Thursday, April 24, 2014

Lessons from the deathbed of Fred David

"Recently, Fred David, the man who gave Ravi Zacharias a Bible while on a bed of suicide, passed away. When Ravi spoke with Fred, who was on his deathbed, Fred said, "Sometimes I think I came into this world just to give you a Bible." Perhaps to some that would seem like a very small purpose,..
Now 51 years later, Ravi has been in full-time ministry more than 40 years; RZIM is turning 30."
RZIM Quarterly News Spring 2014
 That ALL Christians could show that simple of childlike faith of Fred David and be satisfied with whatever their purpose in life was whether small (by man's standards) or big (by man's standards). In other words-just worry about God's standards.
His lord said unto him,
Well done,
thou good and faithful servant:
thou hast been faithful over a few things,
 I will make thee ruler over many things: 
Matthew 25:21
See pics below for the FRUITS of the life of Mr. David who gave a young, suicide attempting Ravi Zacharias a Bible on his nearly-deathbed years ago......