Friday, May 26, 2023

IN the NEWS - BGEA calls for Sunday Sacredness

But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God... Exodus 20:10

"The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) published an article titled “Taking Bach Your Sabbath” and featured Cissie Graham Lynch, the granddaughter of Billy Graham. Cissie Graham Lynch shared the following points about Sunday
Why is this one of the Ten Commandments that we have no problem
breaking in our lives and in our relationship with the Lord?
” asks Lynch. “It’s because our culture says it’s OK. Our culture has redefined what
Sunday should look like.... God gave us the Sabbath for a reason,” Lynch shared on the podcast. “When we don’t take a day of rest, we will not be ready physically, spiritually, and emotionally to face the days ahead.” 
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association makes the case that everyone’s health would benefit from having Sunday off. At the same time, they want us to set this day aside to reconnect with God. This is talking about worship. The BGEA is saying that we cannot “recuperate” or “reclaimSunday rest unless we preserve this day for worship. 
***Sunday rest lacks Biblical support and the conviction that comes from the Holy Spirit. That is why Sunday rest must be mandated by human law.
In both the Old and the New World, the papacy will receive homage in the honor paid to the Sunday institution, that rests solely upon the authority of the Roman Church. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, students of prophecy in the United States have presented this testimony to the world. In the events now taking place is seen a rapid advance toward the fulfillment of the prediction.
With Protestant teachers there is the same claim of divine authority for Sundaykeeping, and the same lack of Scriptural evidence, as with the papal leaders who fabricated miracles to supply the place of a command from God. The assertion that God’s judgments are visited upon men for their violation of the Sunday-sabbath, will be repeated; already it is beginning to be urged. And a movement to enforce Sunday observance is fast gaining ground (Great Controversy, pp. 578, 579/E.G.W.)." AdventMessenger