Wednesday, April 23, 2014


They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised
Romans 1:25
"The Ark of Hope is the holy grail of environmentalism, containing the green ten commandments and a pile of new age mystical leaflets.
The Ark of Hope was designed by Burlington, Vermont, artist and social activist Sally Linder.  The Ark of
Hope was reverentially constructed in September of 2001 by Kevin Jenness. It was crafted from a single plank of sycamore maple that was cut (or sacrificed) from a sustainable forest in Germany! 
The top panel—like a quadrilateral COEXIST bumper sticker—is surrounded with symbols of faith from all world religions, along with symbols of children and animals of the world.
It has four brass rings attached to the four corners of the Ark. Two 96 inch long poles are inserted through these rings in a manner reminiscent of Exodus 25:10-21. I hope by now you are aware that this thing is a direct mockery of the Ark of the Covenant detailed in the Bible. Oh… and the poles are pretty special. The 96 inch carrying poles are unicorn horns which render evil ineffective.
Instead of Levites carrying this fake “Ark” it was carried 350 miles by women—from Burlington to New York City in September 2001.  Take that, you chauvinistic Levites!  Their
destination was the United Nations headquarters, where the Ark was exhibited in January–February of 2002. 
No ark would be complete without the Ten Commandments, right?  Or maybe a counterfeit of them…. Reverently placed in this Ark is the holiest document of the environmentalist movement—The Earth Charter. What’s that? It’s a 2400-word document which was carefully drafted by well-known geopolitical globalist individuals such as Mikhail Gorbechev, Steven Rockefeller, and Maurice Strong over a period of six years.  Officially launched on June 29, 2000, at a ceremony in Hague, Netherlands, The Earth Charter has become the geopolitical Magna Carta of environmentalism and social justice. 
 Translation: They want you to make a New Covenant – a green one this time." AdVindicate

"The attempt to blaspheme the Ark of the Covenant is no chance occurrence.  Former Soviet Premier and President of the International Green Cross, Mikhail Gorbachev, who also co-chairs the Earth Charter Commission, is quoted as saying, "Do not do unto the environment of others what you do not want done to your own environment....My hope is that this charter will be a kind of Ten Commandments, a 'Sermon on the Mount', that provides a guide for human behavior toward the environment in the next century.” CM

Read the EARTH CHARTER at the link below