Saturday, March 29, 2014

IN the NEWS - Britain Shakes Fist at God

But his citizens hated him,
and sent a message after him,
We will not have this man to reign over us.
Luke 19:14

"LONDON -- Marriage-minded gays and lesbians can begin tying the knot in Britain on Saturday, becoming the latest same-sex couples in Europe and beyond to have the right to do so and fulfilling a dream made possible by a Conservative-led government.

A handful of town halls across the country prepared to open at the stroke of midnight to allow nuptials that jubilant supporters called long overdue and opponents deplored as an attack on traditional values.
“It’s a landmark,” said Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, who arranged for rainbow flags to fly over two government offices in London on Friday in celebration.
Clegg’s Liberal Democrats campaigned for the change along with their senior partner in Britain’s ruling coalition, the Conservatives. The opposition Labor Party also backed the bill that was introduced by the government in Parliament last year and then passed handily despite objections from some religious organizations.
“It was surprising how quickly a political consensus emerged on it,” said Richard Lane, a spokesman for the Stonewall gay-rights organization. “Our relationships are no different, so why shouldn’t they be recognized in the same way?”
To satisfy bishops who tried to block the bill, the new law allowing same-sex marriage specifically forbids the Church of England from performing those rites. Other denominations and faiths, such as Quakers and some Jewish groups, can host same-sex weddings if they choose." LATimes

For they shake their fists at God,
defying the Almighty.
Job 15:25 NLT