"Men may ignore the Sabbath, they may trample it under their feet; but they can not make it less binding upon them.
No one has any excuse for accepting the rubbish that has been piled upon the Sabbath of the Lord.
No one has any excuse for accepting a human sabbath, created by him whom God designates as the “man of sin,” who shall think to change times and laws. He thinks to, but he does not do it; although he may think thus to show his supremacy over God, he can not change God's law; this is God's prerogative only. God is over all kings and rulers. He is God, and besides him there is none else."
Review & Herald 12/20/1898 E.G.W.
No one has any excuse for accepting the rubbish that has been piled upon the Sabbath of the Lord.

Review & Herald 12/20/1898 E.G.W.
But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God:
Exodus 20:10