Friday, December 1, 2023

Creation Moment 12/1/2023 - 20 Failed Evolutionary Biological Claims SERIES: Junk?

Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men...1 Corinthians 1:25

"Prediction: there must be lots of junk DNA. Evolution needs lots of non-functional DNA for three reasons
a) Being a messy process, evolution could never produce a high
proportion of functional DNA; 
b) Evolution needs lots of non-functional DNA to experiment with so that evolution can be ongoing; 
c) Most mutations are harmful, if only slightly so on average, and there are many of them, so if most of the DNA is functional this means that these mutations would inevitably cause genomic degradation (extinction), not progressive evolution. 
When the ENCODE project found that at least 80% of human DNA is functional, evolutionists went into overdrive to criticize the ‘dangerous’ notion that there was little if any junk DNA. This is a major failure for evolution theory that has hampered scientific progress (why study something that is junk?)!"