Saturday, April 27, 2024

Papal Notes - Is Francis about to "fornicate" with Biden?

With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. Revelation 17:2
Q: Is this a coordinated effort between the Biden White House and the "Holy See" in Rome? (This week Biden threatens to declare a "Climate Emergency" and Pope Francis does his first ever American TV sit down interview calling for the same thing and lashing out at opponents as "stupid".)
Q: Coincidences or Coordinated Politics?
Q: Are the Beast Entity and one of the Kings of the earth about to
spiritually "
fornicate" over "Mother Earth"?
-----Now maybe nothing will come of this. This could just be Biden trying to change the subject for the news cycle while struggling with record low Presidential approval ratings a few months before an election and Francis taking advantage of all this talk of a "climate crises" emergency power grab by Biden to just push his agenda.
Time will tell.......

"Pope Francis told CBS News this week that climate change deniers
are “stupid” to refute compelling evidence of a climate emergency.

Some people are stupid (necios), and stupid even if you show them research, they don’t believe it,” the pontiff told CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell when asked what he would say to the deniers of climate change.

Pope Francis had never before sat down for an extensive interview, one-on-one, with a U.S. television network during the course of his 11-year pontificate.

CBS aired portions of the interview Wednesday night on the Evening
News and has scheduled a longer version to air May 20 on “60 Minutes,” followed by an hourlong prime time special.

Pope Francis has been a vocal enthusiast for the war on climate change, calling global warming “one of the most serious and worrying phenomena of our time” and urging “drastic measures” to combat climate change.

Now is the time to abandon our dependence on fossil fuels and
move, quickly and decisively, towards forms of clean energy and a sustainable and circular economy
,” he exhorted in September 2019. “Let us also learn to listen to indigenous peoples, whose age-old wisdom can teach us how to live in a better relationship with the environment.”

He has expressed his opinion that any skepticism regarding an alleged “climate emergency” is “perverse.”

The pope has also singled out the United States as particularly to blame for the “climate emergency,” despite the fact that it is one of the countries with the cleanest air in the world." 