And it came to pass afterward, that he loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah.
Judges 16:4
"Samson, that mighty man of valor, was under a solemn vow to be a
Nazarite during the period of his life; but, becoming infatuated by the
charms of lewd woman, he rashly broke that sacred pledge.
Satan worked
through his agents to destroy this ruler of Israel, that the mysterious power
which he possessed might no longer intimidate the enemies of God's people.
was the influence of this bold woman that separated him from God, her
artifices that proved his ruin.
The love and service which God claims,
gave to this woman.
This was idolatry.
He lost all sense of the sacred
character and work of God, and sacrificed honor, conscience, and every
valuable interest, to base passion."