And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17

And the Spirit & the bride say, come.... Reveaaltion 22:17
And the Spirit & the bride say, come...Revelation 22:17 - May We One Day Bow Down In The DUST At HIS FEET ...... {click on blog TITLE at top to refresh page}---QUESTION: ...when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? LUKE 18:8

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Walk Through Job - Abandoned

 My kinsfolk have failed ,
and my familiar friends have forgotten me.      
They that dwell in mine house,
and my maids, count me for a stranger :
I am an alien in their sight.   
I called my servant, and he gave me no answer ;
I intreated him with my mouth.
My breath is strange to my wife,
though I intreated for the children's sake of mine own body.   
Yea, young children despised me;
I arose , and they spake against me.      
All my inward friends abhorred me:
and they whom I loved are turned against me.  
Job 19:14-20