Wednesday, June 7, 2023

SDA Issues - When Adventist Health handed Lucifer the Keys

When these people eat with you in your fellowship meals commemorating the Lord’s love, they are like dangerous reefs that can shipwreck you. Jude 1:12

"Despite being affiliated with the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
Adventist Health has put in place a system-wide corporate policy for all of its 400+ healthcare sites that prevents using the wrong pronoun, misgendering a patient’s sexual identity, or causing emotional distress by failing to affirm the patient’s true, authentic self.  
Adventist Health has developed policies that affirm a patient’s self-identification and that assign rooms to patients based on their gender identities rather than the biological sex they were born with. These policies are due to the fact that Adventist Health is “a recipient of federal financial assistance.
These are the consequences of funding religious organizations and ministries with tax money. Our institutions become completely secularized as a result, and our truths are rejected. Do not believe for a moment that accepting federal or state funding has no impact on our hospitals and schools. It does, and we are witnessing the results.
---When Seventh-day Adventist healthcare institutions begin assigning patients to hospital rooms based on gender identity rather than biological sex, that tells you that we have surrendered Biblical truth and have bowed to the LGBT+ movement. 
The devil doesn’t have to put up much effort against us because we are gladly giving him the keys to our institutions without a fight."