Friday, December 1, 2023

IN the NEWS - Not Another One Brewing........ Let's Hope Not

"Satan is exercising his power. ....He imparts to the air a deadly taint, and thousands perish by the pestilence. These visitations are to become more and more frequent and disastrous.” Great Controversy, p. 590 E.G.W.
....and pestilences.... Luke 21:11

"For months, the scientific medical establishment has warned of the potential of another pandemic – one much deadlier than COVID. They have taken to calling this future pandemic, Disease X.
Speaking to the Fox affiliate in Houston, Dr. Peter Hotez, warned of the dangers of Disease X, "We have a likelihood that new pandemic threats, what people are calling the Disease X, are going to be arising on a regular basis," explains Dr. Hotez and he says Disease X, the next pandemic, could hit hard whenever it arrives.

Q: Why does he think some are predicting the next pandemic will make COVID-19 look like a walk in the park? 
A: "You know, I've written about this as well, that COVID-19 is just a warmup act. The next pandemic may not be as severe, but it could be much more severe," says Dr. Hotez.

Bizarrely enough, while the scientific establishment warns of “Disease X” these same scientists are turning a blind eye to a pneumonia epidemic that is sweeping through China – leaving hospitals over-burdened.

--And yet, these agencies are, at the moment, strangely silent about a
mysterious pneumonia that is affecting large numbers of children in two regions of northern China that are about 500 miles apart—Beijing and Liaoning Province. 
--This situation reminds me of the conspicuous fact that the U.S. Consulate General office in Wuhan—which is presumably full of spooks—apparently reported NOTHING about the mysterious pneumonia that started circulating in that city in the autumn of 2019.

Sadly, we all know the next medical crisis is just around the corner. Whether it comes in the form of a bioweapon or something much more mundane like a tick bite – you and your family need to be prepared." 

"An alarming spike in pneumonia cases have been detected in the US and Denmarkechoing a similar surge in China.
It comes just as the Netherlands reported a stark rise in cases of a similar respiratory virus in children. Some 142 children have been sickened by the illness in Warren County, Ohio, between August and October this year, US health officials said.

Mycoplasma pneumonia is sometimes referred to as white lung syndrome because of the way lung damage shows up on scans.

The surge mirrors events unfolding in China, where an unspecified
virus is infecting hundreds of children.

Hospitals in Beijing are overflowing with youngsters lying on floors while hooked up to IVs after showing symptoms such as inflammation in the lungs and a high fever, but no cough.
This, and rising case numbers in the Netherlands, has sparked fears other countries, including the UK, could be impacted over Christmas." 