Saturday, April 27, 2024

SCAM ALERT - Joseph Z & his "Voice Activation" of Angels


On the "Christian" Mystics program Sid Roth It's Supernatural he hosted Joseph Z who claims to be able to teach you Human Voice Activation of angels. Yes---VOICE ACTIVATION OF ANGELS.
He claims when YOU quote the Bible the angels will "snap to attention" to carry out your commands. 
Joseph Z claims that he first had contact with angels when he was casting out a demon from a witch. He claims that basically she got body slammed by angels and the demons fled.
He then quotes chapter numbers from Psalms claiming that a viewer out there has pain in their stomach and someone with cancer will be healed at that moment at home by his commanding of angels to intervene (of course there was no one to record in viewers homes to see if any of this happened--of course).
Naturally he would teach you all this for $29--for both his book Servants of Fire and his Prophetic Insight DVD.
He claims that people who read his book have "trances" and "visions" as a result.
He then claims people come up with sensational stories in religion to mislead..... Uhmmm.......

In their greed they will make up clever lies
to get hold of your money.
But God condemned them long ago,....
2 Peter 2:3