And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17

And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17
And the Spirit & the bride say, come...Revelation 22:17 - May We One Day Bow Down In The DUST At HIS FEET ...... {click on blog TITLE at top to refresh page}---QUESTION: ...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? LUKE 18:8

Saturday, March 1, 2014

IN the NEWS - Death: TV's Finale?

So will "DEATH" be the TV finale in this Great Controversy between God & His opponent in your living
rooms? TV has been used to dumb people down, distract them from God, to question Christianity & most recently to influence morality including the acceptance of the gay lifestyle. So will TV now be used here in the homestretch to open the door more fully to "Christian mysticism" about the afterlife? A sort of "Christian spiritualism"? Read the article below.....

"What if someone you love died and came back to life... 32 years after the fact?
That's the premise of "Resurrection," a widely advertised primetime drama premiering March 9 on ABC. The show takes Americans into a small Missouri town where residents experience the return to life of long-dead family members and loved ones.
The show, which is kicking off with a striking ad campaign in American cities -- black roadside and transit billboards simply read "Am I Dead?" -- is just one of a number of programs centered around death that have made their way to networks in recent years.
Just as "The Cosby Show" helped break racial barriers on TV in the '80s, and "Will and Grace" helped to bring gay characters into the mainstream in the late '90s, has death now reached its moment on TV?
There's also disagreement about portraying death on TV. Parents' organizations have regularly criticized more violent shows, saying they could negatively impact kids, while some Christians have praised the themes of redemption and good versus evil that often appear on death-centric programs. "Resurrection," whose title alludes to Jesus Christ's return from death, has yet to attract any major protest and doesn't wade deeply into religious themes, though spiritual questions are ever-present.
"There's a hunger people have for these kinds of programs, for these ways to have death vicariously explained and presented to them. We want to play the 'what if someone came back to life' game." HP

Listen to how ABC describes the "pastor" in the town on the TV show:
"The local minister in Arcadia, Tom Hale is a town leader with a loyal flock. He has an empathetic soul that is irresistible to women. Married to Janine, he’s initially unwilling to believe in the miracle that is Jacob. But he was best buddies with the 8-year-old boy, 32 years ago, and he instantly recognizes his long-lost pal, making him question his very beliefs…"

"The coming of the Lord is to be preceded by "the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness." 2 Thessalonians 2:9,10
God has expressly forbidden all pretended communication with departed spirits. In the days of the Hebrews there was a class of people who claimed, as do the spiritualists of today, to hold communication with the dead. But the "familiar spirits," as these visitants from other worlds were called, are declared by the Bible to be "the spirits of devils." work of dealing with familiar spirits was pronounced an abomination to the Lord, and was solemnly forbidden under penalty of death." Great Controversy p.556 E.G.W.

Sister Gabby's Spell by Pastor Doug Batchelor (Sermon)