?
You call Him, "Father," because He is the Author of your being—can He be your Father and yet have no concern for your well-being—never have spoken to you, never have sent a message from His great Throne to your hearts?
--Surely the soul has ceased to listen to God, to acknowledge His messages, or to reply to them!
There is some one special Book in Scripture which was prepared specially for you.
There is an arrow there that was intended for your heart—some oil and wine fitted to relieve your pain and heal your wounds!
.....that Book says, "I have a message from God for you."
--Shall I chide the indifference which neglects the Book? Shall I rebuke the levity which had rather turn to a novel, or to any frivolous magazine, than to this momentous volume which appeals to you as with the voice of God?
The angel of Time might surely write with his finger upon the dust of your Bibles the sentence of your condemnation!
--Some of them have come to you in golden type—their words have been sweet as honey. I will call them bountiful Providences.
--Other messengers have come to you draped in black.
Their garments have been torn, sack-cloth has been about their loins, and ashes on their heads.
--Another dark messenger has come to you. Death has bereaved you of friends and comrades.
uttered, "Dust to dust, ashes to ashes," each of those thundering morsels said, "I have a message from God for you!"
Walk the cemetery and while every grave tells of our common mortality, how some graves speak to us of the precarious tenure by which our frail life is held!
--Oh, how many men here have been rebuked and rebuked, times without number, but still they go on in their old sins?
Take heed, take heed, men, for if you refuse God when He speaks by His servants, and by His Providence and by your friends, He will one day speak to you by a bony preacher who will deliver his message so that you must hear him!
-*-You know from where my text comes? "Ehud said, 'I have a message from God for you.'" It was a dagger which found its way to Eglon's heart—and he fell dead! So shall Death deliver his message to you."
Charles Spurgeon
Judges 3:20
"CAN there be a person here present to whom God has never sent a message?
Possibly the question may startle you.
The very thought of the great invisible God sending such a message seems to you strange and unlikely.
To me it is far more surprising that anyone should imagine He has never done so!
Is He your Creator?
And has He who made you launched you forth on the tempestuous sea of life to drift in solitude without compass or guide?
We know that He has made you immortal—is it possible that
during that short life which is a preface to eternity, upon which that never ending period depends—is it possible that He has left you without any sort of communication?
Does it seem likely?
You call Him, "Father," because He is the Author of your being—can He be your Father and yet have no concern for your well-being—never have spoken to you, never have sent a message from His great Throne to your hearts?
It cannot be that God has left the world—it must be that the world has left God!
--It is not possible that God has ceased to speak to the soul. --Surely the soul has ceased to listen to God, to acknowledge His messages, or to reply to them!
There is some one special Book in Scripture which was prepared specially for you.
There is an arrow there that was intended for your heart—some oil and wine fitted to relieve your pain and heal your wounds!
.....that Book says, "I have a message from God for you."
--Shall I chide the indifference which neglects the Book? Shall I rebuke the levity which had rather turn to a novel, or to any frivolous magazine, than to this momentous volume which appeals to you as with the voice of God?
The angel of Time might surely write with his finger upon the dust of your Bibles the sentence of your condemnation!
--Some of them have come to you in golden type—their words have been sweet as honey. I will call them bountiful Providences.
--Other messengers have come to you draped in black.
Their garments have been torn, sack-cloth has been about their loins, and ashes on their heads.
--Another dark messenger has come to you. Death has bereaved you of friends and comrades.
Do not you recollect the time when you heard the bell toll for a near relative, and when you stood over the open grave?
Ah, then, when the dust fell upon the coffin lid, and the words wereuttered, "Dust to dust, ashes to ashes," each of those thundering morsels said, "I have a message from God for you!"
Walk the cemetery and while every grave tells of our common mortality, how some graves speak to us of the precarious tenure by which our frail life is held!
--Oh, how many men here have been rebuked and rebuked, times without number, but still they go on in their old sins?

-*-You know from where my text comes? "Ehud said, 'I have a message from God for you.'" It was a dagger which found its way to Eglon's heart—and he fell dead! So shall Death deliver his message to you."
Charles Spurgeon
The "Really" File - (Netflix all time low?)
...inventors of evil things... Romans 1:30
"...........streamed into your living room, thanks to Netflix’s
animated series Big Mouth.
The show has been described as a “raucous, delightfully vulgar exploration of puberty.” The series follows a group of children, “navigating their way through puberty, masturbation, and sexual arousal.”
One of the characters is a 13-year-old girl named Missy,.... Missy is innocent, but certainly not perfect.
According to Vanity Fair: "She’s an innocent little nerd whose breathless, high-pitched voice belies the hormonal pre-teen within. Her budding sexuality outpaces her physical development; she’s frequently masturbating this season, even though she still has the body of a child… Missy masturbates with her favorite childhood toy, a stuffed worm, in an act her family calls ‘worm dancing.’"
In one episode, two of the young characters are taken into a nude
women’s spa, where they are seduced by a female demon until they eventually take off their clothes and begin dancing with other naked adults.
The show’s official Facebook verified page, and Twitter verified account, have shared the uncensored video, which somehow falls within Community Standards." CaldronPool
"...........streamed into your living room, thanks to Netflix’s
animated series Big Mouth.
The show has been described as a “raucous, delightfully vulgar exploration of puberty.” The series follows a group of children, “navigating their way through puberty, masturbation, and sexual arousal.”
One of the characters is a 13-year-old girl named Missy,.... Missy is innocent, but certainly not perfect.
According to Vanity Fair: "She’s an innocent little nerd whose breathless, high-pitched voice belies the hormonal pre-teen within. Her budding sexuality outpaces her physical development; she’s frequently masturbating this season, even though she still has the body of a child… Missy masturbates with her favorite childhood toy, a stuffed worm, in an act her family calls ‘worm dancing.’"
In one episode, two of the young characters are taken into a nude
![]() |
From the "Really" File |
The show’s official Facebook verified page, and Twitter verified account, have shared the uncensored video, which somehow falls within Community Standards." CaldronPool
ARCHAEOLOGY: Duckbilled Dinosaur Chromosomes Found
And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
Genesis 7:12
“I couldn’t believe it, my heart almost stopped beating.” This was one of the research team’s reactions when they found evidence of proteins, chromosomes, and chemical markers of dinosaur DNA in the remains of a duckbilled dinosaur (Hypacrosaurus stebingeri).
Dozens of disarticulated baby dinosaurs were discovered in the 1980s at Two Medicine Formation in northern Montana. A recent detailed examination of one of the skulls led the team to identify cartilage cells, with internal structures resembling nuclei and chromosomes.
Of course, not everyone is happy with this find. The dinosaur is ‘dated’ at 75 million years old, but precise calculations based on the laws of science demand that DNA should be totally disintegrated long before that.
One paper calculated that DNA should be totally fragmented to one BP in about 6.8 million years even if frozen to –5°C. This is less
than a tenth of the claimed age of the dino fossil. But at 15°C and 10,000 years, the average length of DNA would be about 13 BP.
The Bible is clear that these dinosaur remains cannot be millions of years old. They were likely buried in sediment as a result of the global Noahic Flood around 4,500 years ago.
The calculated figures from real chemistry are clearly consistent with this—and totally inconsistent with millions of years."
Genesis 7:12
“I couldn’t believe it, my heart almost stopped beating.” This was one of the research team’s reactions when they found evidence of proteins, chromosomes, and chemical markers of dinosaur DNA in the remains of a duckbilled dinosaur (Hypacrosaurus stebingeri).
Dozens of disarticulated baby dinosaurs were discovered in the 1980s at Two Medicine Formation in northern Montana. A recent detailed examination of one of the skulls led the team to identify cartilage cells, with internal structures resembling nuclei and chromosomes.
Of course, not everyone is happy with this find. The dinosaur is ‘dated’ at 75 million years old, but precise calculations based on the laws of science demand that DNA should be totally disintegrated long before that.
One paper calculated that DNA should be totally fragmented to one BP in about 6.8 million years even if frozen to –5°C. This is less
than a tenth of the claimed age of the dino fossil. But at 15°C and 10,000 years, the average length of DNA would be about 13 BP.
The Bible is clear that these dinosaur remains cannot be millions of years old. They were likely buried in sediment as a result of the global Noahic Flood around 4,500 years ago.
The calculated figures from real chemistry are clearly consistent with this—and totally inconsistent with millions of years."
Creation Moment 8/30/2020 - "His Father’s Handiwork"
When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers...
Psalm 8:3
"Although I know of no reference to Christ ever commenting on
scientific work, I do know that He said, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Thus I am certain that, were He among us today, Christ would encourage scientific research as modern man’s most noble striving to comprehend and admire His Father’s handiwork. The universe as revealed through scientific inquiry is the living witness that God has indeed been at work."
Wernher von Braun, rocket pioneer, 1976
Psalm 8:3
"Although I know of no reference to Christ ever commenting on
scientific work, I do know that He said, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Thus I am certain that, were He among us today, Christ would encourage scientific research as modern man’s most noble striving to comprehend and admire His Father’s handiwork. The universe as revealed through scientific inquiry is the living witness that God has indeed been at work."
Wernher von Braun, rocket pioneer, 1976
Friday, August 28, 2020
Law of Protection

God’s law is like a strong cage at the zoo that protects us from fierce, destructive animals.
It protects us from falsehood, murder, idolatry, theft, and many other evils that destroy life, peace, and happiness.
All good laws protect, and God’s law is no exception.
And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
1 John 2:3."
Creation Moment 8/29/2020 - Creation SABBATH
"Yet again the question comes,
“How does the Sabbath make us know the true God?”
Why, we have just read that the eternal power and Godhead of the Creator are seen from the things that He has made; and the Sabbath is the great memorial of creation.
The Lord rested upon the seventh day, after the six days of creation, and He blessed and sanctified the day, because that in it He had rested from all his words.
So we read, "The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. His work is honorable and glorious: and His righteousness endureth forever. He hath made His wonderful works to be remembered: the Lord is gracious and full of compassion".
Some versions give, more literally, "He hath made a memorial for His wonderful works.” Psalms 111.2-4."
“How does the Sabbath make us know the true God?”

The Lord rested upon the seventh day, after the six days of creation, and He blessed and sanctified the day, because that in it He had rested from all his words.
So we read, "The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein. His work is honorable and glorious: and His righteousness endureth forever. He hath made His wonderful works to be remembered: the Lord is gracious and full of compassion".
Some versions give, more literally, "He hath made a memorial for His wonderful works.” Psalms 111.2-4."
Golden Chain of the Law
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Matthew 5:18
"There is no abrogation of it, nor amendment of it.
It is not to be toned down or adjusted to our fallen condition; but every one of the Lord’s righteous judgments abideth for ever.
Jesus did not come to change the law, but He came to explain it, --and that very fact shows that it remains,
--for there is no need to explain that which is abrogated.
The law of God is no more than God might most righteously ask of us. If God were about to give us a more tolerant law, it would be an admission on his part that he asked too much at first.
Which law is it that God has exempted you from?
That law of worshipping him only?
Do you propose to have another God?
Do you intend to make graven images?
The fact is that when we come to detail we cannot afford to lose a single link of this wonderful golden chain, which is perfect in every part as well as perfect as a whole.
The law is absolutely complete, and you can neither add to it nor take from it."
Charles Spurgeon
Matthew 5:18
"There is no abrogation of it, nor amendment of it.
It is not to be toned down or adjusted to our fallen condition; but every one of the Lord’s righteous judgments abideth for ever.
Jesus did not come to change the law, but He came to explain it, --and that very fact shows that it remains,
--for there is no need to explain that which is abrogated.
The law of God is no more than God might most righteously ask of us. If God were about to give us a more tolerant law, it would be an admission on his part that he asked too much at first.
Which law is it that God has exempted you from?
That law of worshipping him only?
Do you propose to have another God?
Do you intend to make graven images?
The fact is that when we come to detail we cannot afford to lose a single link of this wonderful golden chain, which is perfect in every part as well as perfect as a whole.
The law is absolutely complete, and you can neither add to it nor take from it."
Charles Spurgeon
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Modern Application of Cain/Abel Episode
"....though Cain brought an offering that was valuable, God did not have respect to his offering. It was easy for Abel to bring a lamb for his offering because he was a shepherd. His business was keeping
But Cain was a tiller of the soil and he brought produce from his business.
The problem here was that Abel’s offering showed that he believed not only that he was a sinner, but that he needed a sacrifice, a blood atonement, to pay the price of his sin. The animal sacrifices all were a figure or type of the coming Savior.
Cain determined to worship God in his own way, demonstrating his self-sufficiency.
Throughout history, and even today, there are many people just like Cain who look and depend on their own achievements for salvation. The Bible teaches that we are helpless to do anything to save ourselves. Jesus said, “Without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
Our eternal salvation depends on a sacrifice.
--Before Christ died, the people looked forward to the Savior to come, Jesus, the true sacrifice.
--Today, we look back dependent on Jesus, the sacrifice that has been made."
But Cain was a tiller of the soil and he brought produce from his business.
The problem here was that Abel’s offering showed that he believed not only that he was a sinner, but that he needed a sacrifice, a blood atonement, to pay the price of his sin. The animal sacrifices all were a figure or type of the coming Savior.
Cain determined to worship God in his own way, demonstrating his self-sufficiency.
Throughout history, and even today, there are many people just like Cain who look and depend on their own achievements for salvation. The Bible teaches that we are helpless to do anything to save ourselves. Jesus said, “Without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).
Our eternal salvation depends on a sacrifice.
--Before Christ died, the people looked forward to the Savior to come, Jesus, the true sacrifice.
--Today, we look back dependent on Jesus, the sacrifice that has been made."
IN the NEWS - What's Green over COVID and starts with a "V" or has the initials "WCC"?
I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that
called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6
"The Vatican released a joint document with the World Council of Churches (WCC) Thursday calling for greater attention to the environment in “a post-COVID-19 world.”
“The human misery associated with the COVID-19 pandemic is taking place amid the broader context of the suffering of this planet,” notes the text, which bears the title “Serving a Wounded World in Interreligious Solidarity: A Christian Call to Reflection and Action During COVID-19.”
According to the Vatican website, the document is meant to offer “a Christian basis for interreligious solidarity that can inspire and confirm the impulse to serve a world wounded not only by COVID-19 but also by many other wounds.”
The text contains an entire section devoted to the virtue of “hope” but curiously omits any reference to hope in eternal life, but points only to “planetary responsibility” and a “better world.”
called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6
"The Vatican released a joint document with the World Council of Churches (WCC) Thursday calling for greater attention to the environment in “a post-COVID-19 world.”
According to the Vatican website, the document is meant to offer “a Christian basis for interreligious solidarity that can inspire and confirm the impulse to serve a world wounded not only by COVID-19 but also by many other wounds.”
The text contains an entire section devoted to the virtue of “hope” but curiously omits any reference to hope in eternal life, but points only to “planetary responsibility” and a “better world.”
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Creation Moment 8/27/2020 - Paul on the Created Heavens
"In no part of the creation of God do we find more wonderful Gospel lessons than in the heavens.
We have already seen that the heavenly bodies preach the Gospel, although they have no articulate speech.
The Apostle Paul, having stated that all had not obeyed the Gospel, adds that faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, and then asks, "But I say, ‘Have they not heard?’" Heard what? Why, the Gospel, of course.
And then he answers his own question, saying, "Yes, verily," and proves it by quoting the words of the Psalmist concerning the heavens, "Their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world." Romans 10.15-18.
The heavens, therefore, do most widely and powerfully preach the Gospel."
We have already seen that the heavenly bodies preach the Gospel, although they have no articulate speech.
The Apostle Paul, having stated that all had not obeyed the Gospel, adds that faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, and then asks, "But I say, ‘Have they not heard?’" Heard what? Why, the Gospel, of course.
And then he answers his own question, saying, "Yes, verily," and proves it by quoting the words of the Psalmist concerning the heavens, "Their sound went into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of the world." Romans 10.15-18.
The heavens, therefore, do most widely and powerfully preach the Gospel."
IN the NEWS - Will 2020 Ever End?
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Luke 21:25
Keep an open mind---don't degenerate into prophecy-by-headline....we've had bad hurricane seasons before, wildfires out of control, mob rioting, pandemics (Spanish Flu was much worse than the China Virus), wars, economic downturns, etc....BUT it's putting it all together in the big picture with the prophecy that's been missing in past crises eras -- that it will be like the days of Lot--and we know what the story of Lot is most famous for...and that is here.
"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says the chance of an above-normal Atlantic season is now 85 percent. We could even run out of storm names.
Meteorologists are using phrases like “extremely active” and “above-normal” and “historical” to describe the latest forecasts for the Atlantic storm season.
“This year, we expect more, stronger, and longer-lived storms than
average, and our predicted ACE range extends well above NOAA’s threshold for an extremely active season,” said Gerry Bell, Ph.D., lead seasonal hurricane forecaster at NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center.
Two of the leading hurricane forecasters — Colorado State University and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center — released updated forecasts this week that predict a hyperactive and potentially
dangerous storm season for the rest of this pandemic-stricken year.
Remember these forecasts include the nine storms — two hurricanes and seven tropical storms — that have already formed as of July 30. That’s a record and an early indicator of how active the Atlantic season has already been. The ninth storm of the year doesn’t typically form until Oct. 4.
Another factor is that the Saharan Air Layer is receding, so there will be less Saharan dust plumes blowing off the African coast and hampering the formation of Atlantic storms.
This hurricane season FEMA encourages residents in hurricane-prone regions to keep COVID-19 in mind when making preparations and during evacuations."
Keep an open mind---don't degenerate into prophecy-by-headline....we've had bad hurricane seasons before, wildfires out of control, mob rioting, pandemics (Spanish Flu was much worse than the China Virus), wars, economic downturns, etc....BUT it's putting it all together in the big picture with the prophecy that's been missing in past crises eras -- that it will be like the days of Lot--and we know what the story of Lot is most famous for...and that is here.
"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says the chance of an above-normal Atlantic season is now 85 percent. We could even run out of storm names.
Meteorologists are using phrases like “extremely active” and “above-normal” and “historical” to describe the latest forecasts for the Atlantic storm season.
What they’re really saying is:
this hurricane season could be very bad.
“This year, we expect more, stronger, and longer-lived storms than
average, and our predicted ACE range extends well above NOAA’s threshold for an extremely active season,” said Gerry Bell, Ph.D., lead seasonal hurricane forecaster at NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center.
Two of the leading hurricane forecasters — Colorado State University and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center — released updated forecasts this week that predict a hyperactive and potentially
dangerous storm season for the rest of this pandemic-stricken year.
Remember these forecasts include the nine storms — two hurricanes and seven tropical storms — that have already formed as of July 30. That’s a record and an early indicator of how active the Atlantic season has already been. The ninth storm of the year doesn’t typically form until Oct. 4.
Another factor is that the Saharan Air Layer is receding, so there will be less Saharan dust plumes blowing off the African coast and hampering the formation of Atlantic storms.
This hurricane season FEMA encourages residents in hurricane-prone regions to keep COVID-19 in mind when making preparations and during evacuations."
Digging Deep Into Smyrna Church
Church of Smyrna (100-325 A. D.)
"This church received as a whole a commendation for their works and tribulation; and they were told that persecution, prison, andtribulation were awaiting them, but if faithful they would receive a crown of life. ...We quote from the church historian:
"The Roman jurist, Julius Paulus, cites the following as one of the ruling principles of civil law in the Roman state: 'Whoever introduces new religions, whose tendency and character are unknown, whereby the minds of men might be disturbed, were, if belonging to the higher ranks, to be banished; if to the lower, punished with death.' "
The Christians preached the spiritual kingdom of Christ, which could in no way be modified or altered to suit the Roman religion. The Romans argued that the Christians could worship Christ just as much as they wished to, but they must also offer incense to Caesar and say, "I swear by the genius of Caesar."
One illustration will suffice: When the old bishop of Smyrna, Polycarp, was asked to swear by the genius of Caesar, and revile Christ, he answered, "Eighty and six years have I served Him, and He never did me wrong; and how can I now blaspheme my King that has saved me?"' Being resolute in his opposition to the emperor, he was burned at the stake about 180 A. D.
Here was the real cause for the struggle between Christianity and Roman imperialism.
*Two kings were at war to the bitter end,—King Jesus, with His spiritual kingdom made up of the newborn from all nations, and the Roman emperor, with his state united to the pagan religion.
The fires of persecution served to winnow the chaff from the
wheat, for during the days of tribulation a large number of nominal members. of the church apostatized, and were called lapsi.
These, when the persecution was over, wanted to rejoin the church. Some of the ante-Nicene Fathers died as martyrs.
For instance,
--Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, was thrown to the beasts in the Roman Amphitheater;
--Justin Martyr died a martyr,
--and there is strong evidence that Irenus, bishop of Lyons, died in the massacre instituted by the emperor Severus.
Persecution followed persecution in different parts of the empire.
Christians fled from one part of the realm to the other, seeking a haven of rest. They were hunted like beasts in the fields.
The Decian persecution, in the middle of the third century, lasting for nearly ten years, was one of the most severe in the empire. About fifty years after that, the last and the most terrible persecution broke out under Diocletian, lasting ten years, or from 303-313, in fulfillment of Revelation 2:10-Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.
About two hundred fifty heretical sects broke out from the
Apostolic Church between 34 and 314 A. D. Some of these sects, such as the Montanists, had many martyrs for the cause of God and shared in the persecutions of the Apostolic Church. There is no denying the fact that there was a gradual apostasy of the dominant church, yet the historian has this to say concerning the godly people in the church:
"Some, indeed,
--most certainly and truly cast out demons, so that frequently those persons themselves that were cleansed from wicked spirits, believed and were received into the church.
--Others have the knowledge of things to come, as also visions and prophetic communications;
--others heal the sick by the imposition of hands, and restore them to health.
--And, moreover, as we said above, even the dead have been raised and continued with us many years."'
IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Stalks Philippines
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
John 8:44
"Two women Islamic State terrorists blew themselves up in twin suicide attacks on Monday in the southern Philippine town of Jolo in Sulu province. Authorities counted at least 14 people, including soldiers, killed in the attacks and 75 others injured.
The first explosion, which accounted for the majority of Monday’s victims, occurred “near two parked army trucks in front of a grocery store and computer shop in a downtown plaza where the town cathedral is located,” military officials said.
In the second explosion, “the attacker blew herself up near a group of soldiers and police, killing one soldier and one police commando and wounding several others,” a military report stated.
The Philippine military is in the process of determining if the two female suicide bombers were the widows of Abu Sayyaf terrorists, according to the Associated Press (AP).
The Philippines and the U.S. have designated Abu Sayyaf a terrorist organization for violent attacks such as bombings, beheadings, and ransom kidnappings in the southwestern Philippines."
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Papal Notes - Nun of the Trans
"Pope Francis has shocked the world by praising a nun who
promotes acceptance of cross-dressing, “sex-change” operations, and homosexual relationships.... Pope Francis’ praise for Argentinian Sister Mónica Astorga Cremona, known locally in Argentina as the “Nun of the Trans.”
promotes acceptance of cross-dressing, “sex-change” operations, and homosexual relationships.... Pope Francis’ praise for Argentinian Sister Mónica Astorga Cremona, known locally in Argentina as the “Nun of the Trans.”
Pope Francis’ praise came in light of her opening a new complex
of 12 small apartments reserved solely for men claiming to be women, and their sexual partners. In his communication with Sr. Cremona, the Pope referred to her transgender clients as “girls.”
of 12 small apartments reserved solely for men claiming to be women, and their sexual partners. In his communication with Sr. Cremona, the Pope referred to her transgender clients as “girls.”
“Dear Monica, God, who did not go to the seminary or study theology, will repay you abundantly. I pray for you and your girls,” he said.
Moreover, Sr. Cremona has promoted LGBT so-called “rights” and
gay “pride” marches. She could have helped these poor people out of poverty while offering them the Christian truth about God-given sexuality."
gay “pride” marches. She could have helped these poor people out of poverty while offering them the Christian truth about God-given sexuality."
... for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:..And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. Romans 1:26,27IN the NEWS - Q & A on Canberra
Q: How much would Canberra fine for teaching Biblical Views?
Q: How many months will Canberra Prison you for teaching Biblical Views?
A: "If passed, the Sexual and Gender Identity Conversion Practices Bill 2020 will be amongst the most extreme laws banning
conversion therapy in the world...The bill, published on the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) government's website Aug. 13, stipulates 12 months' imprisonment and a fine of up to $24,000 on persons who make any effort to "change" a "person's sexuality or gender identity."
No form or "combination" of sexuality or gender identity "constitutes a disorder, disease, illness, deficiency, disability or shortcoming," states the Canberra legislative assembly's bill.
"It has the potential to criminalize parents, guardians, teachers and pastors who provide moral, ethical and religious care for the formation of children," Steenhof remarked....Further, the bill can "invade the preacher's pulpit and expose him to the risk of a conversion-practice complaint if the preacher teaches on the Biblically orthodox view of sexuality."
"If a 5-year-old biological girl tells her parents that she wants to be a boy, criminal proceedings could be brought against her parents, school, teachers and doctors if they continue to treat her as a girl," Steenhof writes.
Christian Schools Australia, Adventist Schools Australia, the Australian Association of Christian Schools and the Islamic School of Canberra have asked the government to guarantee their rights to continue teaching in line with their beliefs about gender and sexuality."
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,..And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient... Romans 1:22,28
Q: How many months will Canberra Prison you for teaching Biblical Views?
A: "If passed, the Sexual and Gender Identity Conversion Practices Bill 2020 will be amongst the most extreme laws banning
conversion therapy in the world...The bill, published on the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) government's website Aug. 13, stipulates 12 months' imprisonment and a fine of up to $24,000 on persons who make any effort to "change" a "person's sexuality or gender identity."
No form or "combination" of sexuality or gender identity "constitutes a disorder, disease, illness, deficiency, disability or shortcoming," states the Canberra legislative assembly's bill.
"It has the potential to criminalize parents, guardians, teachers and pastors who provide moral, ethical and religious care for the formation of children," Steenhof remarked....Further, the bill can "invade the preacher's pulpit and expose him to the risk of a conversion-practice complaint if the preacher teaches on the Biblically orthodox view of sexuality."
"If a 5-year-old biological girl tells her parents that she wants to be a boy, criminal proceedings could be brought against her parents, school, teachers and doctors if they continue to treat her as a girl," Steenhof writes.
Christian Schools Australia, Adventist Schools Australia, the Australian Association of Christian Schools and the Islamic School of Canberra have asked the government to guarantee their rights to continue teaching in line with their beliefs about gender and sexuality."
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,..And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient... Romans 1:22,28
IN the NEWS - Prince of Persia Scorches California
Will God hear his cry when trouble cometh upon him? Job 27:9
"The state of California sure has been through a lot this year.
--The COVID-19 pandemic hit the state particularly hard,
--fear of the virus sent the unemployment rate soaring,
--civil unrest has ripped permanent scars in most of the major cities,
--and earlier this month a historic heatwave caused rolling blackouts all over the state for the very first time since 2001.
So California certainly didn’t need anything else to deal with in
2020,.... Unfortunately, it looks like the massive wildfires that have been roaring across the state over the last week are about to get even worse. A “red flag” warning has been issued for Monday, and just about everyone is expecting this week to be a really, really bad week....Hundreds of individual wildfires erupted after “12,000 lightning strikes” hit the state, and so far more than a million acres have been burned…In nearly a week, firefighters have gotten no more than the 17% containment for the LNU Lightning Complex fire in wine country north of San Francisco.
It’s been the most destructive blaze, accounting for five deaths and 845 destroyed homes and other buildings. It and a fire burning southeast of the Bay Area are among the five largest fires in state history, with both burning more than 500 square miles....And one guy that is apparently vying for the title of “biggest scumbag in America” decided that he would steal a firefighter’s wallet out of his work vehicle and completely drain his bank account…But this is what America has become.
We have become a completely lawless nation where chaos reigns, and things are only going to get worse in the years ahead."
"The state of California sure has been through a lot this year.
--The COVID-19 pandemic hit the state particularly hard,
--fear of the virus sent the unemployment rate soaring,
--civil unrest has ripped permanent scars in most of the major cities,
--and earlier this month a historic heatwave caused rolling blackouts all over the state for the very first time since 2001.
So California certainly didn’t need anything else to deal with in
2020,.... Unfortunately, it looks like the massive wildfires that have been roaring across the state over the last week are about to get even worse. A “red flag” warning has been issued for Monday, and just about everyone is expecting this week to be a really, really bad week....Hundreds of individual wildfires erupted after “12,000 lightning strikes” hit the state, and so far more than a million acres have been burned…In nearly a week, firefighters have gotten no more than the 17% containment for the LNU Lightning Complex fire in wine country north of San Francisco.
It’s been the most destructive blaze, accounting for five deaths and 845 destroyed homes and other buildings. It and a fire burning southeast of the Bay Area are among the five largest fires in state history, with both burning more than 500 square miles....And one guy that is apparently vying for the title of “biggest scumbag in America” decided that he would steal a firefighter’s wallet out of his work vehicle and completely drain his bank account…But this is what America has become.
We have become a completely lawless nation where chaos reigns, and things are only going to get worse in the years ahead."
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