Thursday, March 27, 2014

Creation Moment 3/28/2014 - In the "Sticks"

 "Live Science and New Scientist show pictures of the oldest known “stick insect,” a leaf mimic that looks like a ginkgo leaf.  New Scientist says it “walked with dinosaurs” 126 million years ago.  The fossil is the latest from the rich Jehol biota of China, where many exquisitely-preserved fossils have been found.  Gingko leaf impressions similar to the insect’s wings were also found.  Ginkgo trees are “living fossils” that had been thought to be extinct since the time of the dinosaurs, but then were found alive and well in China decades
ago.  Now, they are among the most popular ornamental trees.
Scientists were determined to stick evolution to this fossil.  Tia Ghose in Live Science said, “The discovery of both specimens suggests the insect had evolved its leaf mimicry— or, more specifically, its gingko-leaf mimicry — to evade hungry predators.”  New Scientist stuck the force on predators: “Their penchant for gobbling up invertebrates may have helped drive the evolution of the stick insect’s plant mimicry.”
Anyone see evolution here?  You can’t stick it to an insect after the fact.  You can’t say the stick insect “evolved to” avoid predators.  You can’t say the ginkgo tree drove the stick insect to mimic its leaves. The environment and the ecology are powerless to design things.  Dropping a stone into the ocean does not make it evolve fins." CEH
And God created .....,..every living creature that moveth,
Genesis 1:21