Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Puritan Corner - Your Last Days

Pray that thy last days, and last works may be the best; and that when thou comest to die, thou mayest have nothing else to do but die.
by Vavasor Powell (1617-1670)
Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth,
while the evil days come not,
nor the years draw nigh,
when thou shalt say,
I have no pleasure in them;
Ecclesiastes 12:1 

Amazing Facts on Heaven Is For Real Movie

"Is there really a heaven? Absolutely.

A new movie, Heaven Is for Real, makes claims about heaven and people who die. How does it compare with the Bible?
Heaven Is for Real is based on a 2010 bestselling book by Pastor Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent, about Todd’s four-year-old son. The small-town Nebraska pastor says his boy experienced heaven while undergoing emergency surgery.
A couple of “convincing” pieces of evidence in the movie relate to people Colton supposedly saw, such as a miscarried sister and his great grandfather, who died 30 years before Colton was born. The book and movie claim that he shared “impossible-to-know” details about them both.
Can NDEs (near-death-experiences) be trusted? What if these testimonies contradict the Bible’s teaching about the state of the dead?
The Bible is very clear: “For the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing…” Ecclesiastes 9:5 Jesus compared death to sleep (John 11:11–14). People who sleep in Jesus will not awake until the resurrection (1 Thessalonians 4:15, 16). We do not receive immortality until Christ returns (1 Corinthians 15:51–54).
The devil is persistent on spreading his first lie to Eve, “You will not surely die Genesis 3:4.
So if your friends or family ask, “Do you believe heaven is for real?” You can answer, “Absolutely, but depictions by Hollywood are not always accurate." AmazingFacts

IN the NEWS - Brits Tag Team Christians

Being a Political Science major, this was my first gut response when reading about this controversy erupting on the British political scene.....
Recently British Prime Minister Cameron declared Britain a "Christian" nation. Coming from him this is laughable since he just pushed through gay marriage & has been harassing schools that teach creation science.
Deputy Prime Minister Clegg just came out & called for the disestablishment of the Church of England. This would also effectively remove the monarch from appointing the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Cameron & Clegg...tag teaming Christians for 2015
So how are these 2 Brits
tag teaming Christian voters across the pond?
Cameron, of the Conservative Party, is currently in trouble for the 2015 elections. He has lost a lot of Christians to the Party called UKIP over his gay marriage stance among other things.
What's the difference between
the Conservative leader Cameron
& the Labor leader Miliband?
I don't see any....
He has a coalition government (because he has less than 50% of the seats) with the Liberal Democrat Party. Their leader, Clegg, was given deputy prime minister.
So a few days after Cameron declares Britain a "Christian" nation, then Clegg, trots out and calls for disestablishment of the Church of England. This gets a very serious sounding response from Cameron defending the Church. He swears he will never let it happen.

So it lets Cameron appear to be defending the "Church". This is his attempt to woo back voters defecting to UKIP in the polls. The Liberal Democrats of Clegg have only 2 possibilities to govern. Either help Cameron hold on to power and be part of his coalition still---OR---help Conservatives bounce back enough, so that IF Labor does win next year, they too are a minority government in need of a coalition and Clegg tries to stay on in their coalition instead as deputy prime minister.....

...O thou deceitful tongue.

Psalm 52:4

Either way, these 2 Brits are tag teaming Christian voters for 2015

Farage of UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party)

IN the NEWS - Hillary's "Faith" 2016 Campaign

"LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Six years ago, when she first ran for president, Hillary Clinton set up a campaign
office dedicated to “faith-based outreach.” But when its staff encouraged her to schedule public church appearances, she often declined.
But on Saturday morning, in a gaping convention hall here in downtown Louisville, she delivered a personal speech on the topic to nearly 7,000 members of the United Methodist Church.
“I am delighted to be here among my fellow Methodists and find that sense of connection and caring and communication and commitment that has been the hallmark of United Methodist Women certainly for as long as I can remember,” said Clinton,......“I have always cherished the Methodist church, because it gave us the great gift of personal salvation but also the obligation of social gospel,” said Clinton.
Clinton ended with a call to action to “keep taking a social gospel out into the world” that referenced the assembly’s theme, “Make it Happen,” which drew form the story of Jesus using five loaves of bread and two fish to feed 5,000 people." BuzzFeedPolitics

"Now there's a new group that's unaffiliated with the former secretary of state but wants her to run for president: Faith Voters for Hillary.
The site went live Friday. It showcases a photo of a beaming Clinton with the words "faith, values, liberty, peace" laid out like a banner." MC

1) There are several stories that suddenly appeared about Hillary & Faith online along with a website Faith Voters For Hillary. Now in the world of POLITICS, this is NO coincidence--it is a co-ordinated planned effort.
2) Hillary is taking a line from Senator Warren, who in 2012, used the Bible in a prime time Democrat convention speech to preach a big government welfare state. (Same day that Democrats shouted "boo" when God's name was mentioned that morning at the convention).
3) QUESTION: Why is it when Republicans like Santorum or Palin, for example, mention their faith the same press mocks or ridicules them? But not Democrats like Warren or Clinton? ANSWER: Because people like Santorum or Palin actually believe in the Bible--whereas people like Elizabeth Warren or Hillary Clinton not so much. This is NO secret.
4) Democrats can twist Scripture for purposes of class warfare, or expansion of the welfare state. But the same press would scream if Palin or Santorum would ever use the Bible as a source for, lets say, their opposition to gay marriage, abortion, etc.
5) This twisting of Scripture to support class warfare is really Bolivarianism. That is a new form of South American Marxism embraced by Hugo Chavez. One can bring in religion-as long it is used to support class warfare. (BTW, twisting Bible verses about the poor as a justification to create more government dependency, so as to empower via an expanding voter bloc, more greedy, selfish, corrupt politicians is not what God had in mind.
6) And who can forget the news stories last year about Hillary bragging about her affairs with women? "Today’s media headlines prove that nothing will assure you greater love, acceptance, and applause from the chattering classes than “bravely” admitting that you’re gay. Yes, we’re talking about Hillary Clinton. It appears that, in a shock-filled, soon-to-be published autobiography, she’ll finally acknowledge the truth of all those rumors about her being a not-so-closeted bisexual." 
"Hillary has decided to stop the lies and tell the truth in an upcoming memoir. Simon & Schuster will pay her $25 million for writing the book, which she hopes will inoculate her 2016 presidential run against any future ugly revelations.
According to the source, a person who is allegedly one of Hillary’s close friends, “By writing this tell-all, Hillary will settle old scores and get revenge on her enemies.” Those enemies apparently include Barack and Michelle Obama, since pre-publication rumors have it that Hillary will report about Barack’s drinking problem and the Obamas’ serious marital problems.
Hillary also intends to admit what many have known for years, but which her friends and ex-lovers have never confirmed: she’s bisexual and has had lesbian affairs.
 Hillary’s admission that she is a lesbian isn’t a sign that she repents her life of lies. Instead, it’s part of her cold-blooded political calculation:
“Bill and Hillary are the consummate politi­cians, and they realize the LGBT community is a huge voting bloc,” said a family insider.
“They want lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people behind Hillary in the 2016 campaign. So Hillary’s going to come clean for the votes. She’ll admit that she’s bisexual and has had lesbian relationships.”
Hillary will also admit that, when she suddenly vanished from the scene last December amidst State Department assurances that nothing bad was the matter, these assurances were yet another Clinton lie. In fact, after a fall, she was discovered to have a blood clot between her brain and her right ear, which was putting pressure on her brain. In the lead-up to the diagnosis, Hillary thought she had brain cancer, just as Teddy Kennedy did, and began saying good-bye to friends and families." MC
SOOOOOOO.....Is Bolivarianism & openly courting the "gay" vote by fanning the flames of rumors that you MIGHT be one of them the way to win over the "Christian" vote? Just asking...
7) As for the so-called "social gospel"---the duty of the Church isn't that--it is the spreading of the Gospel of Christ.
8) As for the story of the loaves & fishes, Christ performed a miracle to feed those a lunch while hearing Him preach. He didn't go stand in line to vote for a politician to make the people dependent on politicians & fish stick stamps. When Hillary, and politicians like her, preach the "social gospel", where is the Gospel of Christ in their rhetoric?

Wherefore I perceive that there is nothing better, than that a man should rejoice in his own works; for that is his portion: for who shall bring him to see what shall be after him?

Ecclesiastes 3:22

Creation Moment 4/30/2014 - Common Sense

"Everything is created. There is nothing that didn't have a beginning, and whatever is in motion was originally put into motion. Thus, there must be a thing that is perennial and doesn't need a creator - God." toovia

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
John 1:1,3

Monday, April 28, 2014

Plagues of water to blood (Egypt & Babylon)

In the 10 Plagues of Egypt, the water turning to blood is considered one plague. but did you ever notice it has 2 parts?

PART 1- The main body of water turns to blood (the Nile) like the "seas" during the 7 last plagues turn to blood. (Plague 2).
Get thee unto Pharaoh in the morning; lo, he goeth out unto the water; and thou shalt stand by the river's brink against he come; and the rod which was turned to a serpent shalt thou take in thine hand.....Thus saith the LORD, In this thou shalt know that I am the LORD: behold, I will smite with the rod that is in mine hand upon the waters which are in the river, and they shall be turned to blood. And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink;
Exodus 7:15,17,18

PART 2- This phase affected the regular drinking water throughout the land, like the the rivers & fountains of water turn to blood during the 7 last plagues, for He gives them blood to drink for shedding the blood of the saints. (Plague 3).
And the LORD spake unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and stretch out thine hand upon the waters of Egypt, upon their streams, upon their rivers, and upon their ponds, and upon all their pools of water, that they may become blood; and that there may be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood, and in vessels of stone.
Exodus 7:19


Amazing Facts on NOAH Movie

"We’ve been paying close attention to the reviews of this film from both Christian and non-Christian critics alike. There are indeed some very twisted elements in Noah that we felt we should bring to your attention:
  • Satan’s fallen angels protect Noah while he builds the ark
  • To stop the earth from being repopulated, Noah tries to kill his son’s pregnant wife
  • Noah is portrayed as an uncaring, coarse man reluctant to follow God’s instructions
  • Methuselah is characterized as some sort of witch doctor who guides Noah spiritually!

Russell Crowe, who plays Noah, says himself that this is not a “Sunday school story” and will challenge viewers understanding of the Bible.

We make two recommendations about this new film. First, read the Bible story for yourself in Genesis chapters 6–8. Do not trust film producers to accurately portray Scripture; it's likely the filmmakers believe Genesis is a mere fable and seek to change your perceptions about God and the Bible.

Moreover, the Word of God was not given for entertainment, but “to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus2 Timothy 3:15.

Second, the release of this film will potentially generate lots of opportunities to discuss the Bible story with people who know little about Scripture." AmazingFacts

We're now featuring a great new book that's perfect for sharing with friends and family who have seen the movie or have questions about this powerful story. It's called Noah: Another Storm Is Coming AmazingFacts (link below to new book)

IN the NEWS - WW3 coming? Who knows? Who even cares?

"The Ukrainian prime minister, Arseny Yatseniuk, has accused Russia of wanting to start a third world war by occupying Ukraine "militarily and politically".
"The world has not yet forgotten world war two, but Russia already wants to start world war three," he told his interim cabinet in remarks broadcast live. "Attempts at military conflict in Ukraine will lead to a military conflict in Europe."
In some of the strongest language he has used so far during the crisis, Yatseniuk accused Moscow of acting like a gangster supporting terrorists.
"It is clear that Russia's goal is to wreck the election in Ukraine, remove the pro-western and pro-Ukrainian government and occupy Ukraine politically as well as military," he added.
Both sides have deployed troops close to their frontier." The Guardian
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars:
see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass,
but the end is not yet.
Matthew 24:6

Creation Moment 4/29/2014 - Evolution & the Clergy

"Atheists have fired another salvo in their ongoing assault on the Bible and, in particular, the truth of Genesis and its importance in the creation-evolution debate.
This time it involves the recent publication of Caught In The Pulpit: Leaving Belief Behind1 by Daniel Dennett and Linda LaScola.
And it should dispel any doubts in the minds of Christians about how focused atheists are on highlighting how accepting the evolutionary view of the world is a major factor in people abandoning their faith in the God of the Bible.
The book is an extension of Richard Dawkins’ ‘The Clergy Project’, which has been described as “a confidential online community for active and former professional clergy/religious leaders who do not hold supernatural beliefs”.
It chronicles the struggles of several mostly Christian church leaders who have become unbelievers,...  
The authors seem to think they have exposed something that believers are unaware of and that it will bring down Christianity. What they see as a growing church exodus gives them that expectation.
The reality is that there always have been—and always will be—people who ‘lose their faith’, whether they occupy the pulpit or not. Consider, for example, Canadian (and Billy Graham colleague) Charles Templeton, whose spectacular fall from mass evangelist to unbeliever was in no small part linked to his doubts over Genesis.
What the authors discovered from participants interviewed are several things Creation Ministries International and many thinking Christians have long pointed out. Sadly, many in the church:
  • have rejected the historicity of the Genesis account including that Adam and Eve were real people;
  • have accepted long ages and evolution as fact;
  • now deny Christ’s Deity.
 And many seminaries now teach along all of those lines.
According to one professor:
For some it’s unpleasant—like [the fact that] Adam and Eve did not really live. I did not think anybody could think that they really lived and ran around in Paradise—I just couldn’t have imagined that." CMI
 The fool hath said in his heart,
There is no God.
Psalm 53:1

Sunday, April 27, 2014


If you think about it---God gave Moses His 10
Commandments TWICE. (The original & then again after Moses broke them over the people partying around the golden calf). What do YOU think it means if God repeats Himself?
And Moses made haste,
and bowed his head toward the earth,
and worshipped.
Exodus 34:8

IN the NEWS - "Wife" of Christ debate again?

Not this NONSENSE again.....back in 2012 "they" declared "they" found a papyrus fragment where Christ is supposed to have referred to His "wife".
Now the story made it back into the news somehow the last couple of weeks....Whatever, right?

But someone had a good response to this nonsense.... "The fragment is what people like King and Hal Taussig, who worked on the fragment with her, want to find—they need it to be real. Even if analysis of the ink, which is still pending, were to show that the text was written with a Sharpie, the fragment would still have its defenders.
That’s because the fragment allows them to talk about “Christianities,” plural, and “questions about  marriage and sexuality and Jesus.”
The debate over this fragment or other extra-biblical texts isn’t really about what people in the third or fourth centuries believed—it’s about what people in the 21st century want to believe. Insisting that there were many “Christianities” prior to the Council of Nicea is a way of saying that there can be many “Christianities” todaywith many beliefs about the core doctrines of the faith, from marriage to the sanctity of life, to the very resurrection of the Lord Himself.
That’s why Taussig can insist, as the Washington Post put it, that the fragment is “ostensibly as important as documents that make up the accepted New Testament.”" Eric Metaxas
But there were false prophets also among the people,
even as there shall be false teachers among you,
who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,
2 Peter 2:1

Creation Moment 4/28/2014 - Dino Chow Time

"Dinosaurs are supposed to have evolved into birds. But Confuciusornis was a true beaked bird that pre-dates the ‘feathered’ dinosaurs that it allegedly came from. It also has been found in the stomach of a dinosaur." CMI
And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field,
and every fowl of the air;
Genesis 2:19

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Drinking those Fables....

And there followed another angel, saying,
Babylon is fallen, is fallen,
 that great city,
because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
Revelation 14:8
"Babylon meets with this spiritual fall "because she made all nations drink of the wine of wrath [not anger, but intense passion] of her fornication." There is but one thing to which this can refer, and that is false doctrines. She has corrupted the pure truths of God's word, and made the nations drunken with pleasing fables.
In the form of the papacy
she has supplanted the gospel by substituting for it a false system of salvation:

*Through the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception
she denies that God in Christ dwelt in human flesh.
*She has sought to set aside the mediation of Christ
and has put another system of mediation in its place. 
*She has attempted to take away the priesthood of Jesus
and substitute an earthly priesthood.
*She has made salvation dependent upon confession to mortal man
and thus has separated the sinner from Jesus,
the only one through whom his sins can be forgiven.
*She condemns the way of salvation through faith as "damnable heresy,"
and substitutes the doctrine of salvation by works.
*Her crowning blasphemy is the doctrine of transubstantiation,
or the idolatrous sacrifice of the mass,
which is declared to be "one and the same as that of the cross"
and which, in "some senses," is said to have "the advantage over Calvary,"
for by it "the work of our redemption is carried out."

Among the doctrines she teaches contrary to the word of God,
may be mentioned the following:

*The substitution of tradition and the voice of the church
as an infallible guide in the place of the Bible.
*The change of the Sabbath of the fourth commandment, the seventh day,
into the festival of Sunday as the rest day of the Lord and a memorial of His resurrection,
a memorial which has never been commanded,
and can by no possible means appropriately commemorate that event. 
 Fathered by heathenism as "the wild solar holiday of all pagan times,"
Sunday was lead to the font by the pope,
and christened as an institution of the gospel church. 
Thus an attempt was made to destroy a memorial
which the great God had set up
to commemorate His own magnificent creative work,
and erect another in its state to commemorate the resurrection of Christ,
for which there was no occasion,
as the Lord Himself had already provided a memorial
for that purpose in baptism by immersion.
*The doctrine of the natural immortality of the soul. 
 This also was derived from the pagan world,
and the "Fathers of the church" became the foster-fathers of this pernicious doctrine
as a part of divine truth. 
 This error nullifies the two great Scripture doctrines of the resurrection and the general judgment, and furnishes an open door to modern spiritism. 
 From it have sprung such other evil doctrines as
the conscious state of the dead,
saint worship,
reward at death,
prayers and baptisms for the dead,
eternal torment, and
universal salvation.
The doctrine that the saints, as disembodied spirits, find their eternal inheritance in faraway, indefinable regions, "beyond the bounds of time and space." Thus multitudes have been turned away from the Scriptural view that this present earth is to be destroyed by fire at the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men, and that from its ashes the voice of Omnipotence will evoke a new earth, which will be the future everlasting kingdom of glory, and which the saints will possess as their eternal inheritance.
*Sprinkling instead of immersion,
the latter being the only Scriptural mode of baptism,
and a fitting memorial of the burial and resurrection of our Lord,
for which purpose it was designed. 
 By the corruption of this ordinance
and its destruction as a memorial of the resurrection of Christ,
the way was prepared for the substitution of something else for this purpose--the Sunday rest day.
*The doctrine of a temporal millennium,
or a thousand years of peace and prosperity and righteousness all over the earth
before the second coming of Christ. 
 This doctrine is especially calculated to shut the ears of the people
against the evidences of the second advent near,
and will probably lull as many souls into a state of carnal security
 leading to their final ruin,
as any heresy which has ever been devised by the great enemy of truth."
Daniel&theRevelation p.649-651 Uriah Smith

IN the NEWS - "Egyptian" assault on the Pledge of Allegiance

....for every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians.
Genesis 46:34

"......the Pledge of Allegiance.
Atheist activists have long opposed the pledge, because reciting it allows for “God” to be invoked in public venues. But there’s another factor at play making the issue even more complex: that public schoolchildren are
often the ones instructed to say it.
And whenever kids are involved in First Amendment disputes, claims of indoctrination over a “captive audience” generally run rampant. The debate over the Pledge of Allegiance is no exception.
LifeWay’s survey data comes as atheist activists are taking new avenues to challenge the recitation. As Religion News Service has noted, using state constitutions to go after the pledge is a relatively new strategic approach — one that is being used in legal challenges in New Jersey and Massachusetts.
Rather than using the U.S. Constitution as their basis, which has failed in the past, the plaintiffs in both cases are claiming that the use of “under God” is a violation of the rights of atheists under state law." TheBlaze

....for every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians.
Genesis 46:34
(* "Egypt" is the secular, non-believing world & the "Shepherd" is Christ/or God)

Creation Moment 4/27/2014 - "Praise Darwin" Chant

UCONN Professor goes "Ape" defending evolution
"A University of Connecticut professor is defending his actions after being caught on video ranting at Christian evangelists, including spouting expletives and leading students in a “Praise Darwin” chant.
The spectacle, uploaded to YouTube April 23, shows anthropology professor James Boster aggressively confronting evangelist Don Karns, who was holding a sign that read, “Evolution is a lie.”
Boster said he was simply defending students and trying to “engage them as cast members in the drama” he was creating.
“He says that evolution is a lie! Have you read the ‘Origin of Species’?” Boster can be seen screaming at the start of the clip.
In the latter part of the clip, Boster can be seen leading students in a Darwinian chant.
“I want you to join me in saying, ‘Praise Darwin!,” he said, and the students complied.
The video ends with Boster delivering a sermon of his own, speaking about mankind’s kinship with other mammals.
“We are all bonded together in that great spiritual web, because the divine saturates nature the way gravy saturates cornbread,” he proclaimed." TheBlaze

"“As I was pointing to Christ—I was talking about the sin nature—I said, ‘There’s probably some people out there—maybe even professors—who think they descended from monkeys,’” Smith recalled. “[Boster] jumped off the ground and came running over and basically started screaming, ‘I did not come from a monkey! I came from an ape!’”
“He got about two inches from my nose,” he noted. “You could tell he was going to pop."
Karns states that Boster then confronted him a second time, using profanity and likewise coming closely to his face. Andrew Rappaport of Striving for Eternity Ministries in Jackson, New Jersey witnessed Boster as he began presenting a speech in an attempt to stir up the students." datalounge

A verse that professor Boster could have used for his "sermon", at least as it relates to himself, is to have closed with - I have played the fool, and have erred exceedingly. 1 Samuel 26:21

Friday, April 25, 2014


Now all these things happened to them as examples,
 and they were written for our admonition,
upon whom the ends of the ages have come.
1 Corinthians 10:11
"The lives recorded in the Bible are authentic histories of actual individuals. From Adam down through successive generations to the time of the apostles, we have a plain, unvarnished account of what actually occurred, and the genuine experience of real characters. It is a subject of wonder to many, that inspired history should narrate facts in the lives of good men that tarnish their moral characters. Infidels seize upon these sins with great satisfaction, and hold their perpetrators up to ridicule.
It is one of the best evidences of the authenticity of the Scriptures, that the truth is not glossed over, nor the sins of its chief characters suppressed.
But Inspiration, lifted above the weaknesses of humanity, tells the simple, naked truth.
The record of the murmurings of ancient Israel and of their rebellious discontent, is given for our benefit, as
well as that of the mighty miracles wrought in their favor and the punishment of their idolatry and ingratitude. Their example is given as a warning to the people of God, that they may avoid unbelief and escape his wrath. If the iniquities of the Hebrews had been omitted from the Sacred Record, and only their virtues recounted, their history would fail to teach us the lesson that it does.
The law given to man in Eden is recorded, together with the penalty incurred because of its transgression.
The pen of Inspiration, true to its task, tells us of the sins that overcame Noah, Lot, Moses, Abraham, David, and Solomon, and how Elijah's strong spirit sunk under temptation during his fearful trial. Jonah's disobedience and Israel's idolatry are faithfully recorded. Peter's denial of Christ, the sharp contention of Paul and Barnabas,....Those who question why the word of God brings out the sins of his people in so plain a manner for scoffers to deride and saints to deplore, should consider that it was all written for their instruction, that they might avoid the evils recorded, but imitate the righteousness of those who served the Lord." Review & Herald 1880 E.G.W.

Creation Moment 4/26/2014 - Paul Undermines Theistic Evolution

Paul Undermines Theistic Evolution (the idea of "evolution" over eons of time, from a single cell, but that God guided the process) when Paul states -
All flesh is not the same flesh:
but there is one kind of flesh of men,
another flesh of beasts,
another of fishes,
and another of birds.
1 Corinthians 15:39
In other words-we are NOT related to the common beasts of the field

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Lessons from the deathbed of Fred David

"Recently, Fred David, the man who gave Ravi Zacharias a Bible while on a bed of suicide, passed away. When Ravi spoke with Fred, who was on his deathbed, Fred said, "Sometimes I think I came into this world just to give you a Bible." Perhaps to some that would seem like a very small purpose,..
Now 51 years later, Ravi has been in full-time ministry more than 40 years; RZIM is turning 30."
RZIM Quarterly News Spring 2014
 That ALL Christians could show that simple of childlike faith of Fred David and be satisfied with whatever their purpose in life was whether small (by man's standards) or big (by man's standards). In other words-just worry about God's standards.
His lord said unto him,
Well done,
thou good and faithful servant:
thou hast been faithful over a few things,
 I will make thee ruler over many things: 
Matthew 25:21
See pics below for the FRUITS of the life of Mr. David who gave a young, suicide attempting Ravi Zacharias a Bible on his nearly-deathbed years ago......

Creation Moment 4/25/2014 - Woman of Tekoah says....

For we must needs die,
(Think about it--IF God's physical laws, such as the cosmological constant, are tightly wound-that any deviation would result in the destruction of the universe--so too are God's moral laws. When we deviate-we call it sin, & we too should be destroyed.)
and are as water spilt on the ground,
which cannot be gathered up again;
(Once you die---you die)
neither doth God respect any person:
(Or phrased in the NLT - But God does not just sweep life away;- OR in the NIV - But that is not what God desires; - OR in the Wycliffe version -  but God desireth that no soul perish,)
yet doth he devise means,
that his banished be not expelled from him.
(He devised a plan to rescue His creation from ultimate destruction. The plan of Salvation laid out in the Sanctuary, symbolized by the Cross. So too He can reverse the law of entropy which leads to decay. - OR as phrased in the CEB - instead, he makes plans so those banished from him don't stay that way.)
2 Samuel 14:14

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised
Romans 1:25
"The Ark of Hope is the holy grail of environmentalism, containing the green ten commandments and a pile of new age mystical leaflets.
The Ark of Hope was designed by Burlington, Vermont, artist and social activist Sally Linder.  The Ark of
Hope was reverentially constructed in September of 2001 by Kevin Jenness. It was crafted from a single plank of sycamore maple that was cut (or sacrificed) from a sustainable forest in Germany! 
The top panel—like a quadrilateral COEXIST bumper sticker—is surrounded with symbols of faith from all world religions, along with symbols of children and animals of the world.
It has four brass rings attached to the four corners of the Ark. Two 96 inch long poles are inserted through these rings in a manner reminiscent of Exodus 25:10-21. I hope by now you are aware that this thing is a direct mockery of the Ark of the Covenant detailed in the Bible. Oh… and the poles are pretty special. The 96 inch carrying poles are unicorn horns which render evil ineffective.
Instead of Levites carrying this fake “Ark” it was carried 350 miles by women—from Burlington to New York City in September 2001.  Take that, you chauvinistic Levites!  Their
destination was the United Nations headquarters, where the Ark was exhibited in January–February of 2002. 
No ark would be complete without the Ten Commandments, right?  Or maybe a counterfeit of them…. Reverently placed in this Ark is the holiest document of the environmentalist movement—The Earth Charter. What’s that? It’s a 2400-word document which was carefully drafted by well-known geopolitical globalist individuals such as Mikhail Gorbechev, Steven Rockefeller, and Maurice Strong over a period of six years.  Officially launched on June 29, 2000, at a ceremony in Hague, Netherlands, The Earth Charter has become the geopolitical Magna Carta of environmentalism and social justice. 
 Translation: They want you to make a New Covenant – a green one this time." AdVindicate

"The attempt to blaspheme the Ark of the Covenant is no chance occurrence.  Former Soviet Premier and President of the International Green Cross, Mikhail Gorbachev, who also co-chairs the Earth Charter Commission, is quoted as saying, "Do not do unto the environment of others what you do not want done to your own environment....My hope is that this charter will be a kind of Ten Commandments, a 'Sermon on the Mount', that provides a guide for human behavior toward the environment in the next century.” CM

Read the EARTH CHARTER at the link below

You won't GO to "Hell"

You won't GO to "Hell"...actually "Hell" will come to you

Then death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire.
This lake of fire is the second death.
And anyone whose name was not found
recorded in the Book of Life
was thrown into the lake of fire.
Revelation 20:14,15 NLT

Very SERIOUS Warning

For it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than,
after they have known it,
to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them.
2 Peter 2:21

IN the NEWS - Christianity spurt in IRAN?

"Open Doors USA has ranked Iran number 9 on its list of 50 countries where persecution of Christians for religious reasons is most severe.
The Institute on Religion and Democracy recently spoke with officials of the ministry who say despite intense persecution, many more Muslims are coming to Christ at an increasing rate.
“Rafin and Nader, young coverts from Muslim backgrounds are proof of that,” Jerry Dykstra, media relations director with Open Doors told the IRD.  “They are not alone. “Many Persians are coming to Christ, he added. “Many are young college students, and even some of their teachers are asking for Bibles!
Dykstra tells the IRD the Iranian regime considers anyone converting to Christ apostates- a crime which is punishable by death. Dykstra says almost all Christian activity is illegal.
According to Open Doors the harsh treatment of Christians by the regime is only fueling the flames of church growth." JE
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you,
and persecute you,
and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely,
for my sake.
Matthew 5:11

Creation Moment 4/24/2014 - Ribosomes

"Ribosomes use genetic instructions borne by long molecules called messenger RNA to make proteins that cells need to get things done. Normally, ribosomes move along strands of messenger RNA, making proteins as they go, until they encounter a genetic sequence called a stop codon. At that point, the protein is finished, and specialized recycling proteins help the ribosome disconnect from the RNA and break up into pieces." Phys.org
 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Psalm 139:14 NLT

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

IN the NEWS -Sabbath vs. earth day

"More than a billion people around the world will celebrate Earth Day on April 22, 2014—the 44th anniversary of the annual day of action.

Earth Day began in 1970, when 20 million people across the United States—that's one in ten—rallied for increased protection of the environment.
....McCarthy is in a new battle to protect Americans from modern environmental threats such as global climate change, which she called "one of the most significant, if not the most significant, public health issue of our time."

1) So a billion honor the "mother" earth with earth day celebrations?
2) How many will honor the "Father" God this Sabbath by honoring His holy 7th day? Probably not a billion... So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, Romans 1:25 NLT

IN the NEWS - Selfies in "Egypt" & "Babylon"

On this Earth Day,
NASA wants you to take a global selfie

"This is shaping up to be a great year for science -- and social media -- and NASA is asking for everyone's help in celebrating the 44th anniversary of Earth Day, by taking a selfie...and as part of its "Earth Right Now"
campaign, the space agency is encouraging everyone to step outside today and take a picture of themselves, wherever they are on Earth and post it to social media using the hashtag #GlobalSelfie.
NASA is trying to create an image of Earth from the ground up, while showing off a collection of environmental self portraits.
The final #GlobalSelfie mosaic, as well as a video using the images, will be released in May,...
"While NASA satellites constantly look at Earth from space, on Earth Day we're asking you to step outside and take a picture of yourself wherever you are on Earth," the agency wrote on the event page.

So, be sure to take a second to go outside today and snap a selfie in celebration of our home planet!" CBS
The secular world---coming together around the GREEN Religion--of "Mother Earth". Hmm... maybe they should just set aside a weekly holy day to honor the earth and reduce our so-called "global footprint". Then maybe they could get Christians to co-operate by agreeing to the same day they prefer to set aside to honor the Father God...hmmm.... get the point?
And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, Romans 1:23,25

Selfie's for spiritual Babylon

Selfie's for spiritual Egypt