Monday, July 29, 2024

IN the NEWS - They don't mean the Apology

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5
They knew what they were doing---they had to find the actors, buy the props and practice. They went through with it. But it doesn't matter. It is just a Sign of the Times that shouldn't be surprising.

"On Saturday, the organizers of the Paris Olympics scrambled to pressure social media platforms, such as X, to censor users who mocked and criticized Friday night's shocking Opening Ceremony. 
The event, which featured drag queens, nudity, and scenes deemed
highly disrespectful to Christians, sparked outrage worldwide. When the
International Olympic Committee's social media 1984-style censorship efforts failed the committee had no choice but to apologize for the drag queen parody of Jesus' Last Supper on Sunday morning. 
What were the organizers thinking when they recreated the Biblical scene of Jesus Christ and his apostles with drag queens, a transgender model, and a naked singer made up as the Greek god of wine, Dionysus?

The woke mind virus is a phenomenon spreading like cancer across the Western world, infecting the youngest generations through public schools and activist corporations funding non-profits, as well as
leftist politicians, who intend to install a new religion of woke.
It's only natural for a competing religion to mock and attack the status quo, that being Christians, and that's exactly what occurred at the Games by the new religion rooted in Marxism.

Remember, the Olympics' planning phase takes years and tens of millions of dollars
---For the Games spokesperson to now desperately claim that this opening performance was a big misunderstanding - insults the intelligence of the world, which was watching and left in disbelief.

Google Search trends for 'boycott Olympics' soared globally. " ZeroHedge