Wednesday, June 7, 2023

IN the NEWS - Luciferian Inspired Threat to my Congressman

 The heart is deceitful above all things, 
and desperately wicked:  
Jeremiah 17:9

"The Indiana State Police charged a Fort Wayne man with
intimidation and harassment of
Congressman Jim Banks after he allegedly threatened the elected representative and his family.
Aaron L. Thompson, born in 1989, called Banks’ office at least eight times — once on April 6 and seven times on April 11 — and left several threatening messages,
according to a probable cause filing obtained by the Indiana Capital Chronicle.
Intimidation is a Level 6 felony in Indiana and harassment is a Class B misdemeanor.
In an interview with the United States Capitol Police, Thompson admitted to being intoxicated and calling Banks because he disagreed with his political views. In his messages, Thompson told Banks to choose between himself or his daughters, according to the June 2 filing.
Here’s the choice. Your daughters grow up without their dad or you grow old without your daughters,Thompson allegedly said.
 “… boom, boom you pick …”
To Banks specifically, Thompson said he hoped the representative died in a car crash or “(got) his brains blown out,” in an expletive-filled series of messages.
He was arrested Friday and the Allen County Superior Court scheduled an initial hearing for today." WOWO