Thursday, April 24, 2014

Creation Moment 4/25/2014 - Woman of Tekoah says....

For we must needs die,
(Think about it--IF God's physical laws, such as the cosmological constant, are tightly wound-that any deviation would result in the destruction of the universe--so too are God's moral laws. When we deviate-we call it sin, & we too should be destroyed.)
and are as water spilt on the ground,
which cannot be gathered up again;
(Once you die---you die)
neither doth God respect any person:
(Or phrased in the NLT - But God does not just sweep life away;- OR in the NIV - But that is not what God desires; - OR in the Wycliffe version -  but God desireth that no soul perish,)
yet doth he devise means,
that his banished be not expelled from him.
(He devised a plan to rescue His creation from ultimate destruction. The plan of Salvation laid out in the Sanctuary, symbolized by the Cross. So too He can reverse the law of entropy which leads to decay. - OR as phrased in the CEB - instead, he makes plans so those banished from him don't stay that way.)
2 Samuel 14:14