Friday, December 1, 2023

IN the NEWS - Same Footprint of the Prince of Persia Stalking the Earth

But the prince of the kingdom of Persia (Lucifer, prince of this lost world) withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, (pre-incarnate name of Christ) one of the chief princes, (One of the Triune Godhead) came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia (literal kings of Persia).,,, Daniel 10:13

The Prince of Persia (Lucifer) leaves the same Footprint while stalking the earth, What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. (Eccl. 1:9).
You can see this in the Social Unrest and Protests in favor of IslamoFascism over the last month and a half---such as in the example below from Australia...

"A massive anti-Israel rally on the steps of the Sydney Opera House
has sparked political condemnation and an investigation by Australian police after protesters were filmed chanting, “
Gas the Jews.
Around 1,000 protesters gathered outside Sydney’s iconic performing arts hall late Monday carrying flares and Palestinian flags and chanting “Gas the Jews,” “F–k the Jews” and “Allahu Akbar” (Arabic for “God is great”)...." 

"As German leaders prepared for the invasion of the Soviet Union in spring 1941,...Soviet cities would be destroyed, Soviet industry destroyed, and eastern lands reduced to depopulated prairie ripe for German agrarian colonization.
But the Red Army resisted, and Stalin remained in the Kremlin. It proved difficult to starve large numbers of civilians without total control of territory. Stalin had managed to starve millions of his own citizens in these same lands a few years before, but he had at his disposal, then, an apparatus of terror and a loyal party organization that the invading Germans could not match.... The German Einsatzgruppen made selections of those whom they believed to be Jews and political officers and killed them on the spot. The concentration camps in Germany became killing facilities when they received Soviet prisoners, who were murdered in shooting campaigns at Dachau, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, Mauthausen and Auschwitz. Soviet prisoners were gassed experimentally, using both carbon monoxide (at Sachsenhausen) and hydrogen cyanide (at Auschwitz) – the two agents then used to asphyxiate millions of Jews.... Jews, on other hand, were targeted in 1942 for a policy of complete annihilation." 