Sunday, March 30, 2014

Ruth Notes - Orpah Lessons

And they took them wives of the women of Moab;
the name of the one was Orpah,
and the name of the other Ruth:
And she said,
Behold, thy sister in law is gone back unto her people,
and unto her gods: return thou after thy sister in law.
Ruth 1:4,15

Lessons of Orpah:
1) After learning of the God of Israel-her "gods" still commanded her affections & devotion
2) She still had "Moab" in her heart-she would never be truly happy in "Israel"

IN the NEWS - Some "Babylon" brewing in Colorado

"(Loveland, CO)—In fulfillment of Jesus' prayer for unity among His followers, 13 pastors from diverse personal and church backgrounds rallied around two common denominators at a recent conference in the Rocky Mountain West: the finished work of the Cross and the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
In the lead-up to the themed "One Church" conference, held recently at Resurrection Fellowship in Loveland, Colorado, an annual event attended by multiple churches in northern Colorado, people experienced dreams and miracles they believe are answers to Jesus' recorded prayer in the 17th chapter of John's Gospel, where he expresses His desire that Believers be one like God the Father and the Son.
A practicing Buddhist woman who attended the church conference titled Convergence related dream-based intercession in which a "man" watched her turn side to side as she slept; with each turn she first said, "God, thank You for Jesus;"
After hearing J.R. Polhemus, pastor of The Rock Church in Castle Rock, Colorado, the Buddhist woman agreed to speak with him privately and shortly afterward turned to the Lord herself.
In a dream only nights before he spoke, an Assembly of God pastor who preached two sermons at the annual conference in Loveland, Colorado believes the Lord spoke to him about the kind of unity that brings revival to the Church and society at large.
"I saw these fences and these borders in parts of Loveland, Fort Collins and the surrounding areas (of Colorado), representing the territories of all these little churches and their walls," says Dary Northrop, pastor of Timberline Church, an Assembly of God congregation.
Another speaker, Pastor George Morrison of Faith Bible Chapel in suburban Denver, agreed to bring members of his mega-church to next year's conference if it highlights Israel. Morrison, a regional director of Christians United For Israel (CUFI), was elated when Convergence host Pastor Jonathan Wiggins of Resurrection Fellowship told him the Holy Spirit revealed 2015's theme: Israel.
"I believe that we're about to step into a season of revival that comes not from one church doing something great but from a unified church on which Gods commands a blessing," says Wiggins, who's led worship in Baptist, Pentecostal, Independent and Charismatic congregations.
Speakers from different backgrounds and theological differences shared their diverse views openly at the conference, and not everybody agreed with everything they had to say, Wiggins points out. "So what?" he asks.
"What connects us is deeper than having total agreement on everything," Wiggins says. "If agreement is the criteria, then there's not a single person in the world who is truly united with anybody else."
Memories of another Bible teacher, the late Derek Prince, were invoked at the conference as well. Before he
"Ducks" swimming right up the
Euphrates into spiritual "Babylon"
died, Prince shared his vision of a duck pond that was separated by fences, each section enclosing a group of ducks. All the ducks became one group when the water level rose above the fences. The ducks didn't know any better than to swim together.

"What would happen if we put aside our petty, doctrinal and theological differences, honored each other, and focused on the Lordship of Jesus and His finished work?" Wiggins asks." ANS
What is up with this theme of setting aside "doctrinal" differences? Didn't we just hear Tony Palmer make that case for the Pope to a bunch a "Protestants" recently? Looks like "Babylon" is brewing & found it's theme for "unity".....the setting aside of doctrines

And he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen;
Isaiah 21:9
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying,
Come out of her, my people,
that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Revelation 18:4

IN the NEWS - More "Rumors" of War

WAS Crimea just the beginning?
"A senior military academic is warning Europe is staring down the barrel of its biggest war since 1945. And it could start in days, as Russian forces mass on the border with Ukraine — apparently poised to invade.
The commander of NATO forces in Europe visited the White House overnight to voice his alarm at Moscow’s massive military build-up facing eastern Ukraine — on the other side of the embattled country to the already-annexed Crimean peninsula.

Many other military and political voices are suddenly expressing the same fears.
“By the end of the weekend, Europe’s biggest war since 1945 will have begun or Putin will have started to send the troops on the border home,” declared Professor of the Naval War College at Boston University, John Schindler.
The troops are reportedly not average Russian conscripts. New intelligence reveals the mechanised infantry units and their tanks to be among the best and most highly trained the Russian Federation has — diverted from their Moscow barracks to their tents and revetments overlooking Ukraine.
There are even reports — unconfirmed at this stage — that Russia has in the past few hours erected a massive field hospital designed to treat wounded soldiers.
And Russian President Vladimir Putin’s rhetoric has also been heating up, with claims that Russian-speaking people in Ukraine are being treated “brutally”.
General Philip Breedlove, NATO’s supreme allied commander for Europe, gave a classified briefing last night to various US government committees.
“The thinking in the US government is that the likelihood of a major Russian incursion into Ukraine has increased,” a senior US official told Fox News.
CNN reports two Obama administration officials admitting off-record that new threat assessments are saying an invasion was far more likely than previously thought." HeraldSun/Australia
You will hear of wars and rumors of wars,
but see to it that you are not alarmed.
Such things must happen,
but the end is still to come.
Matthew 24:6 NIV

Creation Moment 3/31/2014 - Bill O'Reilly on Intelligent Design

Bill O'Reilly ......

"So what is God to you?
 'There's an Intelligent Design in the universe that created the human race. And there is a free-will component to every individual -- you either choose to do good or you choose to do evil. And if you sit it out, then you're in the evil category. And then, what you choose to do in your lifetime will be rewarded or punished by the Intelligent Designer of the universe. That's pretty much it. My philosophy is, generally speaking, if everybody followed Jesus's teachings, then there wouldn't be any war, wouldn't be any strife, wouldn't be any abuse. Everybody would be, not perfect, but certainly in a positive realm.' " WashingtonPost
All things were made by him;
and without him was not any thing made that was made.
In him was life;
and the life was the light of men.
John 1:3,4

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Ruth Notes - Come out of "Moab" for the Harvest

So Naomi returned, and Ruth the Moabitess,
her daughter in law, with her,
which returned out of the country of Moab:
and they came to Bethlehem in the beginning of barley harvest.
Ruth 1:22

God's people, united with those who come out of "Babylon", to "Bethlehem" (House of bread) during the "Harvest"....Get it....where have we heard this before?

1) And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
Revelation 18:4
2) And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.
Revelation 14:15

Speaking of "Noah's Flood" these days...

Earth May Have Massive Subterranean Water Reservoir,
Bigger Than All Our Oceans
"A battered diamond ..... confirms a long-held theory: Earth's mantle holds an ocean's worth of water.
"It's actually the confirmation that there is a very, very large amount of water that's trapped in a really distinct layer in the deep Earth," said Graham Pearson, lead study author and a geochemist at the University of Alberta in Canada.
The diamond from Brazil .... Olivine is ringwoodite at this depth, a layer called the mantle transition zone. And it resolves a long-running debate about water in the mantle transition zone. The ringwoodite is 1.5 percent water, present not as a liquid but as hydroxide ions (oxygen and hydrogen molecules bound together). The results suggest there could be a vast store of water in the mantle transition zone, which stretches from 254 to 410 miles deep.
Plate tectonics recycles Earth's crust by pushing and pulling slabs of oceanic crust into subduction zones, where it sinks into the mantle. This crust, soaked by the ocean, ferries water into the mantle. Many of these slabs end up stuck in the mantle transition zone. "We think that a significant portion of the water in the mantle transition zone is from the emplacement of these slabs," Pearson said. "The transition zone seems to be a graveyard of subducted slabs."
Keppler noted that it's possible the volcanic eruption that brought the deep diamond to Earth's surface may have sampled an unusually water-rich part of the mantle....A violent volcanic eruption called a kimberlite quickly carried this particular diamond from deep in the mantle." ScientificAmerican

In the six hundredth year of Noah's life,
in the second month,
the seventeenth day of the month,
the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up,
and the windows of heaven were opened.
Genesis 7:11

IN the NEWS - Britain Shakes Fist at God

But his citizens hated him,
and sent a message after him,
We will not have this man to reign over us.
Luke 19:14

"LONDON -- Marriage-minded gays and lesbians can begin tying the knot in Britain on Saturday, becoming the latest same-sex couples in Europe and beyond to have the right to do so and fulfilling a dream made possible by a Conservative-led government.

A handful of town halls across the country prepared to open at the stroke of midnight to allow nuptials that jubilant supporters called long overdue and opponents deplored as an attack on traditional values.
“It’s a landmark,” said Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, who arranged for rainbow flags to fly over two government offices in London on Friday in celebration.
Clegg’s Liberal Democrats campaigned for the change along with their senior partner in Britain’s ruling coalition, the Conservatives. The opposition Labor Party also backed the bill that was introduced by the government in Parliament last year and then passed handily despite objections from some religious organizations.
“It was surprising how quickly a political consensus emerged on it,” said Richard Lane, a spokesman for the Stonewall gay-rights organization. “Our relationships are no different, so why shouldn’t they be recognized in the same way?”
To satisfy bishops who tried to block the bill, the new law allowing same-sex marriage specifically forbids the Church of England from performing those rites. Other denominations and faiths, such as Quakers and some Jewish groups, can host same-sex weddings if they choose." LATimes

For they shake their fists at God,
defying the Almighty.
Job 15:25 NLT

Creation Moment 3/30/2014 - Isotropy Problem of "Big Bang" Cosmology

 "One of the fundamental assumptions of the Big Bang model is isotropy, the idea that, on the largest scales, there are no special directions in space. If this assumption is correct, then the CMB should appear essentially the same in all directions. Yet the presence of an "axis of evil" and a cold spot in the CMB data undermine this assumption, as well as the inflation hypothesis itself." ICR
Be still, and know that I am God:
Psalm 46:10

Friday, March 28, 2014

Ruth Notes - The 2 Sons pt.2

And Mahlon and Chilion died also both of them;
Ruth 1:5
The 2 Sons died. This would represent the groups in the grave at His 2nd Advent (Return). One group is raised - and one group isn't at that time. (death is "soul sleep"--awaiting the resurrection in the grave).

I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed;
the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left.
Luke 17:34

Unleashing of the "Harps"?

By the rivers of Babylon,
there we sat down, yea, we wept,
when we remembered Zion.

We hanged our harps  upon the willows in the midst thereof.

For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song;
and they that wasted us required of us mirth,

Sing us one of the songs of Zion.
How shall we sing the LORD'S song in a strange land?
Psalm 137:1-4

So when are those "Harps" taken down from the willows, figuratively speaking, & their melodies unleashed?

And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire:

and them that had gotten the victory over the beast,
and over his image,
and over his mark,
and over the number of his name,
stand on the sea of glass,

having the harps of God.

And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God,
and the song of the Lamb,

Great and marvellous are thy works,
Lord God Almighty;
just and true are thy ways,
thou King of saints.
Revelation 15:2,3

Creation Moment 3/29/2014 - Evolution Hinders Science / Medicine

 "For instance, the widespread belief that humans retain useless vestigial
organs from our evolutionary history led to the rampant removal of healthy appendixes and the irradiation of thymus glands in normal children. An evolutionary mindset hindered the advancement of medicine, as many who accepted the concept of vestigial organs made no effort to discover their functions.”" AIG  Good Point!!!!!

For You formed my inward parts;
Psalm 139:13

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Ruth Notes - The 2 Sons pt.1

And the name of the man was Elimelech,
and the name of his wife Naomi,
and the name of his two sons Mahlon and Chilion,
Ruth 1:2

The 2 Sons representing 2 groups on earth at His return- the repetition of this theme is important
Then shall two be in the field;
 the one shall be taken, and the other left.
Matthew 24:40

IN the NEWS - "Noah" Propaganda for Green Religion

"With the Biblical epic Noah slated to hit theaters, the left is stoked about apocalyptic disaster springing from misuse of
Hollywood Blending spiritual "Babylon" & spiritual "Egypt"
together with the
GREEN Religion propaganda
nature. The movie itself reportedly blames God’s wrath on a combination of over - population and environmental degradation; it’s a perverse environmental take on the sin that led God to destroy humanity through the flood. This neo-pagan worldview – the belief that nature is a deity to be worshipped, and capable of avenging itself on its arrogant human taskmasters – now finds itself mirrored in pseudo-scientific discussion of virtually every disaster of the last year. "

Remember....we've been saying that when spiritual "Babylon" implements the mark-of-the-beast, that a possible way how they get spiritual "Egypt" (the secular world) to cooperate is by using the idea of setting aside a holy day on the planet to reduce our "carbon footprint". It has already been documented more than once on this blog that the secular left has already proposed the idea within the last decade. Spiritual Babylon implements it to appease an angry "Father God" and Spiritual Egypt agrees to tag along to appease an angry "Mother Earth".
....and worshiped and served the creature
rather than the Creator,
Romans 1:25

IN the NEWS - Beck on "Noah"

Glenn Beck comments on "Noah" Movie after his Sneak Peek...........
"Friday, we talked about the review. And in the review, it say it was a heavy-handed environmental movie and there was no mention of God… The review made it sound like this was a godless climate change movie. I believe that it is not a godless climate change movie. It’s more like Sinbad the Sailor meets Shining and Friday the 13th, with a sprinkle of Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.

Hey, is that "Noah" in the Rain?
I thought he was on the ark 7 days BEFORE
the Rain started to fall?
Did Hollywood read the Bible
before making this?
And it plays as well as a movie that was just clipping all of that stuff together. Instead of referring to God as God, every reference in the movie is ‘the creator.’ That’s fine, but they are definitely talking about God. Noah doesn’t really seem to have a real good relationship with God. He sees some miracles, like oh, I don’t know, his whole family being saved. In an amazing scene, he plants a seed and an entire forest grows in the desert, while he is standing there. Then he looks into the tent and he’s like, ‘Kids, here’s the one for the ark.’ Really, Mr. Noah? That’s what you would say? You wouldn’t even go behold the awesome power of God. You wouldn’t go, ‘Whoa!’ That was weird… It’s so ridiculous, the entire thing. But he is talking to God occasionally…
If you are looking for a biblical movie, this is definitely not it. Others on the team disagreed with this. This was split. Half the team said they couldn’t take the environmentalism. I don’t think it’s an environmentalism thing as much as it’s just pro-animal and antihuman. I mean strongly antihuman, but it’s not the story of Noah that I was hoping for. If you are going for that, you will be horribly disappointed.
Giant rock people appear at almost the beginning of the movie, kind of like the tree people in Lord of the Rings, except not as well done and of course made of rock. Not quite as talkative. I suppose they won’t burn as easily as the tree people, but… don’t bother checking on the scriptural reference to the rock people…
Have you ever wondered, ‘Hey, how did Noah clear the forest that just sprung up?’ Of course the rock people that God sent down as spirits. Then they were encased in lava, and then they got up, they’re like, ‘Oh, we are watchers. We help Adam. We help you now too.’ You’re like honestly? I felt really bad, because as the rock people story line continued, we all got giggling fits and we started to laugh and mock the movie.
That’s not the biggest problem with Noah. The biggest problem for me was Noah himself. Maybe it’s just me. I’m a little different than some people. I always thought of Noah as more of a nice, gentle guy, prophet of God… I think of him more like that and less of the homicidal maniac that Paramount found in the Bible somehow or another… That is more of the Noah in the Babylonian Chainsaw Massacre – running around, not kidding, trying to kill his whole family…
It’s a $100 million disaster. That’s what it is. They just don’t know what to do… I wish I could have brought different news to you, but I can’t. And I appreciate the people at Paramount understanding because I did talk to them after. It was a really uncomfortable 20 minutes afterwards." TheBlaze

What did you is Hollywood,
and Hollywood hates the Bible.

And spared not the old world,
but saved Noah the eighth person,
a preacher of righteousness,
bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;
2 Peter 2:5

The Really File - (Planet 'Biden'?)

....and a time to laugh;
Ecclesiastes 3:4 
"Frozen pink dwarf planet 'Biden' spotted beyond Pluto"
So Planet Biden is a little Pink, cold, faint planet? (keep reading)
"Peering into the far reaches of the solar system, astronomers have spied a pink frozen world 7½ billion miles from the sun.
It's the second such object to be discovered in a region of space beyond Pluto long considered a celestial wasteland. Until now, the lone known resident in this part of the solar system was an oddball dwarf planet
spotted in 2003 named Sedna after the mythological Inuit goddess who created the sea creatures of the Arctic.
For years, astronomers hunted in vain for other Sednas in the little-studied fringes of the solar system.
The new object, 2012 VP113, was tracked using a new camera on a ground telescope in Chile....
Like Sedna, VP is also a dwarf planet. It's jokingly nicknamed "Biden" after Vice President Joe
From the "Really" File
because of the object's initials.
It measures about 280 miles across, or half the diameter of Sedna. It's bone-chilling cold with a temperature of around minus 430 degrees Fahrenheit.

Unlike red and shiny Sedna, the newfound object is more pink and much fainter, which made it hard to detect.
"These objects are not unique. There's a huge number out there," Sheppard said." SanJoseMercuryNews

Planet 'Biden'?
P.S.--to the democrats out there-chill, we're just playing....

Papal Notes - Obama "Wondering"?....

"A visibly energized President Obama held a nearly hour-long audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Thursday, expressing his great admiration for the pontiff and inviting him to visit the White House.
Although Obama and the church remain deeply split over abortion and contraception, Obama considers the
pontiff a kindred spirit on issues of economic inequality, and their private meeting in the Papal Library ran longer than scheduled. After they emerged to cameras, Francis presented Obama with a copy of his papal mission statement decrying a global economic system that excludes the poor. Obama said he will keep it in the Oval Office.
"It is a great honor. I'm a great admirer," Obama said after greeting the pope with a slight bow as they shook hands. "Thank you so much for receiving me."

Obama arrived at the Vatican amid all the pomp and tradition of the Catholic Church, making his way in a long, slow procession through the hallways of the Apostolic Palace led by colorful Swiss Guards and accompanied by ceremonial attendants. The president bowed as he shook hands with the pontiff in the Small Throne Room, before the two sat down at the pope's desk, as is custom for a papal audience.
The two were scheduled to meet for just half an hour, but their private discussion lasted 52 minutes. At the end, they exchanged gifts, with the pope offering Obama two medallions and a copy of his apostolic exhortation "The Joy of the Gospel."
In a brief departure from all the formality, the metal support stilts being used to prop up the gifts repeatedly gave way, causing an audible crash that drew the consternation of the Vatican's protocol monsignors and a look from Obama. Eventually, aides gave up on using the stilts.
Obama presented the pope with a seed chest with fruit and vegetable seeds used in the White House Garden, mentioning that he understands the pope is opening the gardens at the papal summer residence to the public. The chest was inscribed with the date of their meeting and custom-made of leather and reclaimed wood from the Baltimore Basilica -- one of the oldest Catholic cathedrals in the U.S.
As Obama departed, he said to the pope, "Muchas gracias." Then in English he added: "Please pray for me and my family."
It was an echo of how Francis usually ends his meetings, asking for people to pray for him.
As they met, the six-year president, with his sinking poll numbers, wouldn't have been blamed for seeking some reflected glory from a pope who, one year into his pontificate, is viewed as an agent of change in the Roman Catholic Church." CBS

1) Any OTHER Christian denomination leaders Obama is going to meet with and exchange gifts?
If not-why not? Why just the Vatican?
2) Global inequality is what unites Obama & Francis? Uhmm...with all due respect, most of the globe has been socialist on economics since WW2. And the U.S. has a "mixed-economy", which means capitalism & socialism (i.e., welfare state). So maybe the problem is socialism rather than capitalism...
3) Other news outlets have reported that the Vatican is frustrated with Obama on the erosion of freedom of religion in America taking place on his watch...
Pope Francis isn't the Little Horn (of Daniel) or the Beast (of Revelation) but he is the head of that entity-Papal Rome

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;
and his deadly wound was healed:
Since 1798
and all the world wondered after the beast.

Revelation 13:3

Lesson in the Snow

God's 2nd book, nature, teaches us spiritual lessons. For example, as the white snow covers the earth, so too can your sins be covered by His white robe of righteousness.

Come now, and let us reason together,
saith the LORD:
though your sins be as scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they be red like crimson,
they shall be as wool.
Isaiah 1:18

Creation Moment 3/28/2014 - In the "Sticks"

 "Live Science and New Scientist show pictures of the oldest known “stick insect,” a leaf mimic that looks like a ginkgo leaf.  New Scientist says it “walked with dinosaurs” 126 million years ago.  The fossil is the latest from the rich Jehol biota of China, where many exquisitely-preserved fossils have been found.  Gingko leaf impressions similar to the insect’s wings were also found.  Ginkgo trees are “living fossils” that had been thought to be extinct since the time of the dinosaurs, but then were found alive and well in China decades
ago.  Now, they are among the most popular ornamental trees.
Scientists were determined to stick evolution to this fossil.  Tia Ghose in Live Science said, “The discovery of both specimens suggests the insect had evolved its leaf mimicry— or, more specifically, its gingko-leaf mimicry — to evade hungry predators.”  New Scientist stuck the force on predators: “Their penchant for gobbling up invertebrates may have helped drive the evolution of the stick insect’s plant mimicry.”
Anyone see evolution here?  You can’t stick it to an insect after the fact.  You can’t say the stick insect “evolved to” avoid predators.  You can’t say the ginkgo tree drove the stick insect to mimic its leaves. The environment and the ecology are powerless to design things.  Dropping a stone into the ocean does not make it evolve fins." CEH
And God created .....,..every living creature that moveth,
Genesis 1:21

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Ruth Notes - Of Revelation

Women represent "churches" or groups of people in this great controversy between God & His opponent here on earth.
Here Orpah represents the woman in scarlet in Revelation & Ruth represents the woman clothed with the sun in Revelation.

And they lifted up their voice, and wept again:
and Orpah kissed her mother in law;
but Ruth clave unto her.
And she said, Behold,
thy sister in law is gone back unto her people,
and unto her gods:
 return thou after thy sister in law.

And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee,
or to return from following after thee:
Ruth 1:14-16
At the 2nd Advent......
Two women shall be grinding at the mill;
 the one shall be taken, and the other left.
Matthew 24:21

Like Spring After the Winter

Like the spring after the winter---new souls are "Born Again"....

Being born again,
not of corruptible seed,
but of incorruptible,
by the word of God,
which liveth and abideth for ever.
1 Peter 1:23
In other words.....
Therefore if any man be in Christ,
he is a new creature:
old things are passed away;
behold, all things are become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17
For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;
The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come,
Song of Solomon 2:11,12

Creation Moment 3/27/2014 - Get a Load of This

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
Romans 8:7
Get a Load of This...starting with the Headline.....

"Special report: Taxpayers fund creationism in the classroom
Taxpayers in 14 states will bankroll nearly $1 billion this year in tuition for private schools, including hundreds of religious schools that teach Earth is less than 10,000 years old, Adam and Eve strolled the garden with dinosaurs,.....Now a major push to expand these voucher programs is under way from Alaska to New York, a development that seems certain to sharply increase the investment.
Public debate about science education tends to center on bills like one in Missouri, which would allow public school parents to pull their kids from science class whenever the topic of evolution comes up. But the more striking shift in public policy has flown largely under the radar, as a well-funded political campaign has pushed to open the spigot for tax dollars to flow to private schools. Among them are Bible-based schools....

Some 26 states are now considering enacting new voucher programs or expanding existing ones, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. One concept that is gaining popularity, on the table in eight states: setting up individual bank accounts stocked with state funds that parents can spend not just on tuition but also on tutors or textbooks, both secular and religious. On Friday, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled the approach constitutional; lawmakers there are already working to broaden eligibility.
The shifting of public funds to religious schools, especially at a time when scientists are making great strides in understanding the origins of the universe, alarms advocates of strong science education."


1) Notice that the level of HATRED for creation....that these types of people would use it as a way to drum up support (they hope) for opposition to school vouchers (the opposition to vouchers is driven largely by the teachers union...which are unions and as such are not concerned with education).
2) These same types support vouchers though for nearly everything else (other than the education of YOUR child). For instance, they support vouchers for food (food stamps), for housing (section 8), they give away phones (Obama phones), vouchers for health care (some people on obamacare) and for infants (such as WIC)....but NOT for your child's education. It's called CONTROL-what they want of what the next generation believes & thinks.
3) Also, this writer drug out the same old tired attack line placing science at odds with "religion". There is NO conflict between science and the Bible. What these people mean is evolution, which is a worldview-not science. Of course they get really angry when you point this out.....

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Ruth Notes - Sit Still

A message for God's Church/people. (Remember that a woman/daughter represents one or the other of the 2 groups of people on earth-God's or the others).
Then said she,
Sit still, my daughter,
until thou know how the matter will fall:
for the man will not be in rest,
until he have finished the thing this day.
Ruth 3:18

Boaz would not rest until he had "finished" his plan.

So too Christ will not rest until He finishes His plan of redemption for those who choose to partake of it.

So SIT STILL .... His Daughters........

IN the NEWS - Good for Walker

“Governor Walker will not remove the post on his social media,” Walker spokeswoman press secretary

Governor Walker of Wisconsin
Laurel Patrick said in an email. “The verse was part of a devotional he read that morning, which inspired him, and he chose to share it.”Patrick said Walker’s social media accounts are frequently used “to engage with Wisconsinites on matters of public policy” as well as to give constituents “a sense of who he is.”
She said the scripture reference he posted on March 16 was simply “a reflection of his thoughts for the day.”
Walker’s response came after the Freedom From Religion Foundation wrote him a letter this week asking that he delete the message, which read simply, “Philippians 4:13,” from his official Facebook and Twitter accounts.
The popular New Testament Bible verse reads, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” TheBlaze
Good for Walker---about time somebody had some backbone to stand up to this atheistic nonsense & intimidation tactics sweeping the land.....

Creation Moment 3/26/2014 - Fossil Album (LP version)

David Raup,
the famous paleontology professor
at the University of Chicago,

"Well, we are now about 120 years after Darwin and the knowledge of the fossil record has been greatly expanded. We now have a quarter of a million fossil species but the situation hasn’t changed much. The record of evolution is still surprisingly jerky and, ironically, we have even fewer examples of evolutionary transition than we had in Darwin’s time." AIG
Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men;
1 Corinthians 1:25

Monday, March 24, 2014

RUTH Notes - Elimelech

"Elimelech" means "My God Is King".....How fitting a name for a man who represents to the foreign gentiles the people of God.....
And the name of the man was Elimelech, and the name of his wife Naomi, and the name of his two sons Mahlon and Chilion, Ephrathites of Bethlehem Judah.
Ruth 1:2

SDA News - Samoan Adventist School's...

"Good academic results have seen Samoa Adventist School’s (SAS) reputation rise in the eyes of the community, according to Principal Eteuati Koria.
The 515-student school had flown under the radar of most in Samoa until 2013, when the school, for the first time, sent representatives to the Battle of the Minds competition. The SAS team of six top students, with three subs, surprised many, including themselves by reaching the final.
“Because it had always been held on Sabbath, we couldn’t participate in the games, but [last] year, we did and the eyes of the country were really impressed,” said Mr Koria.
Mr Koria says the community is focused on external exam results and for the past three years, the primary and secondary school has seen 100 per cent pass rates, with some students receiving very high grades.
The school also had a student publish a book of English poems. Final year student and principal’s daughter, Jasmine Koria’s book was included in the high school English curriculum around the country.
“I had a vision to develop the spiritual side of things,” said Mr Koria." TheRecord
As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.
Psalm 127:4

Creation Moment 3/25/2014 - More "Big Bang" Analysis

He hath made the earth by his power,... and hath
stretched out the heaven by his understanding.
Jeremiah 51:15
"There has been a great deal of coverage in the popular media about a “Spectacular Cosmic Discovery” and this is mirrored by excitement at a more technical level about the theoretical implications of the BICEP2 results.
Notice that the only other detection of the elusive B-mode signal is by POLARBEAR, but that is actually accounted for by gravitational lensing effects rather than being evidence of a primordial gravitational wave contribution.

The B-mode signal is so weak that it is to mind absolutely amazing that an experiment can get anywhere near measuring it.
But – and it’s a big “but” – we have to ask the question “How confident can we be that the signal detected by BICEP2 is, in fact, the imprint of primordial gravitational waves on the cosmic microwave background that cosmologists were hoping for?”
The answer to this question will depend on the individual, but I would say that to convince me the absolute minimum would be a detection of the signal in more than one frequency band. A primordial signal should not vary as a function of frequency, whereas foreground emission (likely to be from dust) would be frequency dependent.
Now BICEP2 only operates at one frequency, 150GHz, so the experiment on its own can’t satisfy this criterion but it could through cross-correlation with the original BICEP1 instrument which worked at 100 GHz and 150 GHz. In the discovery paper we find the
Additionally, cross-correlating BICEP2 against 100GHz maps from the BICEP1 experiment, the excess signal is confirmed with 3sigma significance and its spectral index is found to be consistent with that of the CMB.
Here is the relevant plot, Figure 7 from the paper,

Well, the correct though the statement in the paper might be,  it is clear from this (rather ratty) cross-correlation that there is actually no firm detection of the B-modes at all at 100GHz. In other words, the 100 GHz BICEP1 data may be consistent with BICEP2 but they are also consistent with zero. If we only have a detection at one frequency we have no compelling evidence that the signal is cosmological." Theoretical Cosmologist Dr. Peter Coles

Sunday, March 23, 2014

RUTH Notes - Bethlehem

Now it came to pass in the days when the judges ruled,
that there was a famine in the land.
And a certain man of Bethlehem Judah went to sojourn in the country of Moab,
 he, and his wife, and his two sons.
Ruth 1:1
The book of Ruth begins with a famine in Bethlehem. The word "Bethlehem" means "House of Bread".
Is there a "famine" today in the House of God for the bread of His Word?

The days are coming,
 declares the Sovereign LORD,
when I will send a famine through the land-- not a famine of food or a thirst for water,
but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD.
Amos 8:11

IN the NEWS - Rise of Al Shabaab

Al Shabaab — the newly emboldened Islamic militant group that attacked the Westgate mall
and repelled a raid by SEAL Team Six

"Few Americans had ever heard of al Shabaab before the fall of 2013. That changed on Sept. 21, when gunmen armed with AK-47s entered the Westgate Mall, a suburban-style shopping center in an upscale neighborhood of Nairobi, Kenya, and began calmly, methodically hunting down and murdering shoppers, one by one.

The massacre claimed the lives of at least 67 civilians and injured 200, including several participants in a children’s cooking competition sponsored by a local radio station. The Kenyan military surrounded the mall and initiated a rescue operation, but it was four days before the siege ended, by which point al Shabaab — often translated as The Youth — had made a definitive and bloody mark on the international consciousness.

And the group’s proven ability to recruit new members from around the world, including the Somali expat community in Minnesota, has American officials worried that the group could mount an attack on a domestic target — for instance, the Mall of America, in Bloomington, Minn.

Meanwhile, just a week after the mall attack, al Shabaab’s renown received another major boost. On Oct. 4, members of SEAL Team Six, the storied commando unit that killed Osama Bin Laden, mounted a predawn raid on a small house in the Somali fishing village of Barawe.

After being spotted as they crept toward the house, the SEALs came under heavy fire, eventually withdrawing after an hour of intense fighting without apprehending Ikrima." BusinessInsider
And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars,
 ...but the end shall not be yet.
Mark 13:7
Men's hearts failing them for fear,
and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth:
Luke 21:26

For from within,
out of the heart of men,
 proceed evil thoughts, ..... murders,
Mark 7:21