Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth,
where moth and rust doth corrupt,
and where thieves break through and steal:
Matthew 6:19

High Court has accepted the State Attorneys claim that there are grounds for getting the 74 year old Amdi Petersen and the other leaders imprisoned because they failed to appear in criminal proceedings for embezzlement and tax evasion of millions of dollars.
In 2006, Mogens Amdi Petersen was acquitted of the charge of serious economic crime committed in connection with Tvind Humanitarian Fund. The same was Marlene Gunst , Kirsten Larsen and Christie Pipps, formerly known as Kirsten Fuglsbjerg. The fifth Sten Byrner got a suspended sentence for embezzlement.
Although the prosecution appealed to the High Court the case never really got going because the five are hiding abroad. They are – according to informations to – hiding in Mexico and Zimbabwe.An appeal trial has been held against another TG-leader, Poul Joergensen, who stayed in Denmark. He was sentenced to two and a half year in prison."
Who is/are Tvind?
"Tvind started in the 60s as a group of radical young teachers.
The organisation derived its strength, particularly in the early days, from a unique provision in the Danish constitution that allows any organisation to run a school - and the state finances these schools."
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Secular (Humanistic) Tvind Cult Leader Petersen |
A Cult?- "According to a respected Danish historian, Jes Fabricius Moller, who has published a detailed history, ‘the answer must be yes’.
It is not a religious body or a church. Instead it is a fundamentally political movement, with the apparent aim to change the world through what its leaders term ‘solidary humanism’.
.....the Teachers Group meets all the usual criteria for the definition of a cult. Ever since its founding in 1977, it has been a membership-only body, joined by invitation only, with many of the characteristics of a secret society.
Today it has a strongly hierarchical pyramid structure. Powerful individuals at the top control the lives of those below, and senior members commonly use psychological coercion to recruit, create expectations and enforce discipline.Followers ritually burned private papers, scrap books and photograph albums and were instructed to disconnect from parents and family. It was made clear that they should not waste their energy on love affairs and the leader preferred it if they did not get married or have children. Many complied. Any children who were conceived were liable to be taken away for common ‘adoption’, and sent to a Teachers Group school." TvindAlert
"...investigations into Tvind-related clothing boxes, which are labeled Gaia, USAgain, Planet Aid,
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Tvind school dorm room |
"These societies offer some advantages which from a human point of view appear like great blessings, but not so when judged by the Lord’s measurement. Behind their apparent advantages are concealed satanic agencies. The larger the income drawn into the treasury, the more and deeper is the evil. The ungodly gain which has enriched these societies will, when traced out in all its bearings, be seen to be a curse.
Christians must sever every tie that binds them to these secret orders that are not under the control of God. They cannot be loyal to these organizations and loyal to God.
Fraud runs all through these secret associations,.... Many are laying up their treasure in these secret societies, and can we not see that their heart is there?"
Should Christians Be Members of Secret Societies pamphlet 1893 E.G.W.