Monday, July 29, 2024

Behind the Veil of the Seen and Unseen

Behind the Veil of the Seen and Unseen--something is up--in Rapid Succession.....
1) Who moved Biden's handlers to demand a pre-convention debate (a first) which set in motion a series of events that knocked him out of the race AFTER the Primaries but before the Convention (another first).
2) Who (from the battle behind the veil) was involved in the Trump shooting---whether moving his head in time or the spirit behind the shooter? Which happened to set the following in motion---
3) Harris Coronation where--just a week before--many Democrats were chomping at the bit to take her on at an open convention---but due to the Trump shooting they all endorsed Harris within an hour of Biden's withdrawl (mostly because they believe Trump will win since the assassination attempt so let Harris have it then be rid of her). 
Q: But will that be how it turns out?
4) Then the Sodomitish Parisian Olympics Last Supper Insult to God---as the world watched itself raise it's fist toward God.
---Now picture watching this Panorama unfold on earth from a sideline over the last month as this Great Controversy plays out here on earth on this Space Fabric of Time from between the Twin Decrees from the Throne of God of "Let There Be Light" to "It Is Done".
***But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
Daniel 10:13

Q: What role IF ANY--would another Trump term play in the trajectory of America's role as the Land Beast?
Q: What role IF ANY--would a Harris term play in the trajectory of America's role of the Land Beast?
Eerily Creepy: The Paris Olympics Blasphemy as the world
displays it's
Luke 19:14 mentality of -- But his citizens hated him, and sent a delegation after him, saying, ‘We will not have this man to reign over us.’