Jehovah Witnesses mixed what the Occult uses, measurements of the Egyptian Pyramids with Bible Prophecy. NO WHERE in Scripture does it say to use PAGAN building measurements to make Biblical Prophecy predictions.
Another point, God wouldn't give prophecies for time based on future Anglo-American measurements...
Failed 1874 Prediction-
"We find it to be 3416 inches, symbolizing 3416 years from the above date, B. C. 1542. This calculation shows A.D. 1874 as marking the beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years B.C. plus 1874 years A.D. equals 3416 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1874 was the chronological beginning of the time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation-no, nor ever shall be afterward."
Thy Kingdom Come p.342 1891 Edition
Failed 1915 Prediction-
"We find it to be 3457 inches, symbolizing 3457 years from the above date, B. C. 1542. This calculation shows A.D. 1915 as
marking the beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years B.C. plus 1915 years A.D. equals 3457 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1914 will be the beginning of the time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation-no, nor ever shall be afterward."
Thy Kingdom Come p.342 1911 Edition
Another point, God wouldn't give prophecies for time based on future Anglo-American measurements...
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro,
and carried about with every wind of doctrine,
by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness,
whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
Ephesians 4:14
Failed 1874 Prediction-

Thy Kingdom Come p.342 1891 Edition
Failed 1915 Prediction-
"We find it to be 3457 inches, symbolizing 3457 years from the above date, B. C. 1542. This calculation shows A.D. 1915 as
marking the beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years B.C. plus 1915 years A.D. equals 3457 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1914 will be the beginning of the time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation-no, nor ever shall be afterward."
Thy Kingdom Come p.342 1911 Edition