Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Creation Moment 3/27/2014 - Get a Load of This

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
Romans 8:7
Get a Load of This...starting with the Headline.....

"Special report: Taxpayers fund creationism in the classroom
Taxpayers in 14 states will bankroll nearly $1 billion this year in tuition for private schools, including hundreds of religious schools that teach Earth is less than 10,000 years old, Adam and Eve strolled the garden with dinosaurs,.....Now a major push to expand these voucher programs is under way from Alaska to New York, a development that seems certain to sharply increase the investment.
Public debate about science education tends to center on bills like one in Missouri, which would allow public school parents to pull their kids from science class whenever the topic of evolution comes up. But the more striking shift in public policy has flown largely under the radar, as a well-funded political campaign has pushed to open the spigot for tax dollars to flow to private schools. Among them are Bible-based schools....

Some 26 states are now considering enacting new voucher programs or expanding existing ones, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. One concept that is gaining popularity, on the table in eight states: setting up individual bank accounts stocked with state funds that parents can spend not just on tuition but also on tutors or textbooks, both secular and religious. On Friday, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled the approach constitutional; lawmakers there are already working to broaden eligibility.
The shifting of public funds to religious schools, especially at a time when scientists are making great strides in understanding the origins of the universe, alarms advocates of strong science education."


1) Notice that the level of HATRED for creation....that these types of people would use it as a way to drum up support (they hope) for opposition to school vouchers (the opposition to vouchers is driven largely by the teachers union...which are unions and as such are not concerned with education).
2) These same types support vouchers though for nearly everything else (other than the education of YOUR child). For instance, they support vouchers for food (food stamps), for housing (section 8), they give away phones (Obama phones), vouchers for health care (some people on obamacare) and for infants (such as WIC)....but NOT for your child's education. It's called CONTROL-what they want of what the next generation believes & thinks.
3) Also, this writer drug out the same old tired attack line placing science at odds with "religion". There is NO conflict between science and the Bible. What these people mean is evolution, which is a worldview-not science. Of course they get really angry when you point this out.....