Glenn Beck comments on "Noah" Movie after his Sneak Peek...........
"Friday, we talked about the review. And in the review, it say it was a heavy-handed environmental movie and there was no mention of God… The review made it sound like this was a godless climate change movie. I believe that it is not a godless climate change movie. It’s more like Sinbad the Sailor meets Shining and Friday the 13th, with a sprinkle of Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.
Hey, is that "Noah" in the Rain?
I thought he was on the ark 7 days BEFORE
the Rain started to fall?
Did Hollywood read the Bible
before making this? |
And it plays as well as a movie that was just clipping all of that stuff together. Instead of referring to God as God, every reference in the movie is ‘the creator.’ That’s fine, but they are definitely talking about God. Noah doesn’t really seem to have a real good relationship with God. He sees some miracles, like oh, I don’t know, his whole family being saved. In an amazing scene, he plants a seed and an entire forest grows in the desert, while he is standing there. Then he looks into the tent and he’s like, ‘Kids, here’s the one for the ark.’ Really, Mr. Noah? That’s what you would say? You wouldn’t even go behold the awesome power of God. You wouldn’t go, ‘Whoa!’ That was weird… It’s so ridiculous, the entire thing. But he is talking to God occasionally…
If you are looking for a biblical movie, this is definitely not it. Others on the team disagreed with this. This was split. Half the team said they couldn’t take the environmentalism. I don’t think it’s an environmentalism thing as much as it’s just pro-animal and antihuman. I mean strongly antihuman, but it’s not the story of Noah that I was hoping for. If you are going for that, you will be horribly disappointed.
Giant rock people appear at almost the beginning of the movie, kind of like the tree people in Lord of the Rings, except not as well done and of course made of rock. Not quite as talkative. I suppose they won’t burn as easily as the tree people, but… don’t bother checking on the scriptural reference to the rock people…
Have you ever wondered, ‘Hey, how did Noah clear the forest that just sprung up?’ Of course the rock people that God sent down as spirits. Then they were encased in lava, and then they got up, they’re like, ‘Oh, we are watchers. We help Adam. We help you now too.’ You’re like honestly? I felt really bad, because as the rock people story line continued, we all got giggling fits and we started to laugh and mock the movie.
That’s not the biggest problem with Noah. The biggest problem for me was Noah himself. Maybe it’s just me. I’m a little different than some people. I always thought of Noah as more of a nice, gentle guy, prophet of God… I think of him more like that and less of the homicidal maniac that Paramount found in the Bible somehow or another… That is more of the Noah in the Babylonian Chainsaw Massacre – running around, not kidding, trying to kill his whole family…
It’s a $100 million disaster. That’s what it is. They just don’t know what to do… I wish I could have brought different news to you, but I can’t. And I appreciate the people at Paramount understanding because I did talk to them after. It was a really uncomfortable 20 minutes afterwards." TheBlaze
What did you is Hollywood,
and Hollywood hates the Bible.
And spared not the old world,
but saved Noah the eighth person,
a preacher of righteousness,
bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;
2 Peter 2:5