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Pastor Peck was an Adventist minister, caught up in this "New Theology", which undermines true righteousness by faith by disconnecting the Plan of Redemption laid out in the Sanctuary. It disconnects Justification (outer court) & Sanctification (inner court). It's focus is stand in the outer court & cry grace, grace---but never proceeds into the inner court.
Not only is it an assault on true righteousness by faith--it is also an assault on the Laodicean Message for the 7th Church of Revelation. Anyway,
Pastor Peck & his Grace Place, eventually went their separate ways. (Peck was fired). Now they are a Sunday keeping church located under Peck in Colorado. He also preaches for eschatology Amillennialism, which believes the Little Horn of Daniel was Antiochus Epiphanes IV & the Beast of Revelation was Nero.
From their website: "Worship at Grace Place is led by a worship leader along with a talented band, playing a style of music consistent with today's culture."
As for Peck's termination in 1997, he had moved up in a liberal organization out west of Adventists (CAF-Christ Advent Fellowship, then later CAM-Christ Advent Ministries). He was officially fired for not sending tithe to the conference. But he & his followers of several hundred, listed 6 points of conflict to the Rocky Mountain Conference of the time:
1) Last Day Events
2) Role of the SDA Church in prophecy
3) The Investigative Judgment/Sanctuary Doctrine
4) Hermeneutical interpretation
5) The role of the SOP in lifestyle
6) The Sabbath as a seal of God's people after the implementation of the mark of the beast
The very first post-rebellion Sabbath, Peck's flock coughed up $22,000 in donations.
The Adventist Review of the time pointed out the influence of Willow Creek on these breakaway Adventists.
Below is a few points from a post of his (in light pink) & my personal response (in gray) to illustrate where this New Theology" leads to......
"I'm calling this message, "My Journey Out of Legalism." As I thought about that title, it occurred to me that this story is not just a journey OUT of something, but also a journey INTO something." (Into CHEAP GRACE, freedom from the Law of God....but didn't Lucifer yearn for that too?)
"Now, by calling my story a journey out of "legalism," I don't mean to imply that everyone who is a part of the religious tradition I grew up in is a legalist." (why Thank You)
"Whenever a group teaches a Christ-plus-something gospel it results in legalism..." (There it is---disconnecting the outer court of Justification from the inner court of Sanctification---see what I mean)
"Children are taught that they must maintain a distinct lifestyle in dress, eating and recreation that will set them apart from the world. It is true, by the way, that Christians will be different from non-Christians. But nowhere does the Bible suggest that we should be odd." (With all due respect--where do you get the notion that dressing modestly or eating healthy is "odd"? -- oh yeah, you wanna be FREE from those "rules")
"Many young people are filled with fear when they think about the end." (you did a poll?)
"My wife, Selene, tells how, when she was attending an Adventist academy, she used to lay awake at night in fear and depression. She was sure she would never be able to be good enough to make it through the time of trouble. " (Serious dude? Really? Well I guess that could be one allure of CHEAP GRACE, if someone actually can't get to sleep over their soul & the time of trouble)
"Religion for me as a young person was Christ -- plus rules." (There it is -freedom from those pesky "RULES" of God that He wrote in stone with His own finger. Also, I'm guessing he also means the dietary things too. Or avoiding the things of the world--gotta have those things & ways of the world to be happy ya know)
"When I went away to an Adventist boarding academy, even though it was run like a military school, I found ways to get around the rules. I smoked marijuana almost daily and abused alcohol every chance I got. I got suspended a couple times and finally quit halfway through my junior year." (Dude-I went to an SDA boarding school & was in the military. Trust me -they are NOT the same---not even close.)
".......I was preaching "the gospel," because for most Adventists the gospel means Jesus -- plus the Adventist package." (What is the Adventist Package"? Is it the Sabbath? God gave us that--along with the other 9 Commandments. Or that true righteousness by faith is both Justification & Sanctification? God gave us that in the outlay of His plan laid out in the Sanctuary. Do you mean understanding end time events? All churches have an eschatology of some kind--even if it is your Amillennialism you now espouse which is simply putting all prophecies back into the Roman empire & then just wating a couple of thousand years or so for Him to pop in one day)
"Did you notice I used the term "non-Adventist?" That is common language in Adventist circles. I never hear that outside Adventism. Do you ever hear Lutherans talking about reaching "non-Lutherans" or Presbyterians talking about "non-Presbyterian" relatives? I don't." (So? & that's a gripe of yours? & besides, the PCUSA no longer holds to the main tenant of Calvinism-that being predestination. Only the smaller offshoots or individuals do. So there really isn't a huge difference anymore between mainline protestants like the PCUSA or the ELCA. So why would they care about converting the other? As a pastor you should know something about other denominations--just saying dude--come on)
"Adventists use that language because they look at everyone else as outsiders, people who will eventually join them or be lost." (Actually, AFTER the mark of the beast is implemented, the BIBLE teaches there are 2 groups-those who follow the Lamb wither-soever He goes & those who wonder after the beast. There will be MANY non Sabbath keepers from history in the resurrection. Will you follow WHITHER-SOEVER or will you be one to WONDER during that time Mr. peck?)
"Some Adventists have been presumptuous enough to apply the words of Jesus to their denomination when Jesus said, "Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd" (John 10:16, KJV). Some quote that text as evidence that there are Christians in other denominations but, if they are true Christians and time lasts, they will come out and join the Adventist church." (In the END there are 2 groups: According to Revelation a REMNANT that keep the Commandments & spiritual Babylon. When God calls people out of Babylon, as in Revelation 18, what do you think that means Mr. peck? Oh, wait--- you don't believe there are any future application for the most part of Revelation...well then, hence your un-Biblical view on the topic.)
"The "Three Angel's Message" is Adventist lingo, based on Revelation 14, for the unique Adventists doctrines that the world needs to hear before the end of time." (Actually it is. But since you have gone Amillennial, Revelation 14 obviously wouldn't have any special meaning for you today)
"I still have numerous old brochures in my files. They are covered with ugly, scary beasts from Daniel and Revelation. Adventists are convinced that they have figured out all the prophecies and that the prophecies point to them as the true church." (1-What is up with you & George Knight & others, now harping about "scary" beasts from Bible prophecy? You people in the world have so much stuff on TV, movies & even the news, that it makes the "scary" beasts seem like child's play. I'm really sick of the tag line of attack on "scary" beasts as an excuse to down play the prophecy. When it says a "dreadful" beast....how would you portray it? / 2- Well, as for figuring out the prophecies, you seem to have it figured out too-as an Amillennialist, that they are over with for the most part--I'm just saying)
"Our obedience is a response to God's saving initiative, not a part of what saves us!" (Actually you are correct here. As John tells us - Loving God means keeping his commandments, and his commandments are not burdensome. 1 John 5:3 NLT / See Mr. Peck, one keeps God's Law, not to be saved, but because their heart is right with God. They don't look for excuses to avoid His pesky "rules". Your saved by the Justification in the outer court. But you are judged by your level of Sanctification in the inner court. In other words, what is in your heart?...As for whining about those pesky "rules" of God's, well......we'll leave it here. I think the readers see it now--& why they should avoid your CHEAP GRACE that resulted from the "New Theology"/"New Adventism")
Bottom Line: True Righteousness by Faith means RESTING in the GRACE of His Justification while keeping the REST of His LAW involving Sanctification.
For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said,
As I have sworn in my wrath,
if they shall enter into my rest:
although the works were finished from
the foundation of the world.
For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.
And in this place again,
If they shall enter into my rest.
Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein,
and they to whom it was first preached
entered not in because of unbelief:
saying in David,
as it is said,
harden not your hearts.
For if Jesus had given them rest,
For he that is entered into his rest,
he also hath ceased from his own works,
Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest,
lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
Hebrews 4:3-11