Tuesday, April 29, 2014

IN the NEWS - Brits Tag Team Christians

Being a Political Science major, this was my first gut response when reading about this controversy erupting on the British political scene.....
Recently British Prime Minister Cameron declared Britain a "Christian" nation. Coming from him this is laughable since he just pushed through gay marriage & has been harassing schools that teach creation science.
Deputy Prime Minister Clegg just came out & called for the disestablishment of the Church of England. This would also effectively remove the monarch from appointing the Archbishop of Canterbury.

Cameron & Clegg...tag teaming Christians for 2015
So how are these 2 Brits
tag teaming Christian voters across the pond?
Cameron, of the Conservative Party, is currently in trouble for the 2015 elections. He has lost a lot of Christians to the Party called UKIP over his gay marriage stance among other things.
What's the difference between
the Conservative leader Cameron
& the Labor leader Miliband?
I don't see any....
He has a coalition government (because he has less than 50% of the seats) with the Liberal Democrat Party. Their leader, Clegg, was given deputy prime minister.
So a few days after Cameron declares Britain a "Christian" nation, then Clegg, trots out and calls for disestablishment of the Church of England. This gets a very serious sounding response from Cameron defending the Church. He swears he will never let it happen.

So it lets Cameron appear to be defending the "Church". This is his attempt to woo back voters defecting to UKIP in the polls. The Liberal Democrats of Clegg have only 2 possibilities to govern. Either help Cameron hold on to power and be part of his coalition still---OR---help Conservatives bounce back enough, so that IF Labor does win next year, they too are a minority government in need of a coalition and Clegg tries to stay on in their coalition instead as deputy prime minister.....

...O thou deceitful tongue.

Psalm 52:4

Either way, these 2 Brits are tag teaming Christian voters for 2015

Farage of UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party)