Monday, January 1, 2024

BEST of 2023

 BEST of 2023
80 BEST POSTS of 2023
1) SIMPLIFYING the Old / New [Everlasting Covenant] 
2) Heralds of the Sanctuary Doctrine [1517-1843] 
3) God's Eschatological Chessboard: World War 3, America and Prophecy
4) Will this be the Last - Ultimate Crises Era?
Dig Deeper: MESSAGE of Bible SIMPLIFIED (
6) Could AI (Artificial Intelligence) Play a Role in the End Times?7) Bible SIMPLIFIED
8) "It is finished": Did the "Atonement" End At The Cross? 
9) Our Schoolmaster
10) Paul Describes the Christians Disease (While Teaching the Sanctuary Doctrine)
11) Proof the Holy Spirit is a PERSON of the Godhead
12) What does not being "under the Law" mean?
15) The HOLY SPIRIT is Not an "it"
16) The world is wobbling on a precipice of never-before-seen EVIL
Dig Deeper: The world is wobbling on a precipice of never-before-seen EVIL 
17) Kings" & "Merchants"... Close to the End?...
18) Your Biological Connection to the Sabbath
19) Simplifying Hades, Gehenna and Tartarus
20) Common Sense & Scripture Applied to the "Wine" of Cana's Marriage Feast
21) Extrapolation from Genesis 2 about Pre-Flood World
22) Paul 's Responds to Neitzsche's Teen Analogy
23) Ephesians 2:1-3 under a microscope
24) The Drama in the 2 Gardens [Eden & Gethsemane]
25) Inverse Relationship of Keeping the Commandments of God
26) Most Like Their Sin
27) Lucifer's state of the world
33) Council of Trent admitted they teach the commandments of men
34) Hebrews 8:10 Commentaries
35) Hebrews 5:9 Commentaries
36) Job 1:6 - satan
37) We Know What God Calls It... What Do You Call It? 
38) Sabbath & the 2nd Veil 
39) AXIOMATIC: From the Sinful Heart of Man Came Forth the MAN OF SIN 
40) Two False Christs that merged: From 1st to last Decade of the 20th Century 
41) Earthly Tent (Body) vs. Heavenly House (Body)
42) Keeping it Real about Death
43) The ending of the work of the Gospel
Dig Deeper: Lord's Prayer SIMPLIFIED (
46) Genetic Clues from the Flood Account
47) Genetic Clues from the Tower of Babel
48) Echoes of The Tree of Life Corrupted in Paganism by Time
49) SIMPLIFYING the WRONG in this WORLD: (Eccl. 3:16,18,19) 
50) The WARNING from Christ & Paul 
51) God is an exact Time Keeper 
52) Close Look at Ahab & Jehoshaphat 's Reaction to Mass Prophecy 
53) Whose Hands Are Fate of the Fallen Angels? 
54) Worldly Bids and Worldly Baits 
55) The "Superman" & "Block of Steel" [Case Study in Jer. 17:9 - Neitzsche & the Nazis]
56) How did Pagans Degenerate Into Necromancy?
57) John of Rupescissa: False Prophet of the Hundred Years War 
58) "Brother #1" and the Messianic Marxist [Jer. 17:9 Case Study - The Killing Fields]
59) "PoP" Goes Marxism [Jer. 17:9 Case Study- Marxism of Hate] 
60) Genetic Variation Simplified 
61) The Law Hangs Upon
66) The Holy Spirit referred to as "God" - hence, part of the Triune Godhead
Dig Deeper: The Holy Spirit referred to as "God" - hence, part of the Triune Godhead
67) Glimpse into the Post Flood / Pre-Babel Topography 
68) Choctaw Echoes of Creation & Babel 
69) Was Ham deified into the Egyptian god Horus? 
70) Osirus, Noah and that 17th day... Echoes of the Flood in paganism? 
71) What will lighten the world of a load of crime?
72) Parallel's of the Slaughter of the Innocents 
73) What Happened to Bliss? 
74) Digging Deep into 1 Peter 3:1
75) Parents Anguish 
76) From the SILVER SCREEN to Your FRONTAL LOBE.... Hollywood Steeped in VICE from the Earliest Days 
77) What does "Godhead" mean?
Dig Deeper: What does "Godhead" mean? (
78) The Nature of Christ SIMPLIFIED 
79) Proverbs 2:8
80) Making Manifest the Character of God to the Fallen Children of Earth 
1) SIMPLIFYING Why Macro-Evolution is IMPOSSIBLE
2) The Attempt to Seize the CREATOR's Scepter
3) Severe Problem for "Big Bang"
4) Extrapolation from Pumpkins about Individuality
Dig Deeper: Creation Moment 12/20/2023 -
5) What that "Something" was..... 
6) Slapping a "Made in Darwin's Image" sticker on the Cosmos
Dig Deeper: Creation Moment 10/31/2023 - Slapping a "Made in Darwin's Image" sticker on the 
7) Pretty much should END the Darwinian Worldview.... 
8) The Science of Gen. 2:18 
9) The 3 Requirements
10) Another Blow to Evolution 
11) God's Pencil 
12) That Latest Fossil Find 
13) Talking Bones 
14) God's Skyscrapers vs. Man's Skyscrapers 
15) MATHEMATICS "Discovered" should tell you something... 
16) Geometric Lesson of Bubbles 
17) Humans as "creator" = a Precarious Equation 
18) Romans 8:22...Literally
19) The two verses on Genetics 
20) Surprise, Surprise......
21) Answer to Age Old Question: Which Came First? The Chicken Or The Egg? 
22) The Cognitive Map
23) Mysteries of Creator's Mathematical Info Storage bins? 
24) Interwoven Fabric of DESIGN 
25) Darwinist Hrdlička vs. God's Word
26) Baffled By The 2 Faced Planet of Amazing Creation
Dig Deeper: Creation Moment 11/12/2023 - Moral Clarity of the Creator: SIMPLIFIED in 2 Parts
31) The "Beginning"
32) Quite an Admission.... 
33) How to Read Darwinian Writing 
34) The Motte-and-Bailey Fallacy 
38) Duelling Timespans of Creation & Evolution 
39) Why Evolutionary Cosmologists Made-up the Oort Cloud 
40) Echoes of Creator God Corrupted in Ancient Paganism 
41) IF the "Big Bang" were true.... The Universe Shouldn't Exist
42) Problem: Quaoar
43) Intent of Wright's Invention 
44) See, they all really know..... 
45) Forbidden Planet 
46) Humpty Dumpty & Evolutionists
47) Amazing Creation of an interconnected world for life
49) Peering Into The Creator's Travel Secrets? 
50) Arabidopsis Genetic Research Undermines Evolution 
 40 BEST NEWS POSTS of 2023
1) SDA Issues: Lunar "sabbath":--A Most DAMNABLE HERESY 
2) SDA NEWS : E.G.W. was Right (as Ripped from Today's Headlines Show)
3) IN the NEWS - The Terminator vs. Christ 
4) IN the NEWS - Climate CULT vs. God's Pinnacle of Creation
Dig Deeper: IN the NEWS - Climate CULT vs. God's Pinnacle of Creation
5) IN the NEWS - Those "itching ears" Turning to Chatbots 
6) IN the NEWS - Our Goose Stepping Youth to Hamas & LGBT
7) SDA Issues: The Great Sin
8) IN the NEWS - Tik Tok Narco Queen and the Lesson of Proverbs 4
9) SCAM ALERT - Nelson Alvarez & his personal "Jacob's Ladder"
Dig Deeper: SCAM ALERT - Nelson Alvarez & his personal "Jacob's Ladder"
10) IN the NEWS - Latin America Is Running Out of Water
Dig Deeper: IN the NEWS - Latin America Is Running Out of Water (
11) IN the NEWS - ChatGPT writes FAKE Bible Verses
12) SDA Issues - Beware of this Sabbath Keeping / Woke MOTHER OF ALL CULTS
13) IN the NEWS - It's Official: "America is a nation of Pride" 
14) SDA Issues- Simplifying the Message for Laodicea 
15) IN the NEWS - Sodom Redux on the Biden White House Lawn 
16) SDA Issues - Möge Gott das Böse in diesen Männern aufdecken und verurteilen 
17) SDA Issues- Wasting the Widows Mites in the SCC
18) IN the NEWS - Sacrificing Children to the State
19) IN the NEWS - Artificial Intelligence Seances For The Dead 
20) SDA Issues: A "cunning lie from the serpent"
Dig Deeper: SDA Issues: A "cunning lie from the serpent" (
21) IN the NEWS - ESG: Greasing the Skids for the Beast ....the Chicom Way
22) IN the NEWS - Latest Excuse for no E.T. by Secularists 
23) IN the NEWS - TIME Magazine calls for a new "Holiday" (Holy Day) 
24) IN the NEWS - World is Full Blown Romans 1:29
25) SCAM ALERT - NO he Can NOT Raise the Dead... even for a grand 
26) IN the NEWS - "It must have seemed like the end of days" 
27) IN the NEWS - Green Religion Officially has it's "bible" now...
28) IN the NEWS - Christian Ouija board 
29) SDA Issues - Rebellion that Exceeds Korah's
30) IN the NEWS - "Robots" vs. Ezekiel 18:4 
31) IN the NEWS - Biden calls opposition to sinful mutilation -- sinful
32) IN the NEWS - 3 Spiritual Truths from Carlson's Heritage Foundation Speech 
33) IN the NEWS - Truly Shocking
34) IN the NEWS - Brain Transparency?... Scary, Creepy, Wicked....
35) IN the NEWS - Zombifying One's Self (the most EVIL drug yet) 
36) IN the NEWS - Peering Deep Into The Pro-abortion Heart 
37) IN the NEWS - Proof is in the Data 
38) IN the NEWS - In Case You Thought Hollywood Could Not Get Anymore Decadent... 
39) IN the NEWS - Man's universal pause button vs. God's universal pause button
2) Spiritual Symbolism of the Wife of Moses
3) Do Not Chisel the Unhewn Stones
Dig Deeper: Do Not Chisel the Unhewn Stones (
4) Lesson from Elijah's Prayer
5) Lesson of Job's First Prayer
1) Rainbow Sneakers Spotted on the Streets
2) Wads of $5,000 thrown at Heretics on the Streets
3) Trans Exhibits of God on the Streets
Dig Deeper: On the Streets of Babylon: Word on the Street is...Rihanna? 

1) Keeping it Simple with Common Sense
2) Coca Cola & NAACP
Dig Deeper: Health Note - EAT YOUR WATERMELON (
1) Surely The Presence Of The Lord Is In This Place performed by Daywind 
2) Only By Grace performed by KIM HILL
Dig Deeper: Only By Grace performed by KIM HILL (
3) All Because Of You performed by Lisa Bevill 
1) Evolution's Blunders, Frauds and Forgeries 
2) Book Review: Satan’s War Against the Godhead
2) Snake Worship of Kukulcán
3) Si.427

Root of Opposition to the Sanctuary Doctrine SERIES PAGE
Little Horn / Beast Identity SIMPLIFIED SERIES Page
The Event Celebrated at so-called "Easter" is Crucial to Christendom
Dig Deeper: The Event Celebrated at so-called "Easter" is Crucial to Christendom 
             BEST CHRISTMAS POST of 2023
"Evolution" of the Christmas Tree
Dig Deeper: Creation Moment 12/25/2023 - "Evolution" of the Christmas Tree
BEST Thanksgiving Post of 2023
BEST Halloween Post of 2023
Catholics Admit Halloween is Catholic Holiday