Wednesday, June 7, 2023

SDA Issues: What to do with Glendale?

A man that is an heretic after the first and second admonition reject;...
Titus 3:10 
Q: At what point is dis-fellowship called for in light of rebellion on Biblical teaching?
"Glendale City Church is an SDA Church in Glendale, California,
not far from the Adventist Hospital. Its senior pastor is Todd Leonard; one of the associate pastors is Leif Lind, an open homosexual who has long been active in SDA Kinship.
Glendale Church Statement:
• Ordain both women and men as clergy
• Protect the right of Adventist centers of education to teach current science to its students while honoring God as Creator
• Stand with congregations that welcome and include our LGBTQ loved ones in their faith communities
---God does not exclude, but He respects our freedom of choice, and ---He allows us to self-exclude from His heavenly kingdom. 
---One way to self-exclude is to publicly identify yourself by your temptations and sins rather than by your salvation in Jesus Christ." 