Monday, April 29, 2024

IN the NEWS - Evils of AI: Bearing False Witness

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. (even via AI)
Exodus 20:16

"Artificial intelligence is disrupting everyday life in ways that would have been unimaginable not so very long ago.
That's what apparently happened at a Baltimore County school, where police say the athletic director framed the principal by using
AI to create a racist conversation that never happened.
Pikesville High School was shaken when an audio clip began to circulate of what sounded like Principal Eric Eiswert speaking to a woman named Kathy, presumably Vice Principal Kathy Albert.
In the clip, Eiswert complains about having to "put up" with "ungrateful black kids who can't test their way out of a paper bag," according to The Baltimore Sun.
The outraged local community quickly condemned the principal for the comments.
Eiswert was
--removed from his position 
--and required police presence at his home.
*However, it now appears the conversation never happened.
Fake hate is something we've seen plenty of times before, but in a pre-AI world, it was easier to expose.
WBAL-TV reported that detectives consulted the FBI and other experts who confirmed the recording was faked using AI technology.
Investigators spent two months gathering internet and phone records to link the recording to Darien, according to the Sun.
Think about the amount of work that went into uncovering the trail leading the clip back to Darien. Now consider having to do that at scale after hundreds of thousands -- and eventually millions -- of people become competent AI users.
Then couple that with the hair-trigger responsiveness of social media and the rage machine the left has built by gaslighting decent people into thinking racism is everywhere in America (it's not).
That combination will be more than deadly, but by the time we realize that as a society, the falsely accused may already be suiciding themselves." 