Wednesday, February 28, 2024

IN the NEWS - Touching the Unclean Thing in Concert

And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you... 2 Corinthians 6:15,17

"Pop star Taylor Swift has been accused of performing “eic” rituals at her concerts during her Eras tour by Irish singer Shane Lynch, who said that the “Bad Blood” singer might not even realize what she’s doing.

I think when you’re looking at a lot of the artists out there, a lot of their stage shows are Satanic rituals live in front of 20,000 people without them realizing and recognizing,” Lynch told Ireland’s Sunday World. The former Boyzone singer added, “You’ll see a lot of hoods up and masks on and fire ceremonies....Even down to Taylor Swift — one of the biggest artists in the world — you watch one of her shows and she has two or three different demonic rituals to do with the pentagrams on the ground, to do with all sorts of stuff on her stage,” he said.....also told Sunday World that certain music is a danger to society, because musicians are channeling the Devil right before everyone’s eyes.

Lynch also noted that he has personally seen Satanic rituals during his time in the music industry that involved praying over albums to ensure they are successful.
The former Boyzone singer went on to say that he himself has stopped listening to certain music, as he believes that particular beats can have an impact on people.

When it comes to a lot of the music that’s out there at the moment — more of the hip-hop side of things — there is a lot of hidden Satanic and a lot of evil within them, including down to the beats. It’s very real,” he said.
Music attaches to your emotions,” Lynch added, “It has a connection to your spirit and how you feel. That’s why I’ve stopped listening to those types of music myself because it doesn’t suit my spirit.

Lynch also claimed that certain music is damaging to society in general — especially when it comes to children.
It’s coming in right at our children from the very beginning to get them to sway away from anything Godly, anything controlled or disciplined,” Lynch added. “It’s getting wilder and wilder out there for a reason.
Last year, the singer said that Sam Smith and Beyonce are “so demonic it’s unbelievable.” 