Thursday, May 25, 2023

The "Really" File - (Gen. 6:5 mania)

And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis  6:5

"Calls to boycott The North Face have followed the outdoor brand’s
release of a transgender ad featuring a drag queen encouraging customers to “come out” with the brand.
 In an Instagram post Wednesday, outdoor recreation products company The North Face presented its “Summer of Pride” campaign featuring drag queen and intersectional environmentalist Pattie Gonia, a self-described “real-life homosexual.”
In the ad, the “drag artist” is seen calling on viewers to “come out” in nature with the brand.
 Salt Lake City, we’re coming for you,” Gonia states, calling for
From the "Really" File

viewers to “come outside and celebrate the beautiful LGHGTV community.”
The matter comes as several well-known corporations are under fire for pushing a woke agenda. 
 On Monday, Dodgers President Stan Kasten proudly announced the team was reinviting the radical anti-Christian transgender group, The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, to its Gay Pride night festivities so the team could bestow a “Community Heroes” award on them......the Walt Disney Co. invited drag queen Nina West to the world premiere of its live-action The Little Mermaid on Monday at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, as it, too,  continues to aggressively push LGBTQ ideology in its entertainment for children." Breitbart