Wednesday, February 28, 2024

HEALTH NOTE - "Let them eat flakes"? REALLY?

I wish above all things that thou mayest in health... 
3 John 1:2

"Let them eat flakes"?
This is just so incredibly cringeworthy; we don't know what else to
say about it, really.
The economy is limping along and Americans, seeing soaring food prices and wages that can't keep up with inflation, are struggling to put food on their table. So, in a very unhelpful (and kind of condescending way), the CEO of
Kellogg's tells people to eat cereal for dinner to save money.
But this shows a level of tone deafness we haven't seen in a while. And it's an admission that the economy -- despite protestations to the contrary -- is probably not as good as the Biden administration boasts it is.
Cereal isn’t that cheap and it’s
empty carbs, sugar, and chemicals. Kellogg's cereal is devoid of any nutritional value and loaded with potentially harmful ingredients. This is not food, much less a nutritious meal. 
I'd be willing to bet the Kellogg's CEO isn't eating cereal for dinner." 