Monday, July 29, 2024

IN the NEWS - Anyone Surprised?

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

"In keeping with the Paris Olympics’ apparent theme of
debauchery and sexual license, Games participants have been told that they have one more dubious benefit while attending the 2024 Olympics: they are being allowed free entrance to one of Paris’s top strip clubs.
Olympics officials, athletes, and even the media have been handed
free access, without door fees, to
Secret Square, Paris, one of the biggest stripper bars in The City of Lights, TMZ reported. On the tail of the “gayest opening ceremony” of all time, Olympic participants only have to show door bouncers their official Olympic credentials, and they will be allowed free entrance to the high-rated adult venue.
Perhaps the offer of free entrance to the sex den is not a surprise after the display of libidinous abandon seen on Friday afternoon in an opening ceremony that featured dozens of transgender, gay, and sexually explicit dancers and models sashaying across the world’s TV sets." 