Monday, April 29, 2024

Puritan Corner - True Repentance

"True repentance is when a man grieves for his sin to the extent that
he abandons it."
by Josiah Shute (1588-1643)
And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the LORD your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repenteth him of the evil. Joel 2:13

SIMPLIFYING the Old / New [Everlasting Covenant]

For if that first covenant had been faultless,
then should no place have been sought for the second.
Hebrews 8:7
1. The Everlasting Covenant consists the same Covenant (whether "Old" or "New").
1a) The Old Covenant involved
--the blood of animals,
--was written on Tables of Stone
--and carried out in the earthly Sanctuary.
1b) The New Covenant involves
--the blood of the Lamb of God,
--is written on the flesh of your heart,
--and is carried out in the Heavenly Sanctuary.
*He shows you in the Sanctuary - Become Justified (Outer Court), then pass through Sanctification (Inner Court) to be prepared for your Judgment Day (Most Holy Place).

Neither by the blood of goats and calves, (Old)
but by His own blood (New)
He entered in once into the holy place,
having obtained eternal redemption for us.
For if the blood of bulls and of goats, and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh:
How much more shall the blood of Christ,
who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself
without spot to God....

For this is the covenant that I will make .....
I will put my laws into their mind,
and write them in their hearts:
and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:
....written not with ink (Old)
but by the Spirit of the living God, (New)
not on tablets of stone
but on tablets of flesh,
that is, of the heart.

Who serve unto the example and shadow of heavenly things, as Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle: (Old)
But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come,
by a greater and more perfect tabernacle,
not made with hands.... (New)
Hebrews 8:10 /2 Corinthians 3:3/Hebrews 8:5/9:12-14,11

--The Old was SYMBOLIC--
--The New is REALITY--
--The Precepts are the SAME--
Jesus Christ the same yesterday,
and to day,
and for ever.
Hebrews 13:8

IN the NEWS - Christian Post spreads Fake News

"The Christian Post wrote an article titled “Why should I go to church?” on April 24, 2024, asserting that Sunday is the “eternal Sabbath” and the Lord’s Day. Additionally, they falsely claimed that in heaven, the angels gather from Sunday to Sunday to worship God. Tragically, The Christian Post has blurred the lines between Biblical truth and pure fiction. 
Sunday rest is the product of the imagination, while Saturday, the true Sabbath, is rooted in the word of God.

The Christian Post published the following statements, fraught with grave errors and intellectual dishonesty:
When we meet together on the Lord’s Day with our brothers and
sisters, it is a foretaste of that great day. We need to recognize that reality when we gather with the Lord’s people not only in our local congregation but around the globe, as well as with the church triumphant in heaven and the angelic hosts

Our earthly gatherings Sunday by Sunday are meant to cultivate a longing for the eternal Sabbath. In the Old Testament, the Sabbath day was particularly characterized by rest. That aspect of the Lord’s Day still remains, and we are told to look forward to that eternal rest. But in the New Testament, one of the changes to the Lord’s Day is that it is increasingly characterized by worship.”

Attempting to pass on error as Biblical fact is a deception that betrays the integrity of the Scriptures. It undermines the credibility of those who spread such false information.
God’s word is clear: the seventh day, Saturday, is the true day of worship and eternal rest.
For He spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all His works … There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God … Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest. ......For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and your name remain. And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before Me, saith the Lord. Hebrews 4:4, 9, 11/Isaiah 66:22, 23." AdventMessnger

On the Streets of Babylon: Blasphemy Uttered on the Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be "Blasphemy" heard uttered on  the Streets of Babylon...

"Meet Jermell Witherspoon, a pastor at Common Good Church in Bellevue, Washington. In this sermon, Pastor Witherspoon asks the
question that literally no one who has ever read the Bible before has ever asked: "
What if God worships me?"
"What if God worships me? Can you say that with me? What if God worships me? A God who worships me is quite the statement, I know, but follow me. Now I know we've started to worship a very big heteronormative, white Jesus that we constantly thank for standing between us and a mean God. But really, really, who, what, when, and why? Worship has become so God-centered that it risks the subjective colliding of our own things, biases, etc.

From the "Really" File - (Evil Queen was...well....Evil)

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5
Q: Why were "Christian" parents taking them to see the "Evil Queen" in the first place?
Q: What did they really expect from Disney these days?

"A Christian family hazarded a visit to the
Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida, earlier this month.
The parents shelled out hundreds of dollars for a dinner at Disney’s Wilderness Lodge and a meet and greet with the Evil Queen — also known as Queen Grimhilde — from the 1937 classic film "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."
When time came for their close encounter at the lodge's Artist Point, the family discovered that the actor playing the queen was neither the fairest of them all nor one among the fairer sex, reported That Park Place's Jonas Campbell.
The father told That Park Place, "We've had other meet-and-greets with other Villains, and they are truly the best character experiences that we've ever had. So we had high hopes for the Evil Queen leading up."
"So we all walked over towards the Evil Queen area, and while my
From the "Really" File
kids and wife were interacting with the character, I was doing some video and took a few pictures from about 10 feet away, then handed my iPhone over to the cast member to take some pics for me so I could get in the picture," continued the father. "It was kind of loud inside, so I couldn't really hear what the character was saying until I got face to face [typical conversation distance of a few feet], and then it hit me that the
Evil Queen, without a doubt, had a man's voice
According to the father, extra to speaking in a male-presenting voice disparate in kind and tone from that of the filmic feminine antagonist, the drag queen towered above his family without the need of any sort of platform.
That Park Place highlighted various videos online wherein the same actor can be seen reprising the role of the Evil Queen.
"At first, I said I wanted to formally complain about the Evil Queen being a man and that I felt very disrespected by Disney because this is not the sort of thing my family values and they didn’t give us any type of notice that this sort of thing was even a possibility."
The irate father who had just blown roughly $60 per meal apparently made clear to the manager the trip had altogether costed him $8,000, not to mention his previous expenditures on Disney-branded adventures.
When the father asked whether the queen was a man, the manager allegedly responded, "I'm sorry, sir, I cannot answer that." Blaze

IN the NEWS - Evils of AI: Bearing False Witness

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. (even via AI)
Exodus 20:16

"Artificial intelligence is disrupting everyday life in ways that would have been unimaginable not so very long ago.
That's what apparently happened at a Baltimore County school, where police say the athletic director framed the principal by using
AI to create a racist conversation that never happened.
Pikesville High School was shaken when an audio clip began to circulate of what sounded like Principal Eric Eiswert speaking to a woman named Kathy, presumably Vice Principal Kathy Albert.
In the clip, Eiswert complains about having to "put up" with "ungrateful black kids who can't test their way out of a paper bag," according to The Baltimore Sun.
The outraged local community quickly condemned the principal for the comments.
Eiswert was
--removed from his position 
--and required police presence at his home.
*However, it now appears the conversation never happened.
Fake hate is something we've seen plenty of times before, but in a pre-AI world, it was easier to expose.
WBAL-TV reported that detectives consulted the FBI and other experts who confirmed the recording was faked using AI technology.
Investigators spent two months gathering internet and phone records to link the recording to Darien, according to the Sun.
Think about the amount of work that went into uncovering the trail leading the clip back to Darien. Now consider having to do that at scale after hundreds of thousands -- and eventually millions -- of people become competent AI users.
Then couple that with the hair-trigger responsiveness of social media and the rage machine the left has built by gaslighting decent people into thinking racism is everywhere in America (it's not).
That combination will be more than deadly, but by the time we realize that as a society, the falsely accused may already be suiciding themselves." 

Creation Moment 4/30/2024 - Job's Astronomy Series: Arcturus

Or canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons? Job 38:32

"God described Arcturus, one of the brightest stars in the night sky. God challenged Job to “guide Arcturus with his sons.” With this challenge, God appeared to be saying, “Hey Job, you think you can direct Arcturus anywhere you want? Well, I can!” 
While Arcturus certainly appeared in antiquity to be a single star, in 1971 astronomers discovered there were 52 additional stars connected directionally with Arcturus (known now as the Arcturus stream). 
Interestingly, God described Arcturus as having “sons” and Charles Burckhalter, of the Chabot Observatory, (again quoted in Wonder Worlds) said “these stars are a law unto themselves.” 
Serviss added, “Arcturus is one of the greatest suns in the universe, is a runaway whose speed of flight is 257 miles per second. Arcturus, we have every reason to believe, possesses thousands of times the mass of our sun… Our sun is traveling only 12 ½ miles a second, but Arcturus is traveling 257 miles a second…” 
Burckhalter affirmed this description of Arcturus, saying, “This high velocity places Arcturus in that very small class of stars that apparently are a law unto themselves. He is an outsider, a visitor, a stranger within the gates; to speak plainly, Arcturus is a runaway. Newton gives the velocity of a star under control as not more than 25 miles a second, and Arcturus is going 257 miles a second. Therefore, combined attraction of all the stars we know cannot stop him or even turn him in his path.” 
Arcturus and “his sons” are on a course all their own. 
Only God has the power to guide them, just as described in the ancient book of Job." 
J.W. Wallace

Sunday, April 28, 2024

What do Swine, Lucifer & Lakes have in common?

Fate of the Swine cast into a Lake
Now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding. And all the devils besought Him, saying,
Send us into the swine, that we may enter into them.
And forthwith Jesus gave them leave.
Then went the devils out of the man, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake,
and were choked.

Mark 5:11-12/Luke 8:33

Fate of Lucifer cast into a Lake 
And the devil that deceived them
was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone....
Revelation 20:10
Spiritual WARNING on things of that "SWINE"
And the swine,...he is unclean to you.
Of their flesh shall ye not eat,
and their carcase shall ye not touch;
they are unclean to you.
Leviticus 11:7,8

That Lucifer:
Q: And what accord has Christ with Belial?
Q: Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?
Q: And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?
for ye are the temple of the living God;
as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them;
and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
Wherefore come out from among them,
and be ye separate, saith the Lord,
and touch not the unclean thing;
and I will receive you,
2 Corinthians 6:15-17
Things of that Unclean "Swine" Lucifer:
Love not the world,
neither the things that are in the world.
If any man love the world,
the love of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world,
the lust of the flesh,
and the lust of the eyes,
and the pride of life,
is not of the Father, 
but is of the world.
1 John 2:15,16

The ties that bind

The children gather wood, 
and the fathers kindle the fire, 
and the women knead their dough, 
to make cakes to the queen of heaven, 
and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, 
that they may provoke me to anger. 
Jeremiah 7:18

"Though not generally recognized, it is nevertheless a fact that Spiritualism and Romanism are but different phases of one gigantic system of error. 

Both are paganism
--the former pure and simple, 
--while the latter has a slight admixture of formal Christianity. 
They are, however, equally antichristian, 
--for the one absolutely denies Christ, 
--while the other gives to the Virgin and to the “saints” the honor which belongs alone to Christ. 
Both are alike dependent, also, for their very existence upon the doctrine of the natural immortality of the soul." 
E.J. Waggoner

Creation Moment 4/29/2024 - Job's Astronomy Series: Orion

Canst thou .... loose the bands of Orion? Job 38:31

"God once again challenged Job, this time to “loose the bands of Orion.” God was referencing the “belt” of Orion; the three stars forming the linear “band” at Orion’s waist. 
God appeared to be challenging Job in just the opposite way he had in the first portion of the verse. 
*Rather than bind the Pleiades, God challenged Job to loosen Orion. It’s as if He was saying, “Hey Job, you think you can loosen Orion’s belt? Well, I can!” 
Orion’s belt is formed by two stars (Alnilam, and Mintaka) and one star cluster (Alnitak). Alnitak is actually a triple star system at the eastern edge of Orion’s belt
These stars (along with all the other stars forming Orion) are not gravitationally bound like those in Pleiades. Instead, the stars of Orion’s belt are heading in different directions. 
Garrett P. Serviss, a noted astronomer, wrote about the bands of Orion in his book, Curiosities of the Sky: “The great figure of Orion appears to be more lasting, not because its stars are physically
connected, but because of their great distance, which renders their movements too deliberate to be exactly ascertained. Two of the greatest of its stars,
Betelgeuse and Rigel, possess, as far as has been ascertained, no perceptible motion across the line of sight, but there is a little movement perceptible in the ‘Belt.’ At the present time this consists of an almost perfect straight line, a row of second-magnitude stars about equally spaced and of the most striking beauty. In the course of time, however, the two right-hand stars, Mintaka and Alnilam will approach each other and form a naked-eye double, but the third, Alnita, will drift away eastward, so that the ‘Belt’ will no longer exist
Unlike the Pleaides clusters, the stars in the band of Orion do not share a common trajectory. 
In the course of time, Orion’s belt will be loosened just as God told Job."
J.W. Wallace

Saturday, April 27, 2024

IN the NEWS - Climate CULT Threat

Greasing those skids for Laudato Si'.......who knows if he will really go full Climate Cult before the election OR if he is just trying to rev up his flailing base and change the subject for the news cycle....time will tell.....

"President Joe Biden is considering declaring a national climate emergency and giving himself emergency war-like powers
This would grant the president significant authority to use emergency powers to combat climate change without the help of the US Congress.

Joe Biden would have Covid-like authority if he declared a climate emergency. Remember that during the Covid-19 pandemic, governments all over the world-imposed restrictions on our
freedoms, including stay-at-home orders, travel bans, bans on public gatherings and religious services, censorship of viewpoints that were deemed unpopular, restrictions on our right to privacy and freedom of expression, and financial hardships brought on by the closure of businesses that resulted in the loss of jobs and revenue.

If this were to happen, it wouldn’t have anything to do with climate change. All of this has to do with the illicit transfer of wealth and total control. Bible prophecy declares that the lamb-like nature of governments will be transformed into a dragon that will rule through oppression and terror." 

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.”
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.”
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Revelation 13:11,15-17

Papal Notes - Is Francis about to "fornicate" with Biden?

With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. Revelation 17:2
Q: Is this a coordinated effort between the Biden White House and the "Holy See" in Rome? (This week Biden threatens to declare a "Climate Emergency" and Pope Francis does his first ever American TV sit down interview calling for the same thing and lashing out at opponents as "stupid".)
Q: Coincidences or Coordinated Politics?
Q: Are the Beast Entity and one of the Kings of the earth about to
spiritually "
fornicate" over "Mother Earth"?
-----Now maybe nothing will come of this. This could just be Biden trying to change the subject for the news cycle while struggling with record low Presidential approval ratings a few months before an election and Francis taking advantage of all this talk of a "climate crises" emergency power grab by Biden to just push his agenda.
Time will tell.......

"Pope Francis told CBS News this week that climate change deniers
are “stupid” to refute compelling evidence of a climate emergency.

Some people are stupid (necios), and stupid even if you show them research, they don’t believe it,” the pontiff told CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell when asked what he would say to the deniers of climate change.

Pope Francis had never before sat down for an extensive interview, one-on-one, with a U.S. television network during the course of his 11-year pontificate.

CBS aired portions of the interview Wednesday night on the Evening
News and has scheduled a longer version to air May 20 on “60 Minutes,” followed by an hourlong prime time special.

Pope Francis has been a vocal enthusiast for the war on climate change, calling global warming “one of the most serious and worrying phenomena of our time” and urging “drastic measures” to combat climate change.

Now is the time to abandon our dependence on fossil fuels and
move, quickly and decisively, towards forms of clean energy and a sustainable and circular economy
,” he exhorted in September 2019. “Let us also learn to listen to indigenous peoples, whose age-old wisdom can teach us how to live in a better relationship with the environment.”

He has expressed his opinion that any skepticism regarding an alleged “climate emergency” is “perverse.”

The pope has also singled out the United States as particularly to blame for the “climate emergency,” despite the fact that it is one of the countries with the cleanest air in the world." 

PENTECOST: Glossolalia or Xenoglossia?

"The original gift of tongues was the power to preach the gospel fluently in a language that the speaker had never learned or known in any way.

 speaking in tongues” —that is, speaking in a language which one has never learned or known.
Note —The term xenoglossia is defined in Chambers’s dictionary as
the spontaneous use of a language which the speaker has never heard or learned.” From Greek, xeno strange, glossa tongue.”

This phenomena, which can rightly be described as “the gift of tongues”, is the ability to speak fluently a language one has never studied, had any exposure to, or “known” in any natural sense.

glossolalia ecstatic utterances” —that is, uttering language-like but unintelligible sounds usually in a state of elation.
Note —The term “glossolalia” is defined in Chambers’s dictionary as “the phenomena of spontaneously uttering unintelligible sounds believed to form part of an unknown language or languages.” From Greek, glossa tongue, laleein to talk.
There are two components to this phenomena, neither of which is

Utterance of language-like sounds. There is nothing extraordinary about this. Even children, before they speak a real language, chatter away in imitation of language, yet unintelligibly. Anybody can do this.
Ecstasy, trance-like elation. There is nothing extraordinary about this either. It is harder to do on purpose than the first component, however anybody can do it without using drugs.

Now let us examine the Biblical description of "speaking in tongues" to see which, if any, of these two phenomena match that description.

The true Pentecostal tongues, spoken by the apostles, are described by the very people who heard them: "We each hear in our own language in which we were born.Acts 2:8 NKJV

In church I would rather speak five words with my mind in order to instruct others, than ten thousand words in a tongue... 
---Tongues are a sign not for believers 
but for unbelievers
---while prophecy is a sign not for unbelievers 
but for believers. 
1 Corinthians 14:19,22 CSB."

SCAM ALERT - Joseph Z & his "Voice Activation" of Angels


On the "Christian" Mystics program Sid Roth It's Supernatural he hosted Joseph Z who claims to be able to teach you Human Voice Activation of angels. Yes---VOICE ACTIVATION OF ANGELS.
He claims when YOU quote the Bible the angels will "snap to attention" to carry out your commands. 
Joseph Z claims that he first had contact with angels when he was casting out a demon from a witch. He claims that basically she got body slammed by angels and the demons fled.
He then quotes chapter numbers from Psalms claiming that a viewer out there has pain in their stomach and someone with cancer will be healed at that moment at home by his commanding of angels to intervene (of course there was no one to record in viewers homes to see if any of this happened--of course).
Naturally he would teach you all this for $29--for both his book Servants of Fire and his Prophetic Insight DVD.
He claims that people who read his book have "trances" and "visions" as a result.
He then claims people come up with sensational stories in religion to mislead..... Uhmmm.......

In their greed they will make up clever lies
to get hold of your money.
But God condemned them long ago,....
2 Peter 2:3

Creation Moment 4/28/2024 - Job's Astronomy Series: Pleiades

Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades... Job 38:31

"God challenged Job’s ability to “bind the sweet influences of Pleiades.” 
It’s as if He was saying, “Hey Job, you think you can keep Pleiades
together? Well, I can
As it turns out, the Pleiades (also known as the Seven Sisters) is an open star cluster in the constellation of Taurus. 
It is classified as an open cluster because it is a group of hundreds of stars formed from the same cosmic cloud.
Most importantly, they are bound to one another by mutual gravitational attraction. 

Isabel Lewis of the United States Naval Observatory (quoted by Phillip L. Knox in Wonder Worlds) said, “Astronomers have
identified 250 stars as actual members of this group, all sharing in a common motion and drifting through space in the same direction
.” Lewis said they are “journeying onward together through the immensity of space.” 
Dr. Robert J. Trumpler (quoted in the same book) said, “Over 25,000 individual measures of the Pleiades stars are now available, and their study led to the important discovery that the whole cluster is moving in a southeasterly direction. The Pleiades stars may thus be compared to a swarm of birds, flying together to a distant goal. This leaves no doubt that the Pleiades are not a temporary or accidental agglomeration of stars, but a system in which the stars are bound together by a close kinship.” 

From our perspective on Earth, the Pleiades will not change in appearance; these stars are marching together in formation toward the same destination, bound in unison, just as God described them."
J.W. Wallace

Friday, April 26, 2024

Our Sowing

I the LORD search the heart, 
I try the reins, even to 
---give every man according to his ways
---and according to the fruit of his doings.
Q: How?
Be not deceived; 
God is not mocked: 
A: for whatsoever a man soweth
---that shall he also reap.
2 Kinds of Sowing in this world/life:
---For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; 
---but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
Although God is sovereign----
He apparently believes in FREE WILL
Jeremiah 17:10/Galatians 6:7,8

SDA Issues - Will the modern day "Hitler Youth" show up on our Campuses?

In light of the anti-semetic, pro-IslamoFascist protests erupting on radicalized American college campuses: 
Q: Has the Church thought about what to do IF they take place on our campuses?
Modern day "Hitler Youth"

Q: Do they have a plan?
Q: How will they respond if and when these modern "Hitler Youth" show up?
After WW2 and the Holocaust of Jews the world said "Never Again"
---Apparently some youth after Holocaust 2.0 on Oct.7 of last year have changed their minds.
From the Headlines:
@Anti-Israel Protesters Establish Encampment at George Washington University
@Columbia Student Protester Says ‘Zionists Don’t Deserve to Live’
@USC Cancels Main Graduation Ceremony After Anti-Israel Protests
@DeSantis: Unruly Anti-Jewish, Pro-Hamas Protesters Will Be Expelled from Florida Universities
@Republican Senators Demand Biden Officials ‘Protect Jewish Students,’ ‘Restore Order’ at Colleges
@Poll: Nearly Half of Gen Z Voters Are Sympathetic Toward Hamas
@Columbia Moves to Virtual Classes as Pro-Palestinian Protests Erupt
@University protests over Israel-Hamas war lead to more clashes between police and demonstrators
@Anti-Israel Event at Columbia University Featured Speakers Who Praised Hamas
@College tent encampments protest Israel-Hamas war in Evanston, Ill., Los Angeles and Philadelphia
@Jewish students assaulted and Hillel targeted at Ohio State, prompting state to beef up police presence
.....they which lead thee cause thee to err, 
and destroy the way of thy paths. 
Isaiah 3:12

IN the NEWS - Irony of Wickedness: Making of Strange "bedfellows."

Ye have plowed wickedness, 
ye have reaped iniquity; 
ye have eaten the fruit of lies
Hosea 10:13

The making of strange bedfellows among the wicked---Islamo-Fascists joined by LGBT crossdressers.......

a person or thing closely associated with another : ally

"Amherst, MA - Valley Families for Palestine puts on ‘Queer Storytime for Palestine’ in which toddlers are recorded chanting “Free Palestine”. 

The harsh reality-- Members of the LGBTQ+ community are often murdered in Gaza and other Palestinian areas such as Ramallah.

The encounter, which unfolded at a “Queer Storytime for Palestine” event organized by the Valley Families for Palestine group in Amherst last week, had gone viral by Thursday as outrage mounted.

Today what we’re going to do is shout ‘Free Palestine.’ Can I hear that?” the drag queen, known as “Lil Miss Hot Mess,” was filmed telling the children in the 30-second clip.
If you’re a drag queen and you know it, and you really want to show it, if you’re a drag queen and you know it, shout ‘Free Palestine.'”
The kids could be heard mimicking the drag queen by repeatedly chanting, “Free Palestine.”

--Furious critics were quick to point out the hypocrisy of a drag queen touting the phrase given the harsh treatment of LGBTQ people in Gaza.
Often times members of the LGBTQ+ community seek refuge in Israel as their lives are endangered and their families excommunicate them. 
Q: Were these children taught these points?" 

Creation Moment 4/27/2024 - Deceitfulness of scientism

The heart is deceitful above all things.... Jeremiah 17:9

"Believers in scientism flaunt the virtue of science as being a “self-correcting process.” They portray the scientific method as approaching an asymptotic limit, where each correction brings the scientist, while unable to claim absolute truth, at least closer and closer to the truth. 
Q: But what if science in practice is more like Brownian motion? 
Q: And to what extent do human frailties factor into the view of self-correction? 
Let’s look at some recent science news to flesh out these questions.

Proof of biased behavior of Normalized Mutual Information (Mahmoudi and Jemielniak, Nature Scientific Reports, 19 April 2024). For those willing to wade through pages of abstruse derivations, this paper claims to have proved that a widely-used method for assessing community networks is inherently biased and misleading. This is not a small matter:

"Community detection (CD) within social networks has emerged as a pivotal area of research, given its potential to unravel intricate patterns of interaction and group dynamics. It is used in many
disciplines, including biology, criminology, economics, and urban planning, to mention just a few examples. In particular, this topic has also emerged as a critical field in the battle against disinformation. Social networks are often the primary conduits for the spread of disinformation, with communities within these networks playing a significant role in the dissemination and amplification of misleading content. By identifying and understanding these communities, we can gain valuable insights into the dynamics of disinformation spread, enabling more effective interventions. It is essential, as the rapid spread of medical, political, social, as well as scientific misinformation and disinformation are among the greatest civilization challenges of our times.

This means that one of the primary sources of scientific data leading to policies of censorship in social media has come from a flawed method of detecting mis/disinformation! 
Consider the irony: NMI (normalized mutual information) has been used to evaluate the source and spread of disinformation – but the method itself produces disinformation
Q: Have scientists been inadvertently lying about who is lying?"