Saturday, April 26, 2014

Creation Moment 4/27/2014 - "Praise Darwin" Chant

UCONN Professor goes "Ape" defending evolution
"A University of Connecticut professor is defending his actions after being caught on video ranting at Christian evangelists, including spouting expletives and leading students in a “Praise Darwin” chant.
The spectacle, uploaded to YouTube April 23, shows anthropology professor James Boster aggressively confronting evangelist Don Karns, who was holding a sign that read, “Evolution is a lie.”
Boster said he was simply defending students and trying to “engage them as cast members in the drama” he was creating.
“He says that evolution is a lie! Have you read the ‘Origin of Species’?” Boster can be seen screaming at the start of the clip.
In the latter part of the clip, Boster can be seen leading students in a Darwinian chant.
“I want you to join me in saying, ‘Praise Darwin!,” he said, and the students complied.
The video ends with Boster delivering a sermon of his own, speaking about mankind’s kinship with other mammals.
“We are all bonded together in that great spiritual web, because the divine saturates nature the way gravy saturates cornbread,” he proclaimed." TheBlaze

"“As I was pointing to Christ—I was talking about the sin nature—I said, ‘There’s probably some people out there—maybe even professors—who think they descended from monkeys,’” Smith recalled. “[Boster] jumped off the ground and came running over and basically started screaming, ‘I did not come from a monkey! I came from an ape!’”
“He got about two inches from my nose,” he noted. “You could tell he was going to pop."
Karns states that Boster then confronted him a second time, using profanity and likewise coming closely to his face. Andrew Rappaport of Striving for Eternity Ministries in Jackson, New Jersey witnessed Boster as he began presenting a speech in an attempt to stir up the students." datalounge

A verse that professor Boster could have used for his "sermon", at least as it relates to himself, is to have closed with - I have played the fool, and have erred exceedingly. 1 Samuel 26:21