Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Creation Moment 2/29/2024 - Dinosaur skin shows no feathers

And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind.... 
Genesis 1:24

"A dinosaur fossil with “incredibly well-preserved skin” was found in Patagonia in 1984. However, the fossil wasn’t properly studied at first. It has only recently been fully analyzed by scientists.

The dinosaur has been identified as a
horned abelisaurid (Carnotaurus sastrei). 
The scientists found amazing detail of scales, wrinkles, and horny bumps covering nearly every part of the predator. A recent news article on the fossil find repeated the common assertion that many dinosaurs had been feathered. And yet, the writer then admitted that “not anywhere is there even a hint of a feather” on the abelisaurid fossil. She went on to state that large, meat-eating dinosaurs such as T. Rex and the horned abelisauridreally did seem to have scaly, lizard-like skin.”

Many secularist scientists are keen to portray dinosaurs as having been feathered, as it lends support to the fanciful idea that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

That’s not to say that God couldn’t have created some dinosaurs with feathers. If that were so, it wouldn’t detract in any way from Biblical truth. But despite many claims for feathered dinosaurs, the evidence is sketchy at best."