Whether the SAINTS -OR- the WICKED:
As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked;
Ezekiel 33:11
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.
Psalm 116:15
This will be the next wave to sweep America, after abortion legalization, then Gay marriage & Pot legalization in some states---get ready for Euthanasia (doctor assisted "suicide"...although if it's assisted...how is it truly suicide? Or the more PC voter friendly terminology, "Death with Dignity").

We've been aborting the next generation & now will soon start (like in Belgium, Holland & Switzerland) killing off the sick & elderly. Society is in RAPID DECLINE.
To be candid---IF U really want to end your life because of the pain &/or potential for pain...then try taking something yourself....it's between YOU & God.....But please don't drag society along to condone it. But get ready--this will be the next secular leftist cause to sweep America shortly- probably triggered by the sad story below....:
"Brittany Maynard says she hasn't decided yet when she'll end her life, but it's a decision she's still determined to make.
"I still feel good enough and I still have enough joy and I still laugh and smile with my family and friends enough that it doesn't seem like the right time right now," Maynard says in a video released to CNN on Wednesday. "But it will come, because I feel myself getting sicker. It's happening each week."
Maynard says she has stage IV glioblastoma multiforme, an aggressive form of terminal brain cancer. In April, she says, doctors gave her six months to live.
The 29-year-old Oregon woman's story spread rapidly on social media after she revealed her plans to take medication to end her life. A video explaining her choice has garnered more than 8.8 million views on YouTube. And she's become a prominent spokeswoman for the "death with dignity" movement, which advocates that terminally ill patients be allowed to receive medication that will let them die on their own terms.
When she first started speaking out about her decision, Maynard said she planned to take the medication she'd been prescribed in early November. In her latest video, she says she's still waiting to see how her symptoms progress before deciding on a date.
Compassion & Choices says the latest video, which was recorded on October 13 and 14, is part of a campaign "to expand access to death with dignity in California and other states nationwide."
Maynard was living in California when doctors diagnosed her with brain cancer.
"We had to uproot from California to Oregon, because Oregon is one of only five states where death with dignity is authorized," she said in an opinion column she wrote for CNN earlier this month.
Oregon, Washington and Vermont have "death with dignity" laws that allow terminally ill, mentally competent residents to voluntarily request and receive prescription drugs to hasten their death. Judicial decisions in Montana and New Mexico authorize doctors to prescribe fatal drug doses in such circumstances, although the rulings haven't become state law.
Now, changing that has become part of Maynard's mission.
"My goal, of course, is to influence this policy for positive change. And I would like to see all Americans have access to the same health care rights," she says in her latest video.
"I think there is something of a movement here," Arthur Caplan, professor of bioethics at NYU's Langone Medical Center, told CNN's Don Lemon earlier this month. "When you push Americans to say, 'Do you want choice on this matter?' I think a lot of them are going to say yes."
Maynard has stressed that she isn't suicidal.
"If all my dreams came true, I would somehow survive this," she says in her latest video, "but most likely, I won't." CNN
1) So this story of hers IS going to be used for a political push to change American views.
2) She now wants to postpone her self chosen date for death.....she still wants to live. Now stop & think...what does that tell you? Life only matters because it was created & designed to matter. If we were just chemical reactions why would it matter?
3) .....seek God, and perhaps they might reach out and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. Acts 17:27 HSCB