Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Amazing Facts on Heaven Is For Real Movie

"Is there really a heaven? Absolutely.

A new movie, Heaven Is for Real, makes claims about heaven and people who die. How does it compare with the Bible?
Heaven Is for Real is based on a 2010 bestselling book by Pastor Todd Burpo and Lynn Vincent, about Todd’s four-year-old son. The small-town Nebraska pastor says his boy experienced heaven while undergoing emergency surgery.
A couple of “convincing” pieces of evidence in the movie relate to people Colton supposedly saw, such as a miscarried sister and his great grandfather, who died 30 years before Colton was born. The book and movie claim that he shared “impossible-to-know” details about them both.
Can NDEs (near-death-experiences) be trusted? What if these testimonies contradict the Bible’s teaching about the state of the dead?
The Bible is very clear: “For the living know that they will die; but the dead know nothing…” Ecclesiastes 9:5 Jesus compared death to sleep (John 11:11–14). People who sleep in Jesus will not awake until the resurrection (1 Thessalonians 4:15, 16). We do not receive immortality until Christ returns (1 Corinthians 15:51–54).
The devil is persistent on spreading his first lie to Eve, “You will not surely die Genesis 3:4.
So if your friends or family ask, “Do you believe heaven is for real?” You can answer, “Absolutely, but depictions by Hollywood are not always accurate." AmazingFacts