Creation Moment 7/4/2015 - Red Blood Cell Debacle for Evolution
"More recently, red blood cells were extracted from the famous Iceman, a man preserved in an alpine glacier in Italy who was discovered in 1991. Although his death was dated at about 5,300 years ago, researchers were successful in obtaining samples of his cells, making this the oldest known sampling of such tissue. This raises an interesting question for the evolutionist: Were there not possible red blood cells also found in dinosaur soft tissue that appear just as red and intact as the famous Iceman’s? The problem is that evolutionary theory states dinosaurs supposedly lived many millions of years earlier than humans, but the physical, undecayed evidence brings them dangerously close together time-wise." ICR
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea,
and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day:
Exodus 20:11