Thursday, March 27, 2014

Papal Notes - Obama "Wondering"?....

"A visibly energized President Obama held a nearly hour-long audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Thursday, expressing his great admiration for the pontiff and inviting him to visit the White House.
Although Obama and the church remain deeply split over abortion and contraception, Obama considers the
pontiff a kindred spirit on issues of economic inequality, and their private meeting in the Papal Library ran longer than scheduled. After they emerged to cameras, Francis presented Obama with a copy of his papal mission statement decrying a global economic system that excludes the poor. Obama said he will keep it in the Oval Office.
"It is a great honor. I'm a great admirer," Obama said after greeting the pope with a slight bow as they shook hands. "Thank you so much for receiving me."

Obama arrived at the Vatican amid all the pomp and tradition of the Catholic Church, making his way in a long, slow procession through the hallways of the Apostolic Palace led by colorful Swiss Guards and accompanied by ceremonial attendants. The president bowed as he shook hands with the pontiff in the Small Throne Room, before the two sat down at the pope's desk, as is custom for a papal audience.
The two were scheduled to meet for just half an hour, but their private discussion lasted 52 minutes. At the end, they exchanged gifts, with the pope offering Obama two medallions and a copy of his apostolic exhortation "The Joy of the Gospel."
In a brief departure from all the formality, the metal support stilts being used to prop up the gifts repeatedly gave way, causing an audible crash that drew the consternation of the Vatican's protocol monsignors and a look from Obama. Eventually, aides gave up on using the stilts.
Obama presented the pope with a seed chest with fruit and vegetable seeds used in the White House Garden, mentioning that he understands the pope is opening the gardens at the papal summer residence to the public. The chest was inscribed with the date of their meeting and custom-made of leather and reclaimed wood from the Baltimore Basilica -- one of the oldest Catholic cathedrals in the U.S.
As Obama departed, he said to the pope, "Muchas gracias." Then in English he added: "Please pray for me and my family."
It was an echo of how Francis usually ends his meetings, asking for people to pray for him.
As they met, the six-year president, with his sinking poll numbers, wouldn't have been blamed for seeking some reflected glory from a pope who, one year into his pontificate, is viewed as an agent of change in the Roman Catholic Church." CBS

1) Any OTHER Christian denomination leaders Obama is going to meet with and exchange gifts?
If not-why not? Why just the Vatican?
2) Global inequality is what unites Obama & Francis? Uhmm...with all due respect, most of the globe has been socialist on economics since WW2. And the U.S. has a "mixed-economy", which means capitalism & socialism (i.e., welfare state). So maybe the problem is socialism rather than capitalism...
3) Other news outlets have reported that the Vatican is frustrated with Obama on the erosion of freedom of religion in America taking place on his watch...
Pope Francis isn't the Little Horn (of Daniel) or the Beast (of Revelation) but he is the head of that entity-Papal Rome

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;
and his deadly wound was healed:
Since 1798
and all the world wondered after the beast.

Revelation 13:3