Friday, May 26, 2023

Creation Moment 5/27/2023 - The Judgment Requires a "CREATOR"

"The message of the three angels flying in midair in Revelation 14 announces that “the hour of His judgment has come.(Rev. 14:7, NKJV).
Since we were created by God with the capacity to make moral
choices, we are responsible for the decisions we make. 
If we are all just the products of time and chance, what we do is determined by the same forces that made us what we are. We do what our molecules determine that we will do. Determinism inevitably follows scientific materialism, and determinism means that we are not free moral agents and cannot be held responsible or accountable for our actions.
Q: How does the concept of a judgment make sense, when every “decision” we think we have made was actually just the interplay of chemical and physical forces? 
Judgment can be real only if we were, and are, free moral agents who have the choice to do wrong or do right. All concepts of judgment and morality, right and wrong, crime and punishment, ultimately rest on a belief in a Creator God who created us with free moral agency, with the free choice and the ability to choose right or wrong."
David Read/Fulcrum7